Plan It Out

Plan It Out

Episode: 051

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Plan It Out

Two Types of People

  • Planner
  • Underplanner

Both types of people have their own set of obstacles.

Regardless of which camp you find yourself in, we must have some sort of plan if we want to make progress in our lives. For those who take the whole planning activity too far, the Bible offers great wisdom to get us back on track.

”We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.“
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In other words, there has to be some sort of balance. You don’t want to under plan, but then again, don’t go too far and overdo it, either.

Ultimately, it comes down to us doing our part and trusting God with the results.

If you’re looking to create lasting healthy habits by exercising. Then, it could be that you schedule time for rest and relaxation to prevent yourself from burnout.

If you’re looking to establish healthy eating habits, then it could involve finding healthy recipes, cleaning out all of the unhealthy foods in your pantry, and going grocery shopping.

If you’re listening to this, there’s a good chance that change is something you desire in one area of your life. The important thing to have before you begin is a plan. What will this change look like? How will you get from here to where you want to go? How will you become the person you long to be? It won’t just happen without intentionality, and that includes making a plan.

If you remember, in the past few episodes, we spoke of the stages of change.

  1. Precontemplation
  2. Contemplation
  3. Make the decision to change
  4. Preparation

No matter what you are trying to change, if you don’t spend adequate time in preparation, you will fail.

You don’t lose that extra weight without preparation.

You won’t improve your marriage without preparation.

You don’t climb that mountain without preparation.

You won’t improve your sleep habits without preparation.

You don’t run a marathon without preparation.

This is typically a stage people rush past in eager expectation of their new life.

You won’t change your behavior if you skip past preparation.

Science knows it, and Scripture confirms it, too.

“Be ready (Matthew 24:44 Esv),
“Always be prepared” (1 Peter 3:15 ESV),
“Be ready in season and out of season” (2 Timothy 4:2 ESV).

Maybe it’s time to find a trainer, purchase some gym equipment, hire a counselor, or go see your doctor. Call a close friend.

Verse For Reflection

“Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build your house” (Proverbs
24:27 ESV).


[1] Fileta, D. (2023). Reset. Harvest House Publishers.

Show Notes

Episode Description

In this episode, we discuss the chapter Plan It Out. This is part of a study inspired by Reset – Powerful Habits to Own Your Thoughts, Understand Your Feelings, and Change Your Life by Debra Fileta. We take concepts from the book each week and apply them to brain health.


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welcome to the Overflow podcast my name is Craig
Booker the title of this episode is planed out the

material in this episode is inspired by reset by
Deborah feda I will talk a lot about mental health

but please note that this is not a substitute for
therapy or mental health care there are typically

two types of people there are the planner and
there are the under planner both types of people

have their own set of obstacles regardless of
which Camp you find yourself in we must have

some sort of plan if we want to make progress in
our lives for those who take the whole planning

activity too far the Bible offers great wisdom to
get us back on track Proverbs 169 of the NLT says

we can make our plans but the Lord determines
our steps in other words there has to be some

sort of balance you you don’t want to under plan
but then again you don’t want to overdo it either

ultimately it comes down to us doing our part and
trusting God with the rest if you’re looking to

create lasting healthy habits by exercising then
it could be that you schedule time for rest and

relaxation to prevent yourself from burnout
if you’re looking to establish healthy eating

habits then it could involve finding healthy
recipes cleaning out all the unhealthy Foods

in your pantry and and going grocery shopping if
you’re listening to this there is a good chance

that changes something you desire in one area of
your life the important thing to have before you

begin is a plan what will this change look like
how will you get from here to where you want to

go how will you become the person you long to
be it won’t just happen without intentionality

and that includes making a plan if you remember
in the past few episodes we spoke of the stages

of change there is precontemplation then there
was contemplation third third we have making the

decision to change and fourth we have preparation
no matter what you’re trying to change if you

don’t spend adequate time in preparation
you will fail you don’t lose that extra

weight without preparation you won’t improve your
marriage without preparation you don’t climb that

mountain without preparation you won’t improve
your sleep habits without preparation you don’t

run a marathon without preparation W this is
probably one of the more important stages this

is typically a stage people Rush past in eager
expectation of their new life you won’t change

your behavior if you skip past preparation science
knows it and scripture confirms it too Matthew

24:44 of the ESV says be ready 1 Peter 3:15 of
the ESV says always be prepared 2 Timothy 4:

2 of the ESV says be ready in season and out
of season maybe it’s time to find a trainer

purchase some gym equipment hire a counselor or
go see your doctor or call a close friend verse

for reflection Proverbs 24: 27 of the ESV says
prepare your work outside get everything ready for

yourself in the field and after that build your
house that’s all for this episode if you like the

video please give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 02/10/2024

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