True You

True You

Episode: 003

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Show Notes

True You

Your who changes your do.

“Who you think you are drives your behavior.” Craig Groeschel

“…it’s critically important for you to know who you are.”

3 Places We Get Our Identity

    • What others think of us

    • Our worst sins or habits

    • Our Enemy

Where we tend to get our identity

What others think of us

“We tend to define ourselves by what we believe influential people in our lives think about us. Psychologists call it the ‘looking-glass self.’ We see ourselves through the eyes of others. We let those people define us, but that is not who we are.”

Our worst sins or habits

“We can also define ourselves by our worst sins or habits.”

I’m an addict
I’m an anxious person

    1. Our Enemy

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“His primary target is your identity. He knows how essential your self-perception is, so he lies to you about who you are.”

That’s why:
•After you yell at your kids, you think, I’m a bad parent.
•When you don’t get the job, you think, I’m pathetic. I never get any breaks.
•When you realize you didn’t read your Bible or pray again
this week, you think, I’m a bad Christian.

Identity Statements and Bible Verses

• Sought after (Isa. 62:12)
• Precious in his sight (Isa. 43:4)
• A new creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17)
• Not condemned (Rom. 8:1)
• Forgiven (Col. 1:14)
• Loved (1 John 3:1)
• Accepted (Rom. 15:7)
• A child of God (John 1:12)
• Jesus’ friend (John 15:14)
• Free (John 8:36)
• The temple of God (1 Cor. 6:19)
• God’s treasured possession (Deut. 7:6)
• Complete in Christ (Col. 2:10 NLT)
• Chosen (Col. 3:12)
• Called (2 Tim. 1:9)
• An ambassador of the Most High God (2 Cor. 5:20)
• God’s masterpiece (Eph. 2:10 NLT)
• Able to do all things through Christ, who gives you strength (Phil. 4:13)
• More than a conqueror through Jesus, who loves you (Rom. 8:37)


In this exercise, let’s identify some of the voices that have accused you and told you things about yourself that are not true.

Has someone in your family or some other close relationship consistently told you something that you have come to believe about yourself–even though it is not based in truth?

List those lies.

Next, list any accusations you consistently repeat about yourself that are not on your list of lies, whether or not you know their origin.

Which of the identity statements and Bible verses listed in this chapter stood out to you? Write out why you feel that statement and verse (or verses) speak to you.


You are who God says you are.

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
-1 John 3:1


[1] Groeschel, C. (2023). The Power to Change: Mastering the Habits That Matter Most. Zondervan.


Hello and welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My name
is Craig Booker. The title of this episode is True

You. A lot of the material for this week’s episode
was inspired by Craig Groeschel’s book The Power

to Change, Mastering the Habits That Matter Most.
Note: I will talk a lot about mental health, but

please note this is not a substitute for therapy
or mental health care. I am not a counselor or

a physician. If you need help with mental health
challenges, please find a qualified mental health

professional. The title of this episode is True
You. Craig Groeschel says, “Who you think you are

drives your behavior. Your who changes your do. He
also goes on to say it’s critically important for

you to know who you are. So where do we tend to get
our identity? There are three places we tend to get

our identity from one is what others think of us
two is our worst sins or habits, and third is our

enemy. So, first, let’s talk about what others think
of us. A quote from Craig Groeschel’s book it says

we tend to Define ourselves by what we believe
influential people in our lives think about us

psychologists call this the Looking Glass Self.
We see ourselves through the eyes of others. We

let those people define us. But that is not who
we are. The second area that we tend to get our

identity from is our own or is our worst sins or
habits. Craig Groeschel says that we can also define

ourselves by our worst sins or habits. An example
or a few examples of this is would be to say I’m

an addict or I’m an anxious person. The third place
that we tend to get our identity from is our enemy.

1 Peter 5:8 in the NLT says, “Stay alert,
watch out for your great enemy, the devil he

prowls around like a roaring lion looking for
someone to devour.” Speaking of our enemy Craig

Groeschel says his primary target is our identity.
He knows how essential your self-perception is.

So he lies to you about who you are. And that
is why after you yell at your kids, you think

I’m a bad parent. When you don’t get the job you
think I’m pathetic I never get me breaks. When you

realize you didn’t read your Bible plan or pray
again this week, you think I’m a bad Christian.

uh in the book, Craig Groeschel lists out what he
calls identity statements and their corresponding

Bible verses. So I’ll read through these quickly
and I encourage you to look through the talk notes

if you’d like to take a deep dive on these.
So identity statements and Bible verses so

Isaiah 62:12 says we are sought after Isaiah
43 4 says we’re precious in His sight second

Corinthians 5:17 says we’re a new creation in
Christ Romans 8:1 says we are not condemned.

Colossians 1:14 says we’re forgiven
for 1 John 3:1 says we’re loved.

uh so there are several there’s a long list of
these. I encourage you to go through them. uh for

this section we also have an exercise and in
this exercise it says let’s Identify some of

the voices that have accused you and told
you things about yourself that are not true

uh it says has someone has someone in your family
or some other close relationship consistently told

you something that you have come to believe about
yourself even though it is not based in truth

list those lies next list any accusations you
consistently repeat about yourself that are

not on your list of lies whether or not you know
their origin which of the identity statements and

Bible verses listed in the chapter stood out
to you write out why you feel that statement

and verse or verses speak to you uh principle uh
you are who God says you are 1 John 3:1 says

see what great love the father has lavished
on us that we should be called children of

God and that is what we are that’s all for
this episode thank you for watching if you

liked the video give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 01/29/2024

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