Inviting God Into Your Worry

Inviting God Into Your Worry

Episode: 032

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Show Notes

What do we know?

“Knowing who worry is (a liar) and
what worry is made of (its anatomy-rooted in fear), we can know our Enemy and his tactics. ” [1]

“And knowing our Enemy is essential to being able to fight well.” [1]

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” [2]

“As we continue this journey to become more equipped to win the war on worry, we know our Enemy: his sole purpose is to take us down and steal our joy (John 10:10).”

“We also need to know ourselves; and most importantly, we need to know our God. Because here’s the reality: if we don’t know God, we won’t be able or willing to invite Him into our worry.” [1]

“That’s a big problem, because the act of inviting God into our worry is one of the most crucial strategies of winning this war.” [1]

Going On the Offensive

“It’s not enough to call worry out or to break it down and study it. If we want to win this battle, we need to strap on our armor and get ready to go on the offensive.” [1]

Our first move
To surrender our concerns to God in prayer.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done” (Philippians 4:6 NLT).

“…Paul wasn’t just saying “don’t worry.” He was giving you an additional offensive step to take. He was encouraging you to invite God into your worry by telling Him everything that’s concerning you.” [1]

“The word worry in this verse means ‘to rip into pieces.’ It’s the same for the word anxiety in Scripture. Anxiety and worry tear our minds and hearts apart. That’s why we have the phrase, ‘I was worried to pieces.’ Worry turns our peace into pieces.” [1]

“God wants us to bring every little piece to Him. That’s the first step in how God brings us peace.” [1]

Just like Adam and Eve in the garden, our first response when we miss the mark is to hide or run from God.

“We run from God when we need to be running to Him.” [1]

    1. Don’t try and fix worry on your own.
      You might be stuck in worry and feel like there’s no way out.

    1. Don’t hide from God.
      You might feel ashamed and embarrassed that you cannot do better. You might feel like a failure.

So what should we do?

    • Call out to Him.

    • Invite God into the anxiety and worry through prayer.

    • Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He’s done.

When you do this, God is in the middle of your worry with you.

Abiding In The Vine

“We counter anxiety by abiding.” [1]

What does it mean to abide?

To abide is to remain or to dwell.

“To stay in a constant posture of surrender and dependency, not on your own strength and four own power but on the character and nature of God.” [1]

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing” John 15:5 NLT

“We are the branches. Jesus is the Vine. That means that He’s the source of life. Of nutrients of richness and vitality. He is our Source. We are the receivers.” [1]

“As branches, our job is to remain. We are to stay connected to the Vine; and when we do, we bear much fruit.” [1]

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23 ESV

“When we invite God into our worry, we surrender or offboard our need for control and we onboard His call to dwell and abide in Him. And the next thing we know, we’re bearing fruit. Were blossoming with patience, love, and peace.” [1]

“For most of us, the primary reason we fall short on abiding and dwelling with God isn’t because we’re not spiritual enough or because we don’t understand the concept.” [1]

Most of us fall short of abiding and dwelling because we are easily distracted.

“The thing with abiding is that it takes time. Just as it’s hard to pour water into a shaky cup, it’s difficult for the peace of God to flow into a heart that’s in constant motion. When we quiet ourselves and sit before Him – really sit and create space to surrender our fears, our anxieties, our burdens to Him–then we abide.” [1]

“…when we spend time with Jesus, when we read His Word and meditate on His truth and His life, we begin to unlock something in our souls.” [1]

Practical Exercise

“We start by breathing out the lies that cause us to feel anxious or stressed. Next, we need to fill that space with something good, something true. As we breathe in, we claim a promise of God.” [1]

    • “Breathe out, ‘I’m abandoned.’ Breathe in, ‘God is in me.’” [1]

    • “Breathe out, ‘My enemies are against me?’ Breathe in, ‘God is for me.” [1]

    • “Breathe out, ‘I am weak.’ Breathe in, ‘God is bigger than me.’” [1]

    • “Breathe out, ‘I am lacking?’ Breathe in, ‘God is enough for me.’” [1]

    • “Breathe out, ‘I am forgotten.’ Breathe in, ‘God is faithful to me.’” [1]


“We’re trained to identify problems and to come up with fixes that will get us through, get us over, or get us around the issue. But that’s not the answer to our war on worry.” [1]

“When it comes to our war, we don’t need a solution We need a Savior.” [1]

Discussion [1]

    1. Take two minutes, shut down your phone, sit in the quiet, and focus on your breathing. Breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. Make a note of how you feel.

    1. Galatians 5 compares the fruit of the flesh with the fruit of the Spirit. Read over those Scriptures and reflect. Which of those fruit are currently most evident in your life?

    1. God wants to hear about what concerns you. What holds you back from going to God with the big and small things that weigh you down?

    1. The Scriptures often describe God as a place of refuge. What does refuge mean, and why would it be beneficial for you to have a strong and sturdy refuge to run to?


[1] Giglio, L. (2022). Winning the War On Worry – Cultivate a Peaceful Heart and a Confident Mind. Thomas Nelson.


hello and welcome to the Overflow podcast my
name is Craig Booker the title of this episode

is inviting God into your worry the material
in this episode is inspired by winning the war

on worry by Louis Giglio note I will talk a lot
about mental health but please note this is not

a substitute for therapy or mental health care
I am not a counselor or a physician if you need

help with mental health challenges please
find a qualified mental health professional

the title of this episode is inviting God
into your worry in last week’s episode we

talked about embracing concern and rejecting
worry in this episode we’re going to pick up

with inviting God into the daily interactions of
our worry so in this section of the book uh Louis

Picks Up starts talking about you know basically
what do we know based on what we’ve learned so far

like we’ve gone through a few different chapters
we’re we’re covered a lot so far and what we know

is that knowing who worry is which is a liar
and what worry is made of it’s Anatomy rooted

in fear we can know our enemy and his tactics
so he goes on to say and knowing our enemy is

essential to being able to fight well this quote
is from Sun Tzu from The Art of War if you know

your enemy and know yourself you need not fear the
result of a hundred battles if you know yourself

but not the enemy for every Victory gained you
will also suffer a defeat if you know neither

the enemy nor yourself you will succumb in every
battle and Louis goes on to say as we continue

this journey to become more equipped to win the
war on worry we we know our enemy his purpose

is to take us down and steal our joy and that’s
referencing it’s not a direct quote but it’s from

John 10 10. so we also need to know ourselves and
most importantly we need to know our God because

here’s the reality if we don’t know God we won’t
be able or willing to invite him into our worry

that’s a big problem because the act of inviting
God into our worry is one of the most crucial

strategies of winning this war he goes into the
section that’s titled going on the offensive it’s

not enough to call worry out or to break it down
and study it if we want to win this battle we need

to strap on our armor and get ready to go on the
offensive so he talks about like our first battle

is to surrender our concerns To God In Prayer
Philippians 4 6 of the NLT says don’t worry about

anything instead pray about everything tell God
what you need and thank him for all he has done

Louis goes on to say Paul wasn’t just saying don’t
worry he was giving you an additional offensive

step to take he was encouraging you to invite God
into your worry by telling him everything that’s

concerning you the word worry in this verse me
means to rip into pieces it’s the same word it’s

the same for the word anxiety in scripture anxiety
and worry tear our minds and hearts apart that’s

why we have the phrase I was worried to Pieces
worry turns our peace into pieces God wants us to

bring every little piece to him that’s the first
step in how God brings us peace just like Adam and

Eve in the garden our first response when we miss
the Mark is to hide or run from God much like them

you know when we mess up our our first response is
to either try to hide or run from God when Louis

says we run from God when we need to be running
to him he goes on to say don’t try and fix worry

on your own you might be stuck in worry and feel
like there’s no way out uh but also he goes on to

say don’t hide from God you might feel ashamed and
embarrassed that you cannot do better you might

feel like a failure but you know the purpose
or the idea here is that we not try to fix it

on our own and we don’t try to hide from God but
that’s exactly what we tried to do in most cases

when we have worry fear anxiety uh is we
we kind of turn inward instead of going

to God so it says what should we do
we need to call out to God we need to

you know tell him what we need tell him our
struggles we need to invite God into the anxiety

and worry through prayer and then we need to tell
God what we need and thank him for all he’s done

when you do this God is in the middle of your
worry with you so that’s bringing them in to the

worry he goes on to talk about abiding in the
vine he says we counter anxiety by Abiding and

what does it mean to abide to abide is to remain
or dwell Louis says to stay in constant posture

it’s to stay in a constant posture of surrender
and dependency not on your own strength and

or uh now if I made a typo there but and for own
power but on the character nature of God John 15

5 of the NLT it says I’m the vine you are the
branches those who remain in me and I in them

will produce much fruit for apart from me you
can do nothing Louie says we are the branches

Jesus is the vine that means that he’s the source
of Life of nutrients of richness and vitality he

is our source we are the receivers as branches our
job is to remain we are to stay connected to the

vine and when we do we bear much fruit Galatians
5 22-23 ESV says the fruit of the spirit is love

joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness
gentleness self-control Louis says when we invite

God into our worry we surrender off board our need
for control and we onboard his call to dwell and

abide in him and the next thing we know we’re
bearing fruit we’re blossoming with patience

love and peace for most of us the primary reason
we fall short on Abiding and dwelling with God

isn’t because we’re not spiritual enough
or because we don’t understand the concept

most of us fall short of Abiding and dwelling
because we’re easily distracted and so in

in this section of the book he goes on
talks talking about one of the reasons

why we’re so easily distracted is due to our
screens our devices and you know he says how

you know how much time we the average person I
think spends on a screen and talks about how many

times we pick it up and all of that information
that you’ve probably heard in other forms in other

places and he says he’s not here to like throw
stones or accuse people of doing it he says he

he uses his device much like we anybody else uses
their device but he’s just showing how I guess how

prevalent distraction is and how easy it is for us
to be distracted by by our devices and the type of

reward it provides our brain when we are always
on our device the thing with abiding is that it

takes time just as is hard to pour water into a
shaky cup it’s difficult for the peace of God to

flow into a heart that’s in constant motion
when we quiet ourselves and sit before him

really sit and create space to surrender our fears
our anxieties our burdens to him then we abide

when we spend time with Jesus we read his word
and meditate on his truth and his life we begin

to unlock something in our souls so in in this
section he says we start by breathing out the lies

that cause us to feel anxious or stressed next
we need to fill that space with something good

something true and as we breathe in we proclaim
a promise of God so he gives some examples here

I think that’ll help it make more sense so if
you’re you know you might be breathing out saying

I’m abandoned and then you breathe in and say
God is in me you breathe out saying my enemies

are against me breathe in God is for me breathe
out I am weak breathe in God Is Bigger Than Me

breathe out I am lacking breathe in God Is Enough
For Me breathed out I am forgotten breathe in God

is faithful to me but the Practical exercise is
is one where we’re you know we’re breathing out

a lie and we’re breathing in and replacing it
with truth a promise of God and so I I think as

individuals we can figure out things that really
resonate with us maybe we identify lies that we’re

believing ourselves and then we go through
the Bible and find a promise or a word from

God that kind of counters that lie and so I think
that’s a great exercise we could all do to help us

in our daily walk as we identify lies and
try to replace them with the truth of God

we’re trying to identify problems and come up
with fixes that will get us through or get us

through get us over or get us around the issue but
that’s not the answer to our war on worry when it

comes to our war we we don’t need a solution
we need a savior so as humans our tendency is

you know ever since the garden our tendency
is to try to live a life apart from God

um and instead of just trusting in
Him we try to find fixes ourself when

someone’s struggling their their tendency
is typically not to reach out to a friend

some people that may be their first instinct
but a lot of people that are struggling with

brain health uh anxiety fear uh depression
they typically turn inward instead of

doing what would really help which is to
reaching out to God or reaching out to a friend

and so you know what this is hinting at is that we
don’t need to solve it ourselves we really need to

tap into God and to reach out to God I would
also add to that we also need to reach out to

other people like our community we have discussion
questions here for this section it says take two

minutes shut down your phone sit in the quiet and
focus on your breathing breathe in deeply through

your nose and out through your mouth make a note
of how you feel that’s number one number two it

says Galatians 5 compares the fruit of the
flesh with the fruit of the spirit read over

those scriptures and reflect which of those fruit
are currently most evident in your life three it

says God wants to hear about what concerns you
what holds what holds you back from going to God

with the big and small things that way weigh you
down number four is the scriptures often describe

God as a place of Refuge what does refuge mean
and why would it be beneficial for you to have

a strong and sturdy Refuge to run to that’s all
for this episode thank you for watching if you

liked the video give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 01/24/2024

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