Speak Life

Speak Life

Episode: 042

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Show Notes

Speak Life

Chinwé opens this chapter by telling a story about a girl named Halle. Halle was a 16-year-old high school junior. At first, Chinwé was blown away by the confidence, poise, and self-control. By the end of their first session, she realized Halle was struggling. According to Chinwé, Halle was plagued by negative self-talk.

What Chinwé learned was that while Halle had a wonderful, loving home environment, Halle had experienced relationships where her friend groups ridiculed and ostracized her.

Halle proved a common myth wrong in that many people falsely believe that if terrible things haven’t happened to them, then they have no reason to experience feelings of despair.

Affirm Kids Constantly

Many kids are exposed to an overwhelming amount of critical and accusatory voices around them. What this means is that is more important now than ever for kids and teens to hear words of affirmation.

A Call to Fathers

It is crucial for fathers to know the important role they play in the life of their son or daughter. The words you say mold them and have a life-long impact on their lives.

“If you are the father of a daughter, I have a special request of you: Affirm your daughters. Not just by words and gestures, but by intentional and consistent actions that send the message you are there for them. The research is clear. Fathers play a pivotal role in their daughter’s self-image, self-esteem, and body image.”

Spark Purpose and Passion

It can be difficult to know what to say when a kid or teen is in the midst of despair. Kids and teens hold so much potential, yet many times they don’t realize it. As parents, mentors, coaches, or caring adults, we play a pivotal role in the development of that potential. The words we use to encourage and lift up children around us hold great influence on the future of our community.

Oftentimes, in teens, adults can see glimpses of greatness where gifts and abilities have yet to be developed. By recognizing and calling out what potential you see you can provide hope while speaking God’s blessings over their lives.

It is important that adults pay attention to tone, eye contact, and intentionality.

If you find yourself wondering where to begin here are a few tips.

Start out by saying things like:

– “You are amazing!”

– “You are so bright!”

– “I am proud of you!”

It is also important to remind them to whom they belong by saying:

– “God is going to do something great in and through you.”

– “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.”

– “You are a child of God.”

Speaking positive words to yourself can change the way your brain is wired. Following several decades of research, scientists know that the human brain is plastic, meaning it can adapt and change physically and chemically. In Dr. Caroline Leaf’s book Switch on Your Brain, she says that humans can change the structure of the brain through the thoughts we consistently think.

In their book titled Words Can Change Your Brain, Dr. Andrew Newberg and Marc Robert Waldman wrote, “…a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes…”

So despite what some might lead you to believe, our words matter, A LOT!

Get Rid of the Ants

Dr. Daniel Amen came up with the idea of Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) after an infestation of ants in his home. Ever since, he has taught his patients how to get rid of the Ants that are interrupting their lives.

Quick science lesson

Did you know that scientists found that we have an average of 6200 thoughts in a day? With each and every thought, our brains release chemical energy. With all of those thoughts, there are bound to be good ones, neutral ones, and bad ones.

Over time, these Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) can become habit-forming. Not only are they habit-forming, but they also take away energy and reinforce neural pathways in the brain. These can have devastating consequences for our brain health.

Challenge Negative Thoughts

In the book, Chinwé encourages readers to use a strategy called THINK.

Is this thought:






T – Is it True?

The human brain is incredibly convincing, especially when facing despair. When thoughts are running out of control, it can be difficult to know what to pay attention to.

One way to do that is to make a list of any lies or negative statements you believe. Next to each of those statements, write out a truth from God’s Word. Keep the list in a place that is easily accessible.

H – Is it Helpful?

Sometimes, thoughts come to me late in the evening, right before bed. Those thoughts have the potential to overwhelm me and keep my brain up late, far past my bedtime. When this happens, I tend to want to work through what I am thinking to come up with an understanding or a solution. What I have found is that I rarely get to the solutions I was hoping for, leading me to lose sleep.

Here is something to help avoid those late nights of interrupted sleep.

When your mind is racing with a thought, and you can’t seem to let it go, ask yourself, Is it helpful?

You see, I commonly assume that if I think about something long enough, I’ll come up with some type of remedy.

It is time to bust a myth.

If I think about something a lot, it will lead me to a solution.


In a study done at Cornell University, they found that 85% of what we worry about never happens.

I – Is it Inspiring?

We all have one. That voice inside our head that tells us something we have done is not good enough. It whispers words like, “You will never get it right!” It likes to speak in absolute terms like, “You always screw things up.” One of the best things we can do for others is to help them eliminate two words from their vocabulary: “always” and “never.”

N – Is it Necessary?

“Most of what we say and do is not necessary, and its omission would save both time and trouble.” Marcus Aurelius

When it comes to what we think, the quote from Marcus Aurelius seems to apply.

“Out of the 6,200 thoughts our human brain generates, 80 percent of them are negative and 95 percent are repeated thoughts from the previous day.” Chinwé Williams

“Much of what we think about is negative, superfluous, or repetitive. Because the mind’s tendency is to focus on unfounded fears and worries, it is important to learn the skill of taking a step back and evaluating the thoughts that arise.”

K – Is it Kind?

The things we think and say to ourselves matter. Far too often, the thoughts that kids, teens, and adults have about themselves are not kind. If one of our friends or family said what we think to ourselves, we would be incredibly offended. So why do we allow ourselves to think or say such things?

Of all the things we can do for ourselves, practicing self-care or self-compassion is one of the more challenging. According to Chinwé Williams, “Kids and teenagers suffering with depression or despair often struggle with self-compassion because the mind in despair has them believing they are unworthy of kindness or care.” None of us want to practice it, but it turns out that self-compassion really does help.

As with almost anything, the more practice given to the THINK technique, the easier it becomes over time.


[1] Hutcherson, W., & Williams, C. (2021). Seen: Healing Despair and Anxiety in Kids and Teens Through the Power of Connection.


Hello and welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My name
is Craig Booker. The title of this episode is Speak Life

the material in this episode is inspired by seen
by wil Hutcherson and chin way Williams. I will

talk a lot about mental health but please note
that this is not a substitute for therapy or

mental health care. The title of this episode is
speak life generally opens this chapter by telling

a story about a girl named Halle Halle was a 16
year old high school junior. At first Chen Wei

was blown away by the confidence, poise and self
control shown by Halle. By the end of their first

session, she realized that Halle was struggling.
According to chin way, Halle was plagued by

negative self talk what chin Wei learned was
that while Holly had a wonderful loving home

environment, Holly had experienced relationships
where her friend groups ridiculed and ostracized

her Halle proved a common myth wrong and that
many people falsely believe that if terrible

things haven’t happened to them, then they have
no reason to experience feelings of despair. It

is no surprise that we live in a different world
today than when most of us grew up the amount of

information that kids and teens are exposed to as
both a positive and negative impact many kids are

exposed to an overwhelming amount of critical and
accusatory voices around them. What this means is

that it is more important now than ever, for
kids or teens to hear words of affirmation. It

is crucial for fathers to know the important
role that they play in the life of their son

or daughter. The words you say mold them, and
have a lifelong impact on their lives. Here’s

a quote from the book, I believe this is Chen
Wei speaking, it says, Chen Wei says if you are

a father of a daughter, I have a special request
of you. affirm your daughter’s not just by words

and gestures, but by intentional and consistent
actions that send the message that you are there

for them. The research is clear, fathers play
a pivotal role in their daughters self image,

self esteem and body image. It can be difficult
to know what to say when a kid or teen is in the

midst of despair. kids and teens have so much
potential, yet many times they don’t realize

it. As parents mentors, coaches are caring adults,
we play a pivotal role in the development of that

potential. The words we use to encourage and lift
up children around us hold great influence on the

future of our community, oftentimes and teens,
adults can see the glimpses of greatness where

gifts and abilities have yet to be developed.
By recognizing and calling out what potential

you see, you can provide hope while speaking God’s
blessings over their lives. It is important that

adults pay attention to the tone, eye contact and
intentionality. If you find yourself wondering

where to begin, here are a few tips. Start out
by saying things like you are amazing. You are

so bright, I am proud of you. It is important
to remind them to whom they belong by saying

God is going to do something great in you and
through you. You are fearfully and wonderfully

made. You are a child of God. speaking positive
words to yourself can change the way your brain

is wired. Following several decades of research,
scientists know that the human brain is plastic,

meaning it can adapt and change physically and
chemically. In Dr. Caroline leafs book switch

on your brain. She says that humans can change
the structure of the brain through the thoughts

we consistently think. In their book titled words
can change your brain Dr. Andrew Newberg and Mark

Robert Waldman wrote a single word has the power
to influence the expression of genes. So despite

what some might lead you to believe our words
matter a lot, Dr. Daniel Amen. Came up with the

idea of automatic negative thoughts or ants as
the abbreviation after an infestation of ants

in his home ever since he has taught his patients
how to get rid of the automatic negative thoughts

that are interrupting their lives. Did you know
that scientists found that we have an average

of 6200 thoughts in a day De with each and every
thought our brains release chemical energy. With

all of those thoughts there are bound to be good
ones, neutral ones and bad ones. Over time these

automatic negative thoughts or ants can become
habit forming. Not only are they habit forming,

but they also take away energy and reinforce
neural pathways in the brain. These can have

devastating consequences for our brain health.
In the book, Qin Wei encourages readers to use a

strategy called think, to challenge the thoughts
that they are facing. Is the thought true,

helpful, inspiring, necessary, or kind? T is it
true, the human brain is incredibly convincing,

especially when facing despair. When thoughts
are running out of control, it can be difficult

to know what to pay attention to. One way to do
that is to make a list of any lies or negative

statements you believe next to each of those
statements write out a truth from God’s word, keep

the list and a place that’s easily accessible.
Next up is H. H, is it helpful. Sometimes thoughts

come to me late in the evening, right before bed.
Those thoughts have the potential to overwhelm me

and keep my brain up late, far past my bedtime.
When this happens, I tend to want to work through

what I’m thinking to come up with an understanding
or a solution. What I have found is that I rarely

get to the solutions. I was hoping for leading
me to lose sleep. Here’s something to help avoid

those late nights of interrupted sleep. When your
mind is racing with a thought. And you can’t seem

to let it go ask yourself, Is it helpful? You
see, I commonly assumed that if I think about

something long enough, I’ll come up with some
type of remedy. So it’s time to bust a myth.

If I think about something a lot, it will lead
to a solution. This is false. In a study done

at Cornell University, they found that 85% of
what we worry about never happens. Next up AI.

Is it inspiring. We all have won that voice inside
our heads that tells us something we have done is

not good enough. It whispers words like you will
never get right. It likes to speak in absolute

terms like you always screw things up. One of
the best things we can do for others, is to help

them eliminate two words from the vocabulary.
always and never. These two absolutes cause an

extraordinary amount of damage in Is it necessary.
Most of what we say and do is not necessary, and

it’s a mission would save both time and trouble.
That’s a quote from Marcus Aurelius. When it comes

to the way we think the quote from Marcus Aurelius
seems to apply. Chen Wei Williams says out of the

6200 thoughts our human brain generates 80% of
them are negative, and 95% are repeated thoughts

from the previous day. In the book, it goes on
to say much of what we think about is negative,

superfluous or repetitive. Because the minds
tendency is to focus on unfounded fears and

worries, it is important to learn the skill of
taking a step back and evaluating the thoughts

that arise. Kay, is it kind, the things we think
and say to ourselves matter? Far too often the

thoughts that kids teens and adults have about
themselves or not kind. If one of our friends or

family members said what we think to ourselves,
we would be incredibly offended. So why do we

allow ourselves to think or say such things,
of all the things we can do for ourselves,

practicing self care or self compassion is
one of the more challenging. According to

Chen Wei Williams, kids and teenagers
suffering with depression or despair,

often struggle with self compassion, because
the mind in despair has them believing they’re

unworthy of kindness or care. None of us want to
practice it. But it turns out that self compassion

really does help. As with almost anything, the
more practice given to the thing technique,

the easier it can become over time. That’s all
for this episode. If you liked the video, please

give us a thumbs up and be sure to subscribe
so you don’t miss out on future episodes.

Last updated on: 01/19/2024

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