“The cumulative effect is the powerful outcome produced by an action that happens, even if it’s small, over and over across a long period of time.”1
First Option
“I will give you a magic penny that doubles every day for one month. So on the first day it’s one penny.
The second day it’s two. The third day it’s four, and so on.”1
Second option
“I’ll give you that penny or $5 million.”1
“At the end of the thirty days, that penny would be worth $5,368,709. Unless it’s a thirty-one-day month, then double the extra day and it would be worth $10,737,418. You’d be a fool to take the $5 million. “1
“But so often we settle because we discount the cumulative effect: the powerful impact of something happening over and over for a long period of time.”1
“This is typically called “compounding interest,” used in reference to finances. This is the interest you get on the interest.”1
“Grasping the significance of these principles will change your life. In fact, they have already shaped your life.”1
“Who you are today is because of the cumulative and compound effects.”1
In his special message at the beginning of Darren Hardy’s book The Compound Effect Anthony Robbins writes, “Decisions shape your destiny. Little everyday decisons will either take you to the life vou desire or to disaster by default.”2
“If you want to win financially, start now and consistently do the small, right thing.”1
“If you eat just one hundred more calories than you burn every day, you will gain ten pounds in a year.”1
James Clear writes, “Time magnifies the margin between success and failure. It will multiply whatever you feed it. Good habits make time your ally. Bad habits make time your enemy.”3
“A small difference each day adds up and multiplies over time.”1
“You read about a spiritual hero – like a Billy Graham. Or you meet someone who is close to God and has a powerful impact on people for him.”1
This causes you to want what they have. You desire to be like this person.1
“There’s a reason those people are tight with God and have become a spiritual force. They consistently do spiritual disciplines that connect them to God.”1
Book – Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff1
Realize that “it’s all small stuff.”
When it comes to our habits, “there is no such thing as ‘small stuff.’”1
Because of the cumulative effect and compounding interest.1
“What you do every day is turning you into the person you will become and leading you into the life you will live.”1
“What you do occasionally does not make a difference. what you do consistently makes all the difference.”1
“Give some examples from your life of when you have seen the effect of cumulative and compound choices at work–positive or negative.”
“What was the smallest decision you ever made that had the greatest impact on your life?”
“What was the greatest ‘small stuff’ act that impacted your life, such as a word of encouragement, an act of kindness, or a simple gift?”
“What was the last ‘small stuff’ act of your own that impacted someone else?”
“You reap more than you sow.”
“A small change can change everything.”
“To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance.”-Matthew 25:29 NLT
[1] Groeschel, C. (2023). The Power to Change: Mastering the Habits That Matter Most. Zondervan.
[2] Anthony Robbins, special message about The Compound Effect, by Darren Hardy (New York: Vanguard Press, 2010).
[3]Clear, Atomic Habits, 18.
Hello and welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My name
is Craig Booker. In this episode, we’re going to be
talking about You Reap More Than You Sow. A
lot of the material for this week’s episode
was inspired by Craig Groeschel’s book The Power
to Change Mastering the Habits That Matter Most.
Note, I will talk a lot about mental health but
please note this is not a substitute for therapy
or mental health care I am not a counselor or
a physician if you need help with mental health
challenges please find a qualified mental health
professional in this episode we’re going to be
talking about you reap more than you sow so last
week we talked about you reap what you sow this
is kind of taking that one step further in last
week’s episode we were talking about habits and
sewing the right habits to receive the results
that we’re wanting to see in our lives and so
in this section of the book Craig Rochelle is kind
of continuing that discussion of you reap what you
sow by visiting this concept of you reap more than
you sow for individuals that are familiar with
maybe farming or agriculture are probably going to
have a leg up or an advantage here and understand
ending these Concepts Jesus used this metaphor
of sowing seeds because that was something very
familiar to the people in that time for our time
this is a little bit more challenging because a
lot of people are are not familiar with those
terms a quote here it says from Craig Rochelle
it says you don’t just reap what you sow you reap
more than you sow if you put a kernel of wheat
in the ground it will produce a stock with three
heads of wheat a head can contain 15 to 35 kernels
so this is reinforcing this idea that you reap
more than you so Craig Rochelle says this is true
in agriculture and it’s also true in life so it
brings up the question why do you read more than
you sow the first one is the cumulative effect
and the cumulative fact is the powerful outcome
produced by an action that happens even if it’s
small over and over across a long period of time
so he gives this example in this section of what
he calls the Magic Penny he’s presenting this
kind of this a little bit of a maybe a riddle
it’s like if I said I would give you this magic
penny that doubles every day for a month so on
the first day it’s one penny the second day it’s
to the third day it’s four and so on or I could
say I would just give you five million dollars
like which one would you choose at the end of
the 36 days that Penny would be worth 5 million
368 709 unless it’s a 31 day month then double
the extra day and it would be worth 10 million
737 418. you know if you’re familiar with these
type of questions sometimes they kind of seem
they kind of seem like trick questions and they
kind of are so most people would choose the five
million dollars right because you would never
think that this magic penny that doubles every
day would amass to that much money says you’d be a
fool to take the five million dollars but so often
we settle because we discount the cumulative
fact like this is talking about in our lives
we settle because we discount the cumulative fact
the powerful impact of something happening over
and over for a long period of time all right so
that’s the first one the cumulative effect and
then he talks about The Compound Effect this is
typically called compounding interest it’s used in
reference to finances this is the interest you get
on the interests grasping the significance of this
these principles will change your life in fact
they have already shaped your life and it says
who you are today is because of the cumulative
and compound effects in his special message at
the beginning of Darren Hardy’s book The Compound
Effect Anthony Robbins writes decisions shape your
destiny little everyday decisions will either
take you to the life you desire or to Disaster
by default this he’s referencing this book uh by
Darren Hardy called The Compound Effect it’s a
it’s an interesting read if you’re a person
that likes to read or listen to audiobooks
but it talks about the power power of compact
pounding interests all right so in the book he
Craig Rochelle breaks down these different
areas of life and he starts out he’s trying
to apply these these Concepts to different parts
of life and he starts out with financial uh and
uh he goes more into detail in this but I was
trying to pick out the high points from it
um it says if you want to win financially start
now and consistently do the small right thing he
also talks about physical right and so the quote
says if you eat just 100 more calories than you
burn every day you will gain 10 pounds in a year
a quote from James Clear uh James Clear writes
time magnifies the margin between success and
failure it will multiply whatever you feed it
good habits make time your ally bad habits make
time your enemy another quote from Craig Rochelle
it says a small difference each day adds up and
multiplies over time so he’s further you know
emphasizing these Concepts that we’ve just covered
and really just highlighting the importance of
the small things we do every day it goes into the
next section of spiritual it says you read about a
spiritual hero like Billy Graham or maybe you’ve
met someone that you’re you know that’s in your
life and they’re really close to God and they have
a powerful impact on people for him and this gonna
cause a lot of people to want to be or to want
to have what they have you desire to be like this
person there’s a reason those people are tight
with God and have become a spiritual Force they
consistently do spiritual disciplines that connect
them to God so you know these individuals are you
know spending time in the word they’re they’re
spending time praying and seeking God and they’re
doing this consistently just like the habits we’ve
talked about and this is showing the results of
those disciplines all right so we also have a
section that he titled the small stuff and you
know I don’t know how internationally well known
this book was that he talks about but in the U.S
I don’t know how long ago it was but there’s this
book that was titled don’t sweat the small stuff
and so you know kind of the consensus of it was
that you realize that it’s all small stuff you
know he says when it’s about when that’s about
worry that’s fine but when it comes to our habits
there’s no such thing as small stuff because
of the cumulative effect and the compounding
interest there there’s some examples here saving
two dollars a day and putting it in a retirement
count is not small stuff eating an extra 100
calorie bag is not small stuff deciding to
skip working out today is not small stuff telling
your spouse I love you again is not small stuff
having one more drink is not small stuff
writing an encouraging letter to your child
is not small stuff taking a couple of minutes to
pray before you start your day is not small stuff
so these are just all these examples of little
things that we might do that over time if we do
them consistently have a huge impact and another
quote it says what you do every day is turning you
into the person you will become and leading
you into the life you will live what you do
occasionally does not make a difference what
you do consistently makes all the difference
so hopefully you can see cracker cells really kind
of diving deeper into this idea of you reap more
than you sow showing us how the Small Things
Are small habits that we do each day or each
week have a substantial impact on where our lives
go uh he provides an exercise for this section
and we’ll go through it at a high level and then
as always I encourage you if you have time this
week coming up to go through this on your own
so it says give some examples from your own life
of when you have seen the effect of cumulative
and compound choices at work either positive or
negative so he outlines different you know parts
of your life like Financial physical spiritual
as part of the exercise so just trying to
write down some examples and recall examples
that you’ve seen personally and then there’s
some other questions so it says what what
was the smallest decision you’ve ever made
that had the greatest impact on your life
uh then he goes into what was the greatest small
stuff act that impacted your life such as a word
of encouragement an act of kindness or a simple
gift and then we have a last one that was what
was the last small stuff Act of your own that
impacted someone else so this is our exercise
and then we have a principle for this section
uh of course as you read more than you sow
a small change can change everything uh passage
of scripture Matthew 25 29 of the New Living
Translation says to those who use well what
they are given even more will be given and
they will have an abundance that’s all for
this episode thank you for watching if you
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