Show Notes

Show Up


A Brief Recap

In our last episode, you might recall that when we become hopeless and disconnected from our emotional state, the two halves of the brain begin to separate. This dis-pairing process is called emotional detachment.

When the two sides of our brain are detached, it makes dealing with the constant flow of emotions difficult.

When kids or adults feel seen, it helps the two parts of the brain come back together.

There are tools that can be used to aid the pairing process.

First Pairing Tool – Show Up

If you don’t get anything else, pay attention to this chapter. Showing up is the foundation for all of the other pairing tools.

“…presence influences healing more than anything.”

[Story about Sharon from the book]

“In moments of despair, the people we love need our “outside the door” kind of presence. That kind of presence creates safety like nothing else can. It may seem small, but when we show up, the brain responds in predictable ways.”

“Remember the parent-child attachment we discussed earlier? Showing up isn’t the goal of parenting; secure attachment is the goal. But showing up is the beginning step to accomplish that goal.”

5 Ways to Show Up

1. Show Up Before They Ask You To

As kids grow into teenagers, it can often give parents the idea that their child doesn’t need them anymore. This starts when a child is suddenly embarrassed to have their parent around, and it can feel as though they are pushing you away. It is easy for parents to get offended or hurt and assume their child doesn’t need them.

While it can certainly feel this way, kids often need parents more as they grow into their teen years. It is critical that parents initiate regular, quality time with their teens.

2. Show Up for What Matters to Them

If you do not know what matters to your child, it is time to put on your detective hat. What matters to a teen may not be the most enjoyable activity for their parent. Regardless, it is important to make this process about them.

    • Go with them to their sporting activities, dance, ballet, plays, etc.

    • Take them to see their favorite musician or band in concert.

    • If they’re into superheroes, go to the opening of their favorite character.

    • Play video games with them.

This is a time when you show up with no agenda of your own. Simply enjoy time with them.

3. Show Up When It’s Inconvenient

In many moments, it is easy to feel like you are not needed or wanted as a parent. In their time of crisis, real or imaginary, show up. As parents, we have been showing up their whole lives until this point. This season may look a little different, but it is just as important as when they were little.

As kids mature, this might look like staying up late with them or picking them up from a party where they felt uncomfortable or unsafe.

It’s important as parents that we show up, especially when it’s inconvenient.

4. Show Up Often

Find ways to be predictably available.

Here are a few ideas:
• Create a “conversation place” in your home. A place that is just for conversations. No phones, no screens, just people.
• Be intentional about creating moments. Be available during drive times, evenings, and bedtimes.
• If there is a time when you start to realize your kids are most likely to talk or open up, clear that time in your schedule.
• Text them occasionally to let them know you are thinking about them or praying for them. (Not to the extent you’re stalking, of course.)

The act of showing up often in predictable ways that are not overbearing is the foundation of showing them you care.

5. Show Up Undistracted

In today’s always-on, always-connected world, it is easy for adults to assume that the overuse of technology is a kid’s problem. The truth is that many adults misuse technology as much as kids do.

It’s important that we learn how to set boundaries and to be intentional about showing up with our full attention available.

Show Up When They’re Hurting

In John, Chapter 11, before Jesus does the unthinkable and raises Lazarus from the dead, we see the ultimate example of showing up for those hurting from loss.

Even though Jesus knew that he was about to perform a miracle and the situation would be miraculously resolved, he took time to show up when they were hurting.

In John 11:35, the Bible says, “Jesus wept.”

“Showing up is the beginning. It makes healing possible, because you’re creating a secure attachment. When you create a secure attachment, kids and teens feel loved. Now, we can take even more steps to pair the brain’s emotional and logical processing back together. The tools that follow will help you to maximize what happens when you show up so that you can create a deep connection —one that brings healing.”

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of this. As a parent, mentor, or coach, you do not need to be perfect, but showing up is half of the work.

“When you show up, the pairing process begins. Now that you’re face to face, you can begin to really see them.”

[Exercise from the book]


[1] Hutcherson, W., & Williams, C. (2021). Seen: Healing Despair and Anxiety in Kids and Teens Through the Power of Connection.


hello and welcome to the Overflow podcast my name
is Craig Booker. The title of this episode is Show

Up the material in this episode is inspired by
scene by Will Hutson and chinu Williams. Note: I

will talk a lot about mental health but please
note this is not a substitute for therapy or

mental health care the title of this episode
is show up in last week’s episode you recall

we talked about win in Despair and this week we
are launching into kind of the the core where

we’re talking about all these ways of using what
they call pairing tools and so just to sum up kind

of where we’ve been in our last episode you
might recall that when we become hopeless and

disconnected from our emotional state the two
halves of the brain begin to separate and this

despairing process is called emotional detachment
ment and when the two sides of the brain are

detached it makes dealing with the constant flow
of emotions difficult when kids or adults feel

seen it helps the two parts of the brain come back
together and there are tools that can be used to

Aid this pairing process in today’s episode we’re
going to be talking about the first pairing tool

which is called showing up in the book they say
that if you don’t get anything else from the

book pay attention to this chapter showing up
is the foundation for all of the other pairing

tools uh so they ask the question why like why is
this so important a quote here they say presence

influences healing more than anything we’re
going to talk about the story about Sharon so

this is reading from the book uh in this chapter
it says I chenway which chenway Williams is one

of the authors so I chenway received a phone call
recently from one of my clients Sharon a mother

was concerned about her 15-year-old daughter Ella
who had started behaving differently Sharon had

noticed a sharp decline in Ella’s mood she was
becoming irritable and spending more time alone

Ella was usually very social and she performed
well in school was active on the track team and

had a great group of friends but something just
seemed off Sharon asked me for some advice and

after speaking with them both it seemed Ella
was feeling disappointed about a boyfriend

relationship while she didn’t seem to be thinking
about harming herself Sharon and I decided just

to keep an eye on Ella and keep the conversation
open a few days later Sharon decided to check on

Ella she walked upstairs and sat down in Ella’s
room uh Sharon knew she needed to take some time

to be present with her daughter but unaware yet
how much her presence was actually needed using

listening tools Ella slowly began to open up
and the defining moment came when Sharon asked

a point blank question Ella are you thinking about
hurting yourself initially Ella said I don’t know

then Mom asked again more directly are you having
thoughts of taking your life Ella paused taking

a deep breath before Whispering yes Sharon was
petrified heartbroken and Afraid and Sharon didn’t

know what to say but later reflected I just knew I
couldn’t leave her alone she replied I don’t know

what to do but I love you is it okay if we call
Dr chinu to get help together Ella obliged and

Sharon did didn’t want to just set up a therapist
appointment she knew she needed to help Ella in

the moment and that she couldn’t just leave her
alone so she sat with Ella sometimes quietly and

sometimes listening and offering support and
as the conversation unfolded Ella admitted to

frequently texting until the early morning and
was not getting enough sleep Sharon was shocked

that Ella quickly gave up her phone upon request
without a petition another sign that Ella knew she

needed help and was open to her mom’s guidance
as the night came to an end Ella said she was

afraid to go to sleep uh what can I do Mom asked
would you like to sleep in my room tonight Ella

shook her head no is it okay if I sleep in your
bed with you Sharon asked praying that her child

would agree but knowing she couldn’t force it
no Mom but you could stay close by Ella asked

or could you stay close by Ella asked she breathed
a deep sigh of relief and ended up sleeping right

outside her door that kind of sets the scene
for that story and she asked the question can

you imagine how Ella felt waking up the next
morning knowing she wasn’t alone her mom was

right outside the door she showed up when she
needed her most all right so that’s the story

of Sharon and it says in moments of Despair the
people we love need need our outside the door kind

of presence that kind of presence creates safety
like nothing else can it may seem small but when

we show up the brain responds in predictable ways
remember the parent child attachment we discussed

earlier showing up isn’t the goal of parenting
secure attachment is the goal but showing up is

the beginning step to accomplish that goal so in
the book they go into discussing what they call

five ways to show up number one the first one
here is show up before they ask you to as kids

grow into teenagers it can often give parents the
idea that their child doesn’t need them anymore

this starts when a child is suddenly embarrassed
to have their parent around it’s easy for parents

to feel that kids are pushing us away as they’re
embarrassed about being around their parents and

it’s easy for for par parents to get offended or
hurt and assume that their child doesn’t need them

anymore while it certainly can feel this way kids
often need parents more as they grow into their

teen years it is critical that parents initiate
regular quality time with their teens but show up

for what matters to them and so if if you do not
know what matters to your child uh it is time to

put on your detective’s hat so what matters to
a teen may not be the most enjoyable activity

for their parent regardless it’s important to make
them or make this process about them so you could

apply this outside of just kids and teens so you
know regardless of who you’re trying to support

you need to show up for what matters to that
individual so if you don’t know that individual

well you need to spend some time learning what
matters to them so you can show up in those ways

so they they give some examples I think here they
for kids and teens they say go with them to their

sporting activities dance ballet plays Etc take
them to their favorite you know musician or or

Band in concert if they’re into superheroes go to
the opening of their favorite characters movie uh

maybe play video games with them and this is a
time when you show up with no agenda of your own

just simply enoy enjoy the time with them so you
know apply this to just people in general like

you know figure out what’s important to these
individuals and find ways to show up in small

ways third is to show up when it’s inconvenient
all right so in in many moments it’s easy to feel

like you’re not needed or wanted as a parent
and in their time of Crisis real or imaginary

show up as parents we have we have been showing
up their whole lives until this point and this

season may look a little different but is just
as important as when they were little as kids

mature this might look like staying up late with
them or picking them up from a party where they

felt uncomfortable or unsafe it’s important
as parents that we show up especially when

it’s inconvenient and I I want to broaden this
because you know some of you may not be parents

or you’re not in that season of your life right
now where your parents and you’re just trying to

support your friend and that’s great uh this is
really important as a friend and showing up for

that friend is to show up when it’s inconvenient
you really communicate to them how much you care

and that you’re really there for them for them if
they see that it’s really inconvenient for you and

I’m not saying like make a bunch of drama about
it but don’t necessarily hide it that this took

some sacrifice on your part to show up for them
when that’s the case uh number four was that we

need to show up often so find ways to be to be
predictively excuse me predictably available so

what this is important for kids this is important
for teens this is important for adults uh people

need to see when you’re available because they
want to know that they’re not bugging you right

if they know know that you typically have certain
times of day when you’re available either to text

or phone call they know they can contact you and
they’re not interfering with your life so here are

some IDE a few ideas that they provide in the book
it says create a conversation place in your home a

place that is just for conversations no phones
no screens just people uh then be intentional

about creating moments be available during Drive
times evenings and bedtime times if there is a

time when you start to realize your kids are most
likely to talk or open up clear that time in your

schedule text them occasionally to let them know
you’re thinking about them or praying for them

H now not to the extent that you’re stalking of
course and the act of showing up in predictable

ways that are not overbearing is the foundation
of showing that you care so again this this is

very important just in human relations Is to
show up and and be predictably available for

people uh now we may not as as adults we may not
communicate this well we may not show other people

that we predictively available but I I think
there’s other ways to apply this if you’re

relating to another individual uh then they talk
about number five is show up undistracted and in

the book if you’ve read over the material you
you might notice as I did that looks like they

was six items and not just five and so I don’t
know if that was just an error in counting or

if one of these were supposed to be included
under another one what I call number five is

show up undistracted so today uh in today’s
world where everybody generally has a phone

in their pocket and they’re always checking it
for one reason or another it’s easy for adults

to assume that the technology is a kids’s problem
we assume that kids have impulse control problems

of all you know being on technology and being on
screens all the time and we have to as parents and

mentors and caregivers we have to regulate that
for our kids but the truth is that many adults

misuse technology as much as kids do and it’s
important that we learn how to set boundaries

to be intentional about showing up with our
full attention available so if you’re showing

up for an individual and you’re the reason
that you’re with them or showing up for them

is to show your presence and to let them know
that you’re there for them don’t be constantly

pulling your phone out of your pocket checking it
uh don’t be constantly like looking at your watch

maybe for notifications so be very careful and
very intentional to be undistracted so the next

one is a show up when they’re hurting in John
chap 11 before Jesus Does the unthinkable and

raises Lazarus from the dead we see the ultimate
example of showing up for those hurting from loss

so even though Jesus knew he was about to perform
a miracle and the situation would be miraculously

resolved he took time to show up when they were
hurting in John 11:35 the Bible says that Jesus

wept so even though he you know he knew that he
was about to fix the situation he still took time

to to show up with them and his friend had died
Lazarus had died and so this shows another like

the human element the emotional element of Jesus
when he wept for his friend even though he knew

what he was about to do so it says showing up is
the beginning it makes healing possible because

you’re creating a secure attachment when you
create a secure attachment kids and teens feel

loved now we can take even more steps to pair
the brain’s emotional and logical processing

back together the tools that follow will help you
to maximize what happens when you show up so that

you can create a deep connection one that brings
healing so it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all

of this as a parent as a mentor or a coach you
do not need to be perfect but showing up is half

of the work when you show up the pairing process
begins now that you’re face to face you can begin

to really see them so they give us an exercise
they call it application exercise and it says

how can I apply this tool it says part of showing
up means slowing down take a few moments to think

about how you can create space in your everyday
schedule for conversations with the kid or teen

your a parent or mentoring life is busy for us as
adults and it may feel impossible to be there for

busy teens every day we barely see them as it
is they say our friends at parent it’s a

website have identified four key times parents and
teenagers may have time together on a consistent

basis so one it says morning time instill Purpose
By starting off their day with encouraging words

Meal Time connect regularly by scheduling time
to eat together bedtime interpret life when they

occasionally open up at the end of the day and
then they say their time strength or strengthen

your relationship by adjusting your plans to
show up when they need you all right number two

it says if you’re a coach consider setting time
aside for 10 minutes before practice starts to

check in or parents consider creating a regularly
scheduled game night or backyard bonfire night to

spark conversation create a conversation space in
your house designate a specific room or a set of

chairs as a no phone and no judgment zone for
instance make the family dinner table a device

free table number three show up especially when
they are hurting or when they’ve had a tough day

here are a few ways to show up in a practical way
text them a screenshot of an encouraging quote put

their favorite snack in the room with a note
pick them up early from school and do something

fun together and then it also says take them on
a short two or three day trip camping fishing or

watching their favorite sports team that’s all
for this episode thank you for watching if you

like the video give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 01/22/2024

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