Stagnation Through Behavior Modification

Stagnation Through Behavior Modification

Episode: 002

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Hello and welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My name
is Craig Booker. The title of this episode is

Stagnation Through Behavior Modification. A
lot of the material for this week’s episode

was inspired by Craig Groeschel’s book The Power
to Change – Mastering the Habits That Matter Most.

Note: I will talk a lot about mental health, but
please note this is not a substitute for therapy

or mental health care. I am not a counselor or
a physician if you need help with mental health

challenges please find a qualified mental
health professional title of this episode

is stagnation through behavior modification in
last episode we discussed why you do what you do

in this episode we will talk about stagnation
through behavior modification Craig Rochelle

says that behaviors never exist in a vacuum the
behaviors that show up in our daily lives have

deeper Roots if you try to change your behavior
without changing your identity you’ll pull you’re

pulling up a weed without getting to the root to
ensure a weed that doesn’t come back you have to

reach down and pull out what is not visible
motivation and willpower are both limited

resources you will quickly deplete behavior
modification does not equip you with the power to

change so James Clear author of atomic habits says
it’s hard to change your habit if you never change

the underlying belief that led you to your past
Behavior so in this section one of the theories

that they discuss is called cybernetics Theory
and it talks about different orders or levels

of changes and so the first one is first order
changes which would be behavior modification

a second ordered change would be changing the way
you think Romans 12 2 of the NLT says don’t copy

the behavior and customs of this world but let God
transform you into a new person by changing the

way you think then you’ll learn to know God’s will
for you which is good and pleasing and perfect

preggo shell says to change what you do you need
you need first to change what you think of you so

we have an exercise and it says if we look at
our start and stop behaviors from a few weeks

ago write down the ways you have failed to change
these behaviors in the past so in past episodes we

discussed what are called start and stop behaviors
and you know these are behaviors we wish to start

and ones that we believe we need to stop to become
the person we are created to be so this is saying

if we look at our start and stop behaviors from a
few weeks ago write down the ways you have failed

to change these behaviors in the past so evidently
you’ve probably tried to change these behaviors at

some point and this is having you write down a
list of why you think you failed at this uh next

it says consider how your past efforts were like
pulling a weed up without getting at the root and

so we have to come to understand how we go about
change matters the way we have been approaching

change isn’t working we must change the way we
think about ourselves uh in the workbook for the

power to change uh there are a few quotes that I
would like to read and it says for as he thinks

within himself so he is that’s verse 23 7 of The
New American Standard Bible in other words the

thoughts running through your mind shape your
perspective and attitude about who you think

you are based on your life events interaction
with others and most importantly your responses

especially internally you form a story that you
tell yourself when you’re locked in on seeing

and thinking certain ways you lose sight of who
you really are because or before you can embrace

the truth of who God says you are you can make the
process Easier by identifying your false identity

beliefs and the uh you can make the process Easier
by identifying your false identity beliefs and the

ways they have undermined your previous plans
have changed think of it as cleaning out the

old false self beliefs in order to make room
for what is true exercise is one two and three

and the power to change are a helpful start for
growing in self-awareness but if you want to go

deeper it is important to understand how your
toxic self-hot your toxic self thoughts were

planted how they’ve been reinforced and taken
root and how they bloomed into false beliefs

about your identity with this as your goal it’s
time to do some thought weeding all right second

Corinthians 10 3-5 and the NLT says we are human
but we don’t wage war as humans do we use God’s

Mighty weapons not worldly weapons to knock down
the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy

false arguments we destroy every proud obstacle
that keeps people from knowing god we capture the

rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ
so we have this idea of a thought Journal it says

jot down any thoughts that negatively impact the
way you see yourself there’s no right or wrong

way to do it as long as you’re able to record
thoughts that prevent you from seeing yourself

the way God sees you start in the morning when
you wake up and check in with yourself go beyond

how you’re feeling and any expectations for that
day instead notice what you’re telling yourself

about yourself record the time and any details
related to your false thinking for instance you

might know Tuesday 8 45 a.m just spilled coffee
on my shirt while getting in my car thought I’m

so clumsy I never do anything right or Friday
10 22 a.m in the break room after team meeting

thought my co-workers think I’m overweight so
I might as well have another Donut for now we

are just trying to record your thoughts along
with the time and circumstances around them

we’ll come back to this later that’s all for
this episode thank you for watching if you

like the video give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Show Notes

Stagnation Through Behavior Modification

Behaviors never exist in a vacuum.

The behaviors that show up in our daily lives have deeper roots.

“If you try to change your behavior without changing your identity, you’re pulling up a weed without getting to the root.” Craig Groeshel

“To ensure a weed doesn’t come back, you have to reach down and pull out what is not visible.” Craig Groeshel

“Motivation and willpower are both limited resources you will deplete quickly. Behavior modification does not equip you with the power to change.” Craig Groeshel

“It’s hard to change your habit if you never change the underlying belief that led you to your past behavior.” James Clear

Cybernetics Theory

First-order change – Behavior modification
Second-order change – Change the way you think

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

To change what you do, you need first to change what you think of you.


If we look at our “start” and “stop” behaviors from a few weeks ago, write down the ways you have failed to change these behaviors in the past.

Consider how your past efforts were like pulling a weed up without getting at the root.

How we go about change matters.
The way we have been approaching change isn’t working.

We must change the way we think about ourselves.

P11 workbook
“For as he thinks within himself, so he is” (23:7 NASB). In other words, the thoughts running through your mind shape your perspective and attitude about who you chink you are. Based on your life events, interactions with others, and most importantly, your responses–especially internally-you form a story that you tell yourself.

P15 Workbook
When you’re locked in on seeing and thinking certain ways, you lose sight of who you really are. Before you can embrace the truth of who God says you are, you can make the process easier by identifying your false identity. beliefs and the ways they have undermined your previous plans to change. Think of it as clearing out the old, false self-beliefs in order to make room for what is true.
Exercises 1, 2, and 3 in The Power to Change are a helpful start for growing in self-awareness. But if you want to go deeper, it’s important to understand how your toxic self-thoughts were planted, how they’ve been reinforced and taken root, and how they’ve bloomed into false beliefs about your identity. With this as your goal, it’s time to do some thought-weeding!

“We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭3‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Thought Journal

Jot down any thoughts that negatively impact the way you see yourself. There’s no right or wrong way to do it as long as you’re able to record thoughts that prevent you from seeing yourself the way God sees you.1

Start in the morning when you wake up and check in with yourself. Go beyond how you’re feeling and any expectations for that day. Instead, notice what you’re telling yourself about yourself. Record the time and any details related to your false thinking. For instance, you might note, “Tuesday, 8:45 am, just spilled coffee on my shirt while getting in my car. Thought: I’m so clumsy -I never do anything right!” Or “Friday, 10:22 am, in breakroom after team meeting. Thought: My coworkers think I’m overweight, so I might as well have another donut.”1

For now, you are just trying to record your thoughts along with the time and circumstances around them. We’ll come back to this later.


[1] Groeschel, C. (2023). The Power to Change: Mastering the Habits That Matter Most. Zondervan.

Last updated on: 01/29/2024

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