The Thing About Goals

The Thing About Goals

Episode: 007

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Show Notes

“Defining your win is how you begin.” Craig Groeschel

Goals Give Direction

Paul wrote a letter to inspire the Christians in Corinth, Greece.

“Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭24‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“I don’t run without a goal. And I don’t box by beating my fists in the air.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭26‬ ‭CEV‬‬

“After winning a gold medal in the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, Mauro Prosperi decided to compete in the 1994 ultramarathon in Morocco–a weeklong race. Mauro disappeared on the fourth day. He ran into a sandstorm, which caused him to go 181 miles off course. He had no idea where he was going. He was completely lost but still continued to run for nine days!”1

“You cannot do what you don’t define.” Craig Groeschel

Define your win

Pastor Craig’s win:

“To create moments of extraordinary impact with my kids.” Craig Groeschel

Goals Give Inspiration

Before and After Pictures

A Biblical before and after picture.

Key moment:
Paul was on the road to Damascus to persecute more Christians when a bright light surrounded him.

Before this moment, Paul went around killing Christians.
Afterward, he became one of the Christians he used to hunt.

God extended grace to Paul, so Paul’s win became sharing God’s grace by preaching the Word of God.

What led Paul to define his win:

“You know what I was like when I followed the Jewish religion—how I violently persecuted God’s church. I did my best to destroy it. I was far ahead of my fellow Jews in my zeal for the traditions of my ancestors. But even before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous grace. Then it pleased him to reveal his Son to me so that I would proclaim the Good News about Jesus to the Gentiles. When this happened, I did not rush out to consult with any human being.” Galatians‬ ‭1‬:‭13‬-‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“Defining the win is not how you win but how you begin.” Craig Groeschel

So how do you win?

“You win when you quit trying.” Craig Groeschel


What are the primary areas of your life where you need to establish a win?


    • Career

    • Finances

    • Health

    • Marriage

    • Parenting

    • Relationship with God

My win is to:

State your goal and who you will share it with for support.
My goal is:

And I commit to sharing this goal with:


Defining your win is how you begin.

Run to win!
1 Corinthians 9:24 NLT


[1] Groeschel, C. (2023). The Power to Change: Mastering the Habits That Matter Most. Zondervan.


Welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My name
is Craig Booker. The title of this episode

is The Thing About Goals. A lot of the material
for this week’s episode was inspired by Craig

Groeschel’s book The Power to Change – Mastering
the Habits That Matter Most
. Note: I will talk a

lot about mental health, but please note this is
not a substitute for therapy or mental health

care. I am not a counselor or a physician. If you
need help with mental health challenges, please

find a qualified mental health professional. The
title of this episode is The Thing About Goals. In

this episode we will start in a new part of the
book that is titled training not trying in past

episodes we were covering the part of the book
called who not do each of the parts of the book

is divided up into sections and so this section
is titled the thing about goals crico shell starts

off with a quote that says defining your win is
how you begin he starts telling a story about

how a problem or or Trend that he noticed in
his own personal life led to him defining a

win he was noticing that his kids at various
times would come up to him and ask him to do

stuff or things that they wanted to do together
with him and he was always telling them or he was

often telling them no for one reason or another
he was either too busy or had too much stuff to do

and so he was reading a book uh that’s called The
Power of moments this led him to to define a win

in his personal life and so as we’re looking into
uh goals and this idea about goals why do we need

goals and one of the reasons that we need goals
is goals give us direction another reason we need

goals is goals give us inspiration so starting
off with goals give us Direction let’s look at

at the story of Paul and Paul wrote a letter to
the Paul wrote a letter to inspire the Christians

in Corinth Greece and in First Corinthians 9 24 in
the New Living Translation says don’t you realize

that a race in a race everyone runs but only one
person gets the prize so run to win uh another

passage uh that he quotes is First Corinthians
9 26 and the cev says I don’t run without a goal

and I don’t Box by beating my fists in the air
in the book uh Craig Rochelle says after winning

a gold medal in the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los
Angeles Morrow prosperi decided to compete in the

1994 Ultra marathon in Morocco a week-long race
Morrow disappeared on the fourth day and he ran

into a sandstorm which caused him to go 181 miles
off course he had no idea where he was going he

was completely lost but still continued to run
for nine days a quote from Craig Rochelle says

you cannot do what you do not define you cannot do
what you don’t Define so he says Define your win

so in the story as I was saying Craig Rochelle
had a problem in his own life that he noticed

and that he was always or he was often telling
his kids no when they wanted to do something for

one reason or another he was too busy uh whatever
reason he was always putting them off and and not

spending the time that he wanted with his kids
and so that led him to Define this win he said

his win is to create moments of extraordinary
impact with my kids all right so that that was

goals give us Direction and now we’re going
to talk about goals give us inspiration

and there’s there’s a concept at least in you
know Western culture that’s called before and

after pictures and simply what this means is you
know if someone is training maybe to get in better

shape maybe they’re training for a marathon maybe
they’re trying to lose weight they will often take

pictures at the beginning of their training and
they will take uh they will take pictures as they

progress and then they’ll take pictures after
they’ve reached their goal and so they if they

take the beginning picture and the the very last
picture and put them side by side they can see a

big difference in their shape uh maybe you know
if they’ve been trying to lose weight they lost

weight or they’ve gained a lot of muscle uh and so
if we take this concept and apply it to the Bible

a Biblical before and after picture uh we can
look at the story of Paul and Paul was on the road

to Damascus to persecute more Christians when a
bright light surrounded him and before this moment

Paul had gone around killing Christians afterwards
he became one of the Christians he used to hunt

God extended Grace to Paul so Paul’s wind became
sharing God’s Grace by preaching the word of God

so what led Paul to Define his win

we’ll look at Galatians 1 13-16 of the New
Living Translation it says do you know what

I you know what I was like when I followed the
Jewish religion how I violently persecuted God’s

church I did my best to destroy it I was far ahead
of my fellow Jews and my Zeal for the traditions

of my ancestors but even before I was born God
chose me and called me by His Marvelous Grace

then it pleased him to reveal his son to me so
that I would proclaim the good news about Jesus

to the Gentiles when this happened I did not
rush out to consult with any human being Craig

Rochelle says defining the wind is not how you win
but how you begin so there’s the question how do

you win and Craig Rochelle says you win when you
quit trying in this episode we have an exercise

uh it says what are the primary areas of your life
where you need to establish a win some examples

might be career finances Health marriage parenting
relationship with God he gives us examples and uh

you could say in this exercise you could say my
win is to and you fill in the blank all right so

State your goal and who you will share it with
for support my goal is blank and I commit to

sharing it with blank principle for this section
is defining your win is how you begin uh First

Corinthians 9 24 in the NLT says run to win that’s
all for this episode thank you for watching if you

liked the video give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 01/29/2024

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