Q & A – Why Study The Power To Change?

Q & A – Why Study the Power to Change?


In this video, I’ll attempt to answer some questions regarding our study of Craig Groeschel’s book The Power To Change Mastering the Habits That Matter Most.

Note: I will talk a lot about mental health, but please note this is not a substitute for therapy or mental health care. I am not a counselor or physician. If you need help with mental health challenges, please find a qualified mental health professional.


Why are we going over this book? What does this have to do with mental health? Like, isn’t this just self-help? And so, you know, I wanted to take a little bit of time to address why we’re going over this book.

It’s not just because I’m a fan of Craig Groeshel because he’s my pastor, and I I enjoy his content.

I really do enjoy his content, but I believe this is at the core of mental health. What he’s talking about here he doesn’t necessarily apply it that way, but what I see is how broadly this applies to a lot of areas of mental health.

And I want to know that it doesn’t apply to all. There are different mental illnesses and conditions. That it’s not a matter of trying to change our habits or change our behaviors.

I’m telling this from my experience because that’s how I’m looking at this from. So I know that there are other conditions that this doesn’t apply to, so I want to be sensitive to that. And know that I’m aware of that. And I’m not making light of that or trying to make people feel bad if they have a condition that is not affected in this way.

But what I do believe, at least from my own journey. And what I’ve seen is far too often, if I have a condition like anxiety, I have focused on removing the anxiety entirely, or if I have depression, I have focused on I want to get to a state where I have no depression.

And I don’t think wanting that or desiring that is bad, but largely in many cases, that’s something that I can’t personally change. If my brain has a chemical imbalance in it, I can take a pill from a doctor that’s prescribed that to me.

Because they’ve seen me and evaluated my condition, I can take a pill to try to offset that chemical imbalance. But that’s not, I mean, I’m taking the step to take the medication, but there’s not much more that I do that I feel like I can change.

The reason why this material here is so important is because these are things that I can actually steps I can actually take to improve my situation and it may not totally make it go away that’s not the point early in my journey at first I just wanted to completely go away and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that I think that’s a natural desire if you’ve gone from a state where you didn’t experience these things to all of a sudden you are experiencing anxiety depression whatever it is you naturally want to go back to that state where you weren’t feeling those things I think that’s fine fine but what I’ve learned is it’s not so easy to make it all disappear instead I’ve learned that it’s more helpful for me to focus on things that I can change or effect and many times Beyond taking medication that a doctor prescribes to me I can’t remove the mental illness or the condition and so things that I can do are right in line with what this book talks about is changing my behavior my habits how I look at things my perspective these are things that I can actually impact that make a big difference in my life so I I wanted to take time to explain that because I think some people that maybe come to the community and see that we’re discussing this book or like why are they discussing this book I’m coming here to learn about mental health I’m struggling with you know whatever it is anxiety depression you know panic disorder general anxiety you name the condition they’re struggling with it and they wanted something different and I’m not saying that this community is for everyone who struggles with anxiety or fear but I think there’s some misconceptions when they initially come across the material that we’re covering and it doesn’t just spell it out for them things that I’ve learned from when I started till now is what got me here a lot of it is unhealthy Behavior it’s not only unhealthy Behavior you know some of it is trauma but also a piece of my journey and getting better is establishing healthier habits.


That’s all for this episode. Thank you for watching! If you liked the video, give us a thumbs up and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes.

Picture of Craig Booker

Craig Booker

I'm the founder of Overflow. Through its newsletter, podcast, community group, and YouTube channel, Overflow helps you improve your well-being.


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