How To Stop Before You Flop

Life Summary Sentences

“Yeah, she fell into sin.”

“He cheated on his wife.”

“He died of a heart attack at fifty-eight.”

”One day Samson went to the Philistine town of Gaza and spent the night with a prostitute.” Judges 16:1

Disasters are rarely the result of an isolated decision. They are almost always the end of a slippery slope.
– Craig Groeschel

“Samson lived in the town of Zorah, some say twenty-five miles from Gaza.” [1]

“Do you know how many steps it takes to go twenty-five miles? Approximately 56,250.” [1]

“We don’t wreck our lives all at once but a little at a time.
Like erosion. We are all tempted to slide down that 56250-step slope every day.” [1]

“That’s why it’s so important to get hold of our habits.” [1]

Based on who you want to become, what one habit do you need to stop? [1]

”You have been raised to life with Christ. Now set your heart on what is in heaven, where Christ rules at God’s right side. Think about what is up there, not about what is here on earth. You died, which means that your life is hidden with Christ, who sits beside God… Each of you is now a new person You are becoming more and more like your Creator, and you will understand him better” (Col. 31-3, 10 CEV).

Paul encourages us: Forget about who you were. Know who you are in Christ and who you want to become in him.  [1]

“Don’t be controlled by your body. Kill every desire for the wrong kind of sex. Don’t be immoral or indecent or have evil thoughts. Don’t be greedy, which is the same as worshiping idols…But now you must stop doing such things. You must quit being angry, hateful, and evil. You must no longer say insulting or cruel things about others. And stop lying to each other. You have given up your old way of life with its habits.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬, 8‬-‭9‬ ‭CEV‬‬

“…if you want to become who you want to become, there are some habits you need to give up.” [1]

“So, based on who you want to become, what one habit do you need to break?” [1]

If this is overwhelming because not one habit but many come to mind, know that you aren’t alone.

“The Accuser knows that if he can keep you focused on and overwhelmed by all those issues, he’ll keep defeating you.” [1]

You cannot defeat what you cannot define.
– Craig Groeschel

Why is this so difficult?

“Good habits are difficult to start because the pain comes now and the payoff is in the future.” [1]

“Bad habits are difficult to stop because the payoff comes now and the pain is in the future.” [1]

Why resist a temptation tomorrow if you have the power to eliminate it today?
– Craig Groeschel

“…we need to understand cues and identify the ones that trigger our habits.” [1]

“We are going to remove the triggers that tempt us to take actions that lead in the wrong direction.” [1]

“If we can’t remove the cue altogether, we will put up some roadblocks to prevent us from setting foot on “the path of the wicked.” [1]

“How do you win that battle and break the habit?
Remove the triggers. God is the one who gave us this idea of eliminating (instead of battling) temptation: ‘Flee from sexual immorality’ (1 Cor. 6:18). ‘Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts’ (2 Tim. 2:22 NLT).” [1]


If you are trying to eliminate porn triggers, you will figure out what “stimulates” your “youthful lusts”?  [1]

If social media apps are your trigger, delete the app.
If it is watching a certain TV show, stop watching it.
Maybe it is being alone when you travel on business. Make travel arrangements that take away this option.

The habits you have today are shaping who you will become tomorrow. One step at a time, your habits are taking you somewhere. [1]

If you don’t like where they’re taking you, change your habits.
If you change your habits, you will change your life. [1]


“This exercise is more intensive for good reason. If a habit you are struggling with, especially in secret, could lead to a Samson-type ending for you, digging in and being fully transparent in your response to these questions could bring clarity and understanding. Let your answers lead to change, and let the change lead to freedom.” [1]

“What is the one habit you know you most need to stop?” [1]

“What is the best thing that could happen if you are successful and quit?” [1]

“What is the worst thing that could happen if you continue or get worse?” [1]

“When you think about stopping, what is your rationalization for continuing?” [1]

“What cues regularly create triggers for your habit?” [1]


“Good habits are difficult to start because the pain comes now and the payoff is in the future.” [1]

“Bad habits are difficult to stop because the payoff comes now and the pain is in the future.” [1]

Let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9 NLT


[1] Groeschel, C. (2023). The Power to Change: Mastering the Habits That Matter Most. Zondervan.

Show Notes

Episode Description

In this episode, we discuss How To Stop Before You Flop, which is about stopping habits. This episode was part of a study inspired by The Power To Change by Craig Groeschel. Each week, I take concepts from Pastor Craig Groeschel’s book, The Power To Change, and apply them to brain health.


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Hello and welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My name
is Craig Booker. The title of this

episode is How to Stop Before You Flop. A lot
of the material for this week’s episode was

inspired by Craig Groeschel’s book The Power to
Change, Mastering the Habits That Matter Most.

Note: I will talk a lot about mental health but
please note this is not a substitute for therapy

or mental health care I am not a counselor or
a physician if you need help with mental health

challenges, please find a qualified mental health
professional. This episode’s title is How to Stop

Before You Flop. In this section of the book Craig
Groeschel talks about life summary sentences. These

are like one sentence that sums up an entire
person’s life you’ve probably heard people use

these life summary sentences about other people
some examples are yeah she fell into sin or he

cheated on his wife another example from judges 16
verses 1 was one day Samson went to the Philistine

town of Gaza and spent the night with a prostitute
Samson didn’t live a short life right but this

one sentence seems to sum up his entire life I a
quote from Craig Rochelle it says disasters are

rarely the result of an isolated decision they
are almost always the end of a slippery slope

Samson live in the town of Zora some say was 25
miles from Gaza you know Samson didn’t just take

a quick walk across the street to get to Zora it
was 25 miles from his hometown of Gaza do you know

how many steps it takes to go 25 miles he did the
math and it’s approximately 56 250 steps it wasn’t

that he got in his car and drove real quickly to
this destination he had a lot of time to think

about this we don’t wreck Our Lives all at once
but a little at a time he said like erosion we

are all tempted to slide down that 56 250 step
slope every day that’s why it’s important to

get a hold of our habits based on who you want
to be come what one habit do you need to stop

Colossians 3 1-3 and verse 10. you have been
raised to life with Christ Now set your heart

on what is in heaven where Christ rules at God’s
right side think about what is up there not about

what is here on Earth you died which means that
your life is hidden with Christ who sits beside

God each of you is now a person now a new person
you are becoming more and more like your Creator

and you will understand him better so here Paul
is encouraging us to forget about who you were

know who you are in Christ and who you want to
become in him so in our study we’ve been talking

a lot about you know the reason behind why we do
things we’ve been talking about the who we feel

called to become in Colossians 3 5 verses or
three five and then eight through nine it says

don’t be controlled by your body body kill every
desire of the wrong kind of sex don’t be immoral

or indecent or have evil thoughts don’t be greedy
which is the same as worshiping Idols but now you

must stop doing such things you must quit being
angry hateful and evil you must no longer say

insulting or cruel things about others and stop
lying to each other you have given up your old

way your old way of life with its habits so here
we’re we’re hearing this call I believe this is

from Paul as well to leave our old ways behind
our old habits our old desires we are to kill

off those desires and grow new habits into the
person that were to become if you want to become

who you want to become there are some habits
you need to give up so based on who you want

to become what one habit do you need to break now
if this is overwhelming because there’s not just

one habit but a lot I know that you’re on alone
all of us can probably sit and think about all

these habits we need to break in our lives
and that process can really be overwhelming

Craig Rochelle says you cannot defeat what
you cannot Define so if we’re not willing to

specify what we’re trying to quit it’s going
to be really hard to defeat that bad habit

so the question is why is this so difficult for
us and uh so we we have good habits are difficult

to start because the pain comes now and the payoff
is in the future so no matter what that is whether

you’re trying to start a new habit to get in
better physical shape that’s hard because when you

start it’s painful you know your your muscles are
sore immediately after if not during your workout

and the payoff for that is far down the line
likewise if you know you’re trying to uh like I’ve

been trying to eat healthier so I can lose some
weight at first when I I started tracking all the

food that I’m eating each meal so that I’m only
eating so many calories each day it was incredibly

difficult I could no longer just go and and grab
whatever look good for me to eat I had to consider

you know what was in my food because it’s really
easy uh to go over the amount of calories I was

supposed to eat in a day to be healthy and to lose
weight um and this pain was really really a tough

process and now I’m over a month into this and
it’s still not completely easy but the process

is much more manageable than when I started
that’s why these good habits are so hard to

start is because the payoff that we’re seeking
is far out into the future and likewise if we

contrast this with bad habits it says bad habits
are difficult to stop because the payoff comes

now the fun is now and that’s that’s why they’re
so hard is the benefit is right now and the pain

is in the future like maybe the pain is regret
for that bad habit and that regret doesn’t come

immediately it’s a little bit after the Habit
Craig Rochelle says why resist a Temptation

tomorrow if you have the power to eliminate it
today we need to understand cues and identify

the ones that trigger our habits we talked about
I believe is in the past couple of weeks or the

past couple of episodes we’ve talked about cues
or triggers that lead us into our habits and so

this is saying that we need to understand those
cues and triggers so that we can better understand

how to stop those habits those bad habits we are
going to remove the triggers that tempt us to take

actions that lead in the wrong direction so if you
are trying to stop overeating you know there may

be certain cues or triggers that cause you to go
grab food when you’re not hungry or grab too much

food and so it’s recognizing what those triggers
or cues are so that we can interrupt the process

if we can’t remove the cues all together we
will put up some roadblocks to prevent us from

setting foot on the path of the wicked I have
a quote here from the book it says how do you

win the battle and break the Habit remove the
triggers God is the one who gave us this idea

of eliminating instead of battling Temptation it
says flee from sexual immorality First Corinthians

6 18 or run from anything that stimulates youthful
lusts second Timothy 2 22 New Living Translation

so I have an example here if you’re trying
to eliminate pornography triggers uh you

will figure out what stimulates your youthful
less so for a person that’s struggling with

pornography addiction the idea is to figure
out what stirs up or stimulates those desires

and the examples in the book were you know if
social media apps are your trigger delete the app

or the apps if it is watching a certain TV show
stop watching that show maybe it is being alone

when you travel on business uh maybe you could
make travel Arrangements that take this option

away where you’re not alone the habits you have
today are shaping who you will become tomorrow

one step at a time your habits are taking
you somewhere if you don’t like where they’re

taking you change your habits if you change
your habits you will change your life again

these are principles we’ve built on from past
episodes or past weeks and so we’re piling all

a lot of this together in this lesson all right
so we have an exercise and this exercise is more

intensive for good reason and if a habit you’re
struggling with especially in secret could lead

to a Samson type ending for you digging in
and being fully transparent in your response

to these questions could bring you Clarity and
understanding let your answers lead to change

and let the change lead to Freedom all
right so I’ve got a list of questions here

um as always I encourage you to do this at some
time in your week and go through this exercise but

we’re just going to briefly go over each of these
questions it’s what is one habit you know you

must or you most need to stop next was what is the
best thing that could happen if you’re successful

and quit so what is the worst thing that could
happen if you continue or get worse when you think

about stopping what is your rationalization for
continuing and then last is what cues regularly

create triggers for your habit so these are
all a list of questions really to help us

reflect on what is going on in the situation
so we can better understand it and possibly

interrupt or put up a roadblock to keep us from
going from that cue to acting on your desire

so before we talked about how that we have that q
and then there’s a craving immediately after that

cue so this is trying to interrupt from going
you know you have a cue you have a craving and

then typically you respond in some way so this is
trying to interrupt that and help you understand

how to kind of break that cycle of that bad habit
the principle for this section is good habits are

difficult to start because the pain comes now
and the payoff is in the future bad habits are

difficult to stop because the payoff comes now
and the pain is in the future Galatians 6 9 of the

New Living Translation says let’s not get tired
of doing what is good at just the right time we

will reap a harvest a blessing if we don’t give
up but yeah this this whole section is difficult

I don’t know if it is for you guys it’s it’s
really difficult like you said because you

know the bad habits that we’re trying to get rid
of really reward us immediately and that makes

quitting those really difficult but I I hope
this kind of breaks down the process in a more

practical way to help each of us stop bad habits
that we want to stop you know if we understand

who we’re we’re trying to become the person
we’re trying to become there are habits that

are getting in the way of that so if you’re like
what I think most people go through when they’re

doing this exercise you know when we were talking
about who before do like who we are supposed to

become we probably went through and listed a bunch
of habits that we need to break or we need to stop

and the list might need might be overwhelming
for a lot of you but you know that to become who

you’re supposed to become or who you’re supposed
to be you need to break some of those habits but

you just don’t know where to start so you know
maybe it’s before you get started it’s time to

reflect on it pray ask God for some clarity on
what habits you need to stop and you know another

approach to this is to look at your list of habits
and see what would make the biggest impact right

now if you stopped it I think one of the questions
was leading to that is you know thinking about

what is the best thing that could happen if you’re
successful at quitting this habit what could it

lead to like how does it how does it better enable
you to become the person you’re supposed to be

if we look at that we look at the why behind it
it helps to really keep us motivated when we’re

really struggling to break this habit that’s all
for this episode thank you for watching if you

like the video give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 02/03/2024

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