Change Your Life – Change Your Habits

Overflow Weekly

Issue # 011
| 05/19/2023

This past week, our discussion was on changing our habits. In the book The Power To Change, Craig Groeschel says, “We are largely who and where we are because of our habits.” He goes on to mention that there is a quote that some attribute to Aristotle that says, “We are what we repeatedly do.”

Key Thought:

If you agree with the quote, this would mean:
Who you are, where you are, and the life you are living is largely shaped by your habits.


1. While not all mental health challenges can be improved by changing our habits, have you ever questioned how your own routines contribute positively or negatively to your mental health?

If you are anything like me, the answer is no. So often, I want to change, but rarely examine and reflect on my habits with intentionality.

2. In this week’s episode, Change Your Life? Change Your Habits: we take a look at an exercise to help us examine our routine and evaluate habits.

Want to learn more about changing your habits?
Check out the full episode of the podcast!

If you or someone you care about are experiencing depression or anxiety, please know you don’t have to face them alone.

Check out the Overflow Community by tapping “Join the Overflow Community “. 👇

Last updated on: 01/27/2024
Overflow Weekly

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