Can I be transparent with you for a moment? Editing my book last week was rough! I edited a chapter titled “Understanding What Got Me Here.” The chapter outlines the events and circumstances that led me to where I am today in my Fear Story.

What Is A Fear Story?

Everyone’s experience with fear is unique. One of the first things we must realize is that everyone looks at life through their personal lens, aka their perspective. This lens is established in our youth and regularly molded by our thoughts, experiences, people around us, and environment. The same items that shape our perspective also impact our Fear Story.

Fear Story

A Fear Story is the collective thoughts, experiences, events, circumstances, people, and environment contributing to an individual’s lifelong understanding of fear.

Question: Have you thought about the collective experiences, circumstances, events, and thoughts contributing to your Fear Story?

The 3 T’s Of Your Fear Story

Understanding your Fear Story teaches you about past trauma, potential triggers, and behavioral tendencies. Awareness of past trauma, triggers, and tendencies better equips you for the road ahead. Sharing these with a trusted friend or family member allows them to “have your back” when life gets tough.

3 T’s

  • Trauma (Events, circumstances, or people who have negatively impacted how you view the world.)
  • Triggers (Emotions or circumstances that have the power to evoke fear and anxiety.)
  • Tendencies (Behaviors or thought patterns you lean towards given certain circumstances.)

Editing This Chapter

Going through this chapter, I dug through some heavy stuff. Most of this content created months or possibly years ago still wears me out emotionally. Likewise, mapping out your Fear Story might take several sessions. While it is critical to understand my Fear Story, practicing self-care in the discovery process is also essential.


Digging into your Fear Story is no joke. As you explore your Fear Story, take time for self-care such as proper hydration, rest, and nutrition. Break it up into several 30-45 minute sessions. Have bottled water and healthy snacks easily accessible during these sessions. Pray, asking God for help before, during, and after these sessions.

Phone A Friend

Let a trusted friend or family member know about this exercise in advance. Ask them for prayer over this process. If you get stuck processing a rough time in your past, let this person know. It might even be helpful to bring this person into the conversation.

👉 My Challenge

  1. Do you know the collective thoughts, experiences, events, circumstances, people, and environment which contribute to your lifelong understanding of fear?
  2. (Bonus points) Can you identify your 3 T’s from your Fear Story?

Picture of Craig Booker

Craig Booker

I'm the founder of Overflow. Through its newsletter, podcast, community group, and YouTube channel, Overflow helps you improve your well-being.


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