Renew Remain Acknowledge Ask

Renew Remain Acknowledge Ask

Episode: 026

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Renew Remain Acknowledge Ask

Craig Groeschel opens this section by telling a story about an old house (1910) he and his wife Amy lived in early in their marriage. In his den, he had a couch, lamp, and a little TV. One night, they tried to turn on the lamp, and it wouldn’t come on. Neither would the TV. Thinking it might be a blown fuse, Craig told Amy he would try to fix it. While he was working on it they brought in extension cords that they plugged into outlets in the kitchen. These cords created an eyesore that they tripped over for three years. One day, when they were getting ready to move out, they found a light switch they hadn’t seen before.1

When they flipped the switch, all of the outlets in the den worked. For three years, they had power; they just didn’t know how to access it.1

“That is also a fairly solid description of my early years of following Jesus. I needed God’s power. It was available to me. But I didn’t know how to access it. How to live in it. How to walk by the Spirit.”1

“Whoever it is that you want to become or stop being, whatever it is that you want to do or stop doing, you need more than willpower. You need God’s power.”1

God can give you the power to:1

    • Love someone who is difficult to love

    • Serve when you’d rather be served

    • Give when it’s scary to give

    • Study when you’d rather play

    • Spend time with your child when you would rather relax

“…how do you rely on God’s power – rather than willpower to overcome the temptation to do wrong?”1

“How do you walk in the Spirit in those moments?”1

“Here are the four words I introduced to you at the end of the last chapter: Renew. Remain. Acknowledge. Ask.”1

There are two for before the moment and two for in the moment.1


Craig Groeschel tells a story about a time in college when he decided he wanted to live for Jesus. He struggled with this decision because he didn’t want to give up sex. Realizing how difficult this would be, he knew he needed God’s power. He felt led to give up dating for an extended period. This time would serve as a point of renewing his way of thinking about women and relationships.1

“To walk in the Spirit, in God’s power, we need to renew our minds: ‘Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will’ (Rom. 12:1-2).”1

“The key to living out God’s ‘good, pleasing and perfect will’ is being ‘transformed by the renewing of your mind.’”1

“When we allow God to change the way we think, it will change how we act.”1

“When we allow God to change the way we think, it will change how we act, how we respond to opportunities and temptations, how we treat people. It will change everything.”1

“This takes us full circle back to ‘who before do.’ You do what you do because of what you think of you. We said that how you think about yourself drives your behavior. Here’s another truth bomb: how you think about everything impacts everything.”1

You renew your mind by consistently reading the Bible. Your success depends on your commitment.1

Another way to renew our minds is by memorizing scripture. This can be done by using index cards or Bible memorization apps.1

A third way to renew your mind is to listen to good bible teaching. Become part of a church faithfully preaching the Bible or by, listening to great teaching online, or both.1


“Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:4-5 NLT).

When we remain in Jesus, God’s power will be evident in our life.

“All of these verses contain the same word we have translated in John 15:4 as ‘remain’ -meno.”1

    • “Mary remained with her about three months, and returned to her house” (Luke 1:56 NKJV).

    • “For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him” (Acts 28:30).

    • “When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs” (Luke 8:277).

    • “Stay there, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Do not move from house to house” (Luke 10.7).

“There are other verses where the word meno is translated ‘stay.’”1

For example:1

    • “They said, ‘Rabbi (which means ‘Teacher), where are you staying?’” (John 1:38).

    • “Peter stayed in Joppa for some time with a tanner named Simon” (Acts 9:43).

    • “Erastus stayed in Corinth, and I left Trophimus sick in Miletus” (2 Tim. 4:20).

In these verses, Jesus is inviting us to make him our home and stay in him.1

“If you remain in Jesus–before the moment- you will be ready with God’s power in the moment.”1


A time will come when you can start the habit you’ve decided to start.
Or maybe you will be tempted to do something you don’t want to do.1

In that moment, you will hear a voice. Not necessarily an audible voice.

It will be cheering you on. It might say, “You’ve got this. It is all you!”

Craig Groeschel says we have to ignore this voice. This voice is from our flesh or the human part of us.

“Ignore that voice and acknowledge that you don’t have the power you need. Say, with Paul, ‘I want to do what is right, but I can’t’ (Rom. 7:18 NLT) and with Jesus, ‘Apart from Jesus, I can do nothing’ (personalizing John 15:5).”1

Twelve-Step Program:

Step One
‘We admitted we were powerless over sin-that our lives had become unmanageable.’2

Step Two
‘We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.’2

In telling his story about quitting drinking during college, Craig says, “I couldn’t do what I needed to do. But then I could. I quit drinking. I could when I admitted I couldn’t. I had what it took when I could no longer deny that I did not have what it took.”1

“Acknowledging ‘I can’t’ is the path to possessing a power you don’t possess.”1


James 4:1

The “desires that battle within you.”

“James writes, ‘You desire but do not have. … You cannot get what you want’ (v. 2). “1

What is the real problem?1
“James continues, ‘You do not have because you do not ask God’ (v. 2). So ask. James chapter one says, ‘You should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you’ (v. 5).”1

We know we need a power greater than ourselves to make positive changes successfully. God is generous and loves to give good gifts to his children (Matthew 7:9-11).

We must first acknowledge. “God, I know I can’t, but you can.”
“God, I know you have the power I need, and you generously give to your children.”
“God, I am asking for your power in this moment.”1

Before the moment – renew and remain.1
In the moment – acknowledge and ask.1

Our God loves it when we come to him. So ASK!


“Use the four keywords in this chapter as a guide for prayer, and
complete these sentences.”1

Father, I pray today you would renew my mind by helping me to:

Father, help me to remain in you today as/when I:

Father, today I acknowledge my weakness and your power. I know lam weak, but you are strong, in:

Father, today, I recognize your great love for me and how you desire to give me good gifts, so l ask you to:


“If you renew and remain before the moment, and if you acknowledge and ask in the moment, you will have God’s power to walk by the Spirit.”1

“Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and l in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.”
-John 15:4-5 NLT


[1] Groeschel, C. (2023). The Power to Change: Mastering the Habits That Matter Most. Zondervan.


Hello and welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My name
is Craig Booker. The title of this episode is Renew

Remain Acknowledge and Ask. A lot of the material
for this week’s episode was inspired by Craig

Groechel’s book The Power to Change – Mastering
the Habits That Matter Most.  Note: I will talk

a lot about mental health but please note this is
not a substitute for therapy or mental health care

I am not a counselor or a physician if you need
help with mental health challenges please find a

qualified mental health professional title of this
episode is Renew Remain Acknowledge Ask. In the

past episode we talked about it’s all you we’re
going through the idea that willpower doesn’t work

but God’s power does and it’s available accessible
active and abundant so that was in last episode so

in this section Craig Rochelle opens by telling
another story about an old house that he and

his wife Amy lived in early in their marriage and
this house was built in 1910 so it was rather old

um and he tells this story about uh his den and
just the small living area that had a couch a

lamp and a just a little TV and one night they
tried to turn on the lamp and it wouldn’t come on

and they tested the TV you know and and nothing
else was working either uh and so thinking that

it might be a fuse that had blown uh Craig told
his wife Amy that he would try to fix it and

he goes into detail saying that fixing things or
being handy around the house is not his strength

um quite the opposite and so you know he makes
this Joe’s joke about it might just be a fuse

so while he was trying to work on it what they
did in the meantime so they would have power

in this this living area was they brought
in extension cords that they would plug in

in another room and kind of drag them like
throughout part of the house through their

dining area into the den so they would have
power in this area and so you know these chords

he said they created an eyesore so they were
just something you had to look at that were

ugly that you would trip over and they they
lived like this for three years uh with no

power in this living area and one day as they
were getting ready to move out they found this

light switch that they hadn’t seen before
and so I think you know Craig started to

put ideas together and go you know I wonder what
this light switch does and he flips the switch and

um he goes and of course he had to disconnect
the extension cords and reconnect them in this

living area and what he discovered was that they
had had power all along it was this this light

switch that they didn’t know about that would
turn those outlets off in that room comment was

that for three years they had had power they just
didn’t know how to access that power he says in

the book he said this is also a fairly solid
description of my early years of following Jesus

I needed God’s power it was available to me but I
didn’t know how to access it how to live in it how

to walk by the spirit and so this this section
or this introduction is kind of setting up this

section of the book saying that he didn’t really
know how to access the power that’s available

through the Holy Spirit and so it says whoever it
is that you want to become or stop being whatever

it is that you want to do or stop doing you will
need more than willpower you will need God’s power

so God can give you the power to love
someone who is difficult to love serve

when you’d rather be served give when it’s
scary to give study when you’d rather play

spend time with your child when you would
rather relax so it goes on to say how do you

rely on God’s power rather than willpower
to overcome the temptation to do wrong

uh he asked the question how do you
walk in the spirit in these moments

right he says here are the four words I introduced
to you at the end of the last chapter renew remain

acknowledge and ask he says there are two for
before the moment and two for in the moment so the

first one is renew and Craig Rochelle again tells
a story about a time in college when he decided

he wanted to live for Jesus and he struggled
with this decision because he didn’t want to

give up sex he realizing how difficult this
would be he knew he needed God’s power he felt

led to give up dating for an extended period
uh and this time would serve as a point of

renewing his way of thinking about women
and relationships all right in Romans 12

1-2 it says to walk in the spirit in God’s
power we need to renew our minds therefore

this is a quote from the book let me clarify
that so to walk in the spirit in God’s power

we need to renew our minds and then here’s Romans
12 1-2 it says therefore I urge you brothers and

sisters in view of God’s mercy to offer your
bodies as Living Sacrifice holy and pleasing

to God this is your true and proper worship do
not conform to the pattern of this world but

be transformed by the renewing of your mind then
you will be able to test and approve what God’s

will is his good pleasing and perfect will all
right he continues and he says the key to living

out God’s good pleasing and perfect will is
being transformed by the renewing of our mind

when we allow God to change the way we think
it will change the way we act how we respond

to opportunities and temptations how we
treat people it will change everything

this takes us full circle back to who before do
uh you do what you do because of what you think

of you you renew your mind by consistently reading
the Bible your success depends on your commitment

another way to renew our minds is by
memorizing scripture and this can be done by

using index cards or maybe a Bible memorization
apps uh a third way to renew your mind is to

listen to good Bible teaching uh become part
of a church Faithfully preaching the Bible or

by listening to great teaching online or both so
that is renew so that’s one of these ideas that

he was talking about to prepare us before the
moment that we get to the second part is remain

well it looks like this is from John 15 4-5 in
the NLT it says re Main and me and I will remain

in you for a branch cannot produce fruit if it is
severed from the vine and you cannot be fruitful

unless you remain in me yes I am the vine
you are the branches those who remain in me

and I am them will produce much fruit
for apart from me you can do nothing

so if we look at this what it’s saying here at
the end of this apart from me you can do nothing

you know this really ties in to these ideas of
acknowledging that I can’t but God can and if

we really bring this into the Practical everyday
of the changes that we’re trying to make the the

positive uh changes to our brain health that we’re
working on uh we really can see full circle like

how we get to our goal it’s not through our own
strength or our own willpower we’re learning that

our willpower is very limited and will run out
and fail us but God’s power won’t and his power is

is easily accessible if we understand how to
tap into his power so it says when we remain

in Jesus God’s power will be evident in our life
in the book he talks about he says all of these

verses that we’ve been looking at contain the
same words we have we have translated in John

15 4 as remain so the word that gets translated
to is Mino like m-e-n-o uh and that is for remain

and so there’s a series of verses here that all
use that and I’ll read those uh here it says Mary

remained with her about three months and returned
to her house Luke 1 uh 56 nkjv and then for two

whole years Paul stayed there in his town rent
in his own excuse me he stayed there in his own

rented house and welcomed all who came to see him
acts 28 30. and then when Jesus stepped ashore he

was met by a demon-possessed man from the town
for a long time this man had not worn clothes

or lived in a house but had lived in the tombs
this is Luke 8. I believe that’s supposed to be

27 and I put two seven seven so then stay there
eating and drinking whatever you whatever they

give you for the worker deserves his wages
do not move from house to house Luke 10 7.

I said there are other verses where the word Mino
is translated stay so those previous verses were

as Mina was translated as remain and there are
other verses where it’s translated as stay uh for

example they said Rabbi which uh Rabbi which means
teacher where are you staying John 1 38 and then

Peter State and Joppa for some time with a Tanner
named Simon asked 9 43 third it says erastus

stayed in Corinth and I left profemis sick in
malettis and it says second temp that was second

Timothy 4 20. it says in these verses Jesus is
inviting us to make him our home and stay in him

it says if you remain in Jesus before the moment
you’ll be ready with God’s power in the moment

so there’s two parts to this we’re gonna
be uh con you know consistently seeking god

um preparing before the moment so that when
the moment happens we are ready we’re prepared

so the renew and remain the two r’s is
what he refers it to ref refers to them

as is before the moment so now we’re going
to look at in the moment these two words

and the first one is acknowledge it says a
time will come when you can start the Habit

you’ve decided to start or maybe you will be
tempted to do something you don’t want to do

in that moment you’ll hear a voice not necessarily
an audible voice I it will be cheering you on it

might say you’ve got this it’s all you and Craig
Rochelle says we have to ignore this voice because

this voice is from our flesh or the human part of
us says uh ignore that voice and acknowledge that

you don’t have the power you need say with Paul
I want to do what is right but I can’t and that’s

from Romans 7 18 NLT and with Jesus who said apart
from Jesus I can do nothing and it says this is

personalizing John 15 5. that is acknowledge
and then he goes on to talk about you know the

12-step program that is associated with Alcoholics
Anonymous and he says in step one of that program

we admit we were powerless over sin that our
lives had become unmanageable and then step two

of that program we came to believe that a power
greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity

uh and then he goes on to say in telling a
story about quitting drinking during college

Craig says I couldn’t do I couldn’t do what I
needed to do but then I could I quit drinking I

could when I admitted I couldn’t so he could
when he admitted he couldn’t there was that

acknowledgment and he said I had what it took when
I could no longer deny that I did not have what it

took so it’s a mouthful but it was at this point
when he admitted he needed help that he needed

God’s power that he was able to make progress and
then the last one is ask and in this part he’s

talking over James chapter four he starts out in
James 1 that says he’s talking about the desires

that battle within you and James writes you desire
but you do not have you cannot get what you want

uh so that’s I think verse 1 and verse 2 there
and then it says so what is a real problem James

continues you do not have because you do not ask
God from verse two it says so ask James chapter

1 says you should ask God who gives generously to
all without finding fault and it will be given to

you uh and he says that’s from verse five uh and
then we see we know we need a power greater than

ourselves to make positive changes successfully
and God is generous and loves to give good gifts

to his children Matthew 7 9 through 11. uh we must
first acknowledge though we must say God I know I

can’t but you can and then we say God I know you
have the power I need and you generously give to

your children God I’m asking for your power in
this moment something we might say in the moment

when we’re struggling with something we need help
before the moment we’re going to renew and remain

and then in the moment we’re going to acknowledge
and ask Our God loves it when we come to him so

the point is ask him ask him for his help tell
him you need him acknowledge that you don’t have

what it takes to do what you’re trying to do all
right so we have an exercise uh from the book and

it says use the four words and this chapter as a
guide for a prayer and complete these sentences

the father I pray today you would renew my mind to
help me do blank so whatever you’re trying to do

and then father help me to remain in you today
as or when I blank okay and then third father

today I acknowledge my weakness and your power I
know I am weak but you are strong in and fill in

the blank and then father today I recognize your
great love for me and how you desire to give me

good gifts so I ask you to blank so there there’s
this exercise um and that you can use it as much

as you need it but I think it’s a good practice to
help us get in the rhythm of seeking God’s power

so we have a principle for this section that
says if you renew and remain before the moment

and if you acknowledge and ask in the moment
you will have God’s power to walk by the spirit

uh then we have a scripture John 15 4-5 in the
NLT it says remain in me and I will remain in

you for a branch cannot produce fruit if
it is severed from the vine and you cannot

be fruitful unless you remain in me yes I
am the vine you are the branches those who

remain in me and I in them will produce much
fruit for apart from me you can do nothing

that’s all for this episode thank you for
watching if you liked the video give us a

thumbs up and be sure to subscribe so
you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 01/24/2024

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