Choosing a Side

Choosing a Side

Episode: 057

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Choosing a Side

There’s an old saying that every story has two sides. I would take it a step further and say that every story has at least two sides. These sides are a product of our experiences and focus. Ultimately, it boils down to what we choose to focus on.

This week’s habit: shift your story.

In her book Reset, Debra Fileta provides two different perspectives of the same year. What year, you ask? None other than 2020.

We all went through that year together, yet we all have different views on the events and circumstances surrounding the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

Choosing a Side

Perspective 1

The year 2020 was a year filled with fear, uncertainty, and more unknowns than any of us can count. Phrases such as lockdown, quarantine, and social distancing became part of our normal, everyday language. Actions like hugs, face-to-face interaction, going to public places like school or church were no longer a safe option. The harsh reality of the pandemic meant that sickness and possibly death could be around every corner. Many of us said goodbye to friends and family members who were taken from us too soon.

Children growing up in this time came to know fear and uncertainty like few generations have ever known. Isolation became the norm. Death tolls became a statistic reported on the evening news. The world was divided like we had never seen before. It was without a doubt, one of the most challenging times in our World’s history.

Perspective 2

The year 2020 was a year filled with challenges that created more opportunities than our world has seen in recent history. New hurdles created opportunities for innovation around every corner. We learned to appreciate and see just how precious our time together really is. Things we took for granted only months before became things we longed for each and every day.

Restrictions on travel and interaction helped us to see just how important human relationships are to everyone. We learned to value the health and wellness of everyone around us. The challenges helped us see what we had been missing for years.

Children growing up in this time were given one of the greatest gifts that few generations have known. PERSPECTIVE. Relationships were put front and center as we learned how to use virtual meeting tools. The need for a vaccine catapulted medicine forward at hyper speeds never thought possible. This newfound perspective helped us see areas that were broken. We learned to value diversity and love our neighbor. Without a doubt, it was one of the most fascinating times in human history.

Choosing a Side – the Story of 2020

There are many different sides to the story of 2020. We all have our own take on the events and circumstances surrounding 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic. We can choose to focus on the bad, fixating on everything that went wrong, or we can choose to see the good that came out of such trying times. We can fixate on everything that we don’t have or choose to be grateful for what God has blessed us with. The key word here is choose. We have a choice each and every day.

“How we tell ourselves the story has a huge effect on how we live it out.”

Debra Fileta

That does not mean that we ignore the hard times or suppress tough feelings. We must learn to acknowledge them, face them, and process them in a healthy way. Whatever we do, we can’t allow ourselves to get stuck. If we get stuck here, we allow these events and circumstances to define our story.

My question to you is, which version of the story will you choose to focus on today? When it comes to choosing a side, which version of the story will you pick?


[1] Fileta, D. (2023). Reset. Harvest House Publishers.

Show Notes

Episode Description

In this episode, we discuss the chapter Choosing a Side. This is part of a study inspired by Reset – Powerful Habits to Own Your Thoughts, Understand Your Feelings, and Change Your Life by Debra Fileta. We take concepts from the book each week and apply them to brain health.


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the title of this episode is choosing a side
there’s an old saying that every story has

two sides I would take this a step further and
say that every story has at least two sides

these sides are a product of our experiences and
focus ultimately it boils down to what we choose

to focus on this week our habit is shift your
story in her book reset Deborah FAA provides two

different perspectives of the same year what year
you ask none other than 2020 we went through that

year together yet we all have different views
on the events and circumstances surrounding the

covid-19 pandemic let’s take a look at a couple
of different perspectives on the year 2020 2020

was a year filled with fear uncertainty and more
unknown than any of us can count phrases such as

Lockdown quarantine social distancing became
part of our normal everyday language actions

like hugs face-to-face interaction going to public
places like school or church were no longer a safe

option the harsh reality of the pandemic meant
that sickness and possibly death could be around

every corner many of us said goodbye to friends
and family members who were taken from us too

soon children growing up in this time came to
know fear and uncertainty like few Generations

have ever known isolation became the norm death
tolls became a statistic reported on the Evening

News the world was divided like we had never
seen before it was without without a doubt one

of the most challenging times in our world’s
history perspective 2 2020 was a year filled

with challenges that created more opportunities
than our world has seen in recent history new

hurdles created opportunities for Innovation
around every corner we learn to appreciate and

see just how precious our time together really
is things we took for granted only months before

became things we long for each and every day
restrictions on travel and interaction helped

us to see just how important human relationships
are for everyone we learned to Value the health

and wellness of everyone around us the challenges
helped us see what we’ve been missing for years

children growing up in this time were given one
of the greatest gifts that few Generations have

known perspective relationships were put front
and center as we learn how to use Virtual media

needing tools the need for a vaccine catapult and
Medicine forward at hypers speeds never thought

possible this new found perspective helped us
see areas that were broken we learned to Value

diversity and love our neighbor without a doubt
it was one of the most fascinating times in human

history there are many different sides to the
story of 2020 we all have our own take on the

events and circumstances surrounding 2020 and
the covid-19 pandemic we can choose to focus on

the bad fixing on everything that went wrong or
we can choose to see the good that came out of

such trying times we can fixate on everything we
don’t have or choose to be grateful for what God

has blessed us with the key word here is choose
we have a choice each and every day Deborah F

says how we tell ourselves the story has a huge
effect on how we live it out this does not mean

that we ignore the hard times or suppress tough
feelings we must learn to acknowledge them face

them and process them in a healthy way whatever
we do we can’t allow ourselves to get stuck if

we get stuck here we allow these events and
circumstances to Define our story my question

to you is which version of the story will you
choose to focus on today verse for reflection

Ecclesiastes 10: 2 of the NLT a wise person
chooses the right Road a fool takes the wrong


Last updated on: 05/06/2024

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