

Episode: 027

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Show Notes


“When you’re winning, you’re winning. When you’re losing, you’re learning.”1

Craig Groeschel

We must remember to keep moving forward.

“As you continue walking, you’ll find that you are moving out of your past and into your future.”1

Craig Groeschel


    • You are walking into your future, into the who you want to be.

    • You are walking away from the sin or self-destructive behavior you want to leave behind

    • You are walking toward the new habits and new life you’ve wanted for so long.

“As we’ve learned, it takes time to get to what you want most.”

What you want now almost always has an immediate payoff.1

    • That cookie tastes good now.

    • Sexual sin feels good now.

    • Sending that mean text when you are angry feels great now.

    • Buying the new car, even though you can’t afford it, feels awe-

    • some now.

“The desires of the flesh have an immediate payoff. But what you want most almost always takes time.”1

“You can have it! But not now. You walk there, with the Spirit, while depending on God, moment by moment. It will take time, but it will be worth it. You may miss out on some short-term fleeting satisfaction, but you will realize you chose the greater reward. You chose what you want most over what you want now.”1


Taking into account everything you have learned throughout the book, and all that God has shown you as you’ve worked through every exercise, let’s calculate your next steps.1

I know the first step I need to take in starting a new habit is:

I know the first step I need to take in stopping an old habit is:

The one change I believe God is calling me to make- in his power, not my own_-is:


“When you’re winning, you’re winning.
When you’re losing, you’re learning.”1

“And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”
Colossians 2:6-7 NLT


[1] Groeschel, C. (2023). The Power to Change: Mastering the Habits That Matter Most. Zondervan.


Hello and welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My name
is Craig Booker. The title of this episode is Steps.

A lot of the material for this week’s episode
was inspired by Craig Groeschel’s book The Power

to Change – Mastering the Habits That Matter Most.
Note: I will talk a lot about mental health, but

please note this is not a substitute for therapy
or mental health care. I am not a counselor or

a physician. If you need help with mental health
challenges, please find a qualified mental health

professional. The title of this episode is Steps.
Last episode we were talking about Renew, Remain,

Acknowledge, and Ask. And this week we are kind
of taking that further and we’re talking about

walking in the Spirit. And this is sort of the
the send-off or the wrapping up of this book.

Craig Groeschel opens with a quote. And he says,
“When you’re winning you’re winning, when you’re

losing you’re learning.” And so one of the things, the main points that he goes over is we must

remember to keep look or to keep moving forward as we’re making progress in our habits and

these the goals that we have things that we’re trying to achieve to improve our mental health.

another quote from Craig Groeschel it says, “As you continue walking you’ll find that you’re moving

out of your past and into your future.” Some things that we need to remember is you’re walking into

your future into the who you want to be. You’re walking away from sin or self-destructive behavior

you want to leave behind and you’re walking toward the new habits and new life you have wanted

for so long. It says, “As we’ve learned it
takes time to get to what you want most.”

We’ve talked about what we want now versus what we want most. And a lot of times what we want

now are the easy things. So there are the things that give us instant gratification versus what

we want most, which usually you know the payoff or the benefits show up later, much later. In

this section it says, “What you want now almost always has an immediate payoff.” And some

examples here. It says, “The cookie tastes good now. Sexual sin feels good now. Sending that mean text…”

“…when you are angry feels great now. Buying the new
car even though you can’t afford it feels awesome.”

now another quote from Craig Groeschel says “The
desires of the flesh have an immediate payoff…”

“…but what you want almost always takes time.”
“And you can have it but not now you walk there…”

“…with the spirit while depending on God moment by
moment it will take time but it will be worth it…”

“…you may miss out on some short-term fleeting
satisfaction but you’ll realize you chose the…”

“…greater reward you chose what you want most over
what you want now.” We have another exercise and it

says, “Taking into account everything you have
learned throughout the book and all that God…”

“…has shown you as you work through every exercise
let’s calculate your next steps.” It says

“I know the first step I need to take in starting
a new habit is” and it gives us a blank to fill in.

The second part is “I know the first step I need to
take in stopping an old habit is” and then you fill

in the blank. It says, “The one change I believe God
is calling me to make in his power not my own is”

blank. So this is the exercise kind of to wrap up
this book. To this point if you’ve not decided to

start a new habit or stop an old one this might
be the good final push that you need to get

started or to stop something that you’re trying
to stop. The principle for this section is it says,

“When you’re winning you’re winning and when
you’re losing you’re learning.” Colossians 2:6

and 7 of the New Living Translation says,
“Now just as you accepted Christ Jesus as

your Lord you must continue to follow him let
your roots grow down into him and let your

lives be built on him. Then your faith will
grow strong and the truth you were taught

and you’ll overflow with thankfulness.” That’s all
for this episode. Thank you for watching. If you

liked the video give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes.

Last updated on: 01/24/2024

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