Like a Child

Like a Child

Episode: 059

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Like a Child

Heal From Childhood Wounds

I can remember daydreaming as a child about what it would be like to be an adult. You see, as a child, I often felt like I didn’t quite fit in. I realize we all felt that way to an extent, but that’s not what I am getting at. I often felt like an old soul trapped in a child’s body.

I longed for the time when I would be a grown-up, but not for the reasons you would suspect. It wasn’t because I wanted to drive or drink alcohol. It wasn’t because I wanted the autonomy. I felt like I didn’t fit the mold of a typical child.

I identified with many activities that adults enjoyed, but I also remember disliking many of the activities other kids enjoyed. Hanging out with friends meant that I was largely bored with what other kids wanted to do. I often went along just because it was better than being alone.

I also wanted to be an adult because I reasoned that other people would leave me alone as an adult. I guess I was somewhat of an easy target at times. Kids would pick on me for whatever reason. At first, I got really upset about it, but as I got older, I learned that only made things worse.

Eventually, I learned that, in most cases, I could “kill them with kindness.” Sometimes, this backfired, but many times, those picking on me would give up when they couldn’t get a rise out of me. My refusal to let them bug me proved to be a weapon. I was way more patient than anyone choosing to pick on me. This was my superpower.

While I would love to tell you that this superpower was the key to fighting off wounds from childhood bullies, it wasn’t. Yes, it did give me tools to deal with bullies where there seemed to be few options. Did I come away from childhood bullying unharmed? No.

The impact of bullies and the process of being picked on follows a person well into adulthood. I was quite fortunate in that my bullies did not hound me every moment of every day, but the process did impact me. I would love to say I have complete clarity as to how being picked on influences my current behavior, but I don’t.

There are wounds from my childhood that I have yet to figure out. I can tell you that being picked on can make one feel like they are out of control. The thought of not knowing when a certain person(s) will choose to make fun of you can eat at you. It can cause anxiety, depression, and a whole host of issues.

If we truly want to find healing, we must be willing to put in the work.

“When we get stuck in our wounds from childhood, we end up living out of a place of pain rather than a place of power.” -Debra Fileta

For so many days, I longed to be done with elementary school, middle school, and finally high school. Don’t misunderstand where I am coming from; I didn’t hate my life. I longed for a time when it was acceptable to enjoy the basic things. I wanted a time when kids would stop being mean toward me and treat me with respect.

What I didn’t understand at that time was that this was all possible at any moment. Sure, kids may still try and pick on me, but I could change my response. I also failed to see that simply outlasting them by not getting upset was not a great coping mechanism. Being kind to them was great, but there was something missing that I would only realize as an adult looking back.

I wonder what part of me is stuck in my childhood wounds. Am I living from a place of pain rather than one of victory? How would my life change if I could live from the victory found in my identity in Christ?

When I dreamt about turning 18, I didn’t think about what would happen. Would I magically feel more secure or sure of myself and life? What would happen to all of my childhood emotions? There were so many questions that I never considered.

When a person turns 18, there are certain things they can now do that they couldn’t at 17. What I didn’t realize is that turning a certain age doesn’t change much internally. I didn’t have the certainty and confidence I wanted, and my childhood wounds were still there.

Verse for Reflection

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Mark 19:14).


[1] Fileta, D. (2023). Reset. Harvest House Publishers.

Show Notes

Episode Description

In this episode, we discuss the chapter Like a Child. This is part of a study inspired by Reset – Powerful Habits to Own Your Thoughts, Understand Your Feelings, and Change Your Life by Debra Fileta. We take concepts from the book each week and apply them to brain health.


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the title of this episode is like a child heal
from childhood wounds I can remember daydreaming

as a child about what it would be like to be
an adult you see as a child I often felt like

I didn’t quite fit in I realize we all felt that
way to an extent but that’s not what I’m getting

at I often felt like an old soul trapped in a
child’s body I longed for the time when I would

be a grown-up but not for the reasons you would
suspect it wasn’t because I wanted to drive or

drink alcohol it wasn’t because I wanted the
autonomy I felt like I didn’t fit the mold of

a typical child I identified with many activities
that adults enjoyed but I also remember disliking

many of the activities other kids loved hanging
out with friends meant that I was largely bored

with what other kids wanted to do I often went
along just because it was better than being alone

I also wanted to be an adult because I reasoned
that other kids would leave me alone as an adult

I guess I was a bit of a easy target at times
kids would pick on me for whatever reason at

first I got upset about it but as I got older I
learned that only made things worse eventually

I learned that in most cases I could kill them
with kindness sometimes this backfired but many

times those picking on me would give up when they
see they couldn’t get a rise out of me my refusal

to let them bug me proved to be a weapon I was
way more patient than anyone choosing to pick on

me this was my superpower while I would love
to tell you that this superow was the key to

finding off wounds from childhood bullies it
wasn’t yes it did give me the tools to deal

with bullies where there seemed to be few options
did I come away from childhood bullying unharmed

no the impact of bullies and the process of being
picked on follows a person well into adulthood I

was quite fortunate in that my bullies did not hm
me every moment of every day but the process did

impact me I would love to say I have complete
clarity as to how being picked on influences

my current behavior but I don’t there are wounds
for my childhood that I have yet to figure out I

can tell you that being picked on can make one
feel like they are out of control the thought

of not knowing when a certain person or persons
will choose to make fun of you can eat at you it

can cause anxiety depression and a whole host of
issues if we truly want to find Healing we must

be willing to put in the work Deborah F says that
when we get stuck in our wounds from childhood we

end up living out of a place of pain rather than
a place of power for so many days I long to be

done with elementary school middle school and
finally High School don’t misunderstand where

I’m coming from I didn’t hate my life I long for
a time when it would be acceptable to enjoy the

basic things I wanted a time when kids would
stop being mean towards me and treat me with

respect what I didn’t understand at that time
was this was all possible at any moment sure

kids may still try and pick on me but I could
change my response I also failed to see that

simply outlasting them by not getting upset was
not a great coping mechanism being kind to them

was great but there was something missing that I
would only realize as an adult Looking Backward I

wonder what part of me is stuck in my childhood
wounds am I living from a place of pain rather

than one of Victory how would my life change if I
could live from the victory found in my identity

in Christ when I dreamt about turning 18 I didn’t
think about what would happen would I magically

feel more secure of myself and my life what would
happen to all my childhood emotions there are so

many questions that I never considered when a
person turns 18 there are certain things they

can do now that they couldn’t do at 17 what
I didn’t realize is that turning a certain

age doesn’t change much internally I didn’t have
the certainty and confidence idence I wanted and

my childhood wounds were still there verse for
reflection Mark 19: 14 let the little children

come to me and do not hinder them for the Kingdom
of Heaven belongs to such as these if you like the

video please give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 04/24/2024

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