Putting a Dagger in the Heart of Worry

Putting a Dagger in the Heart of Worry

Episode: 034

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Show Notes

Putting a Dagger In the Heart of Worry – Introduction

Far too often, the reason worry sticks around is we become complacent. We accept worry as just another part of our lives.

“In the previous chapter we looked at how the perfect love of God drives out fear and leads us to surrender our idea of control, which then leads us to worship rather than worry. The more we discover about the love of God, the more we’re wanting and willing to surrender, and the more worship we give to Him.”

God Delights in You!

“…the more we delight in God, the more we discover that He delights in us.”

“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”

Zephaniah 3:17

“God takes great delight in you. He quiets all forms of worry and anxiety with His perfect love. And just in case you are ever tempted to listen to the sound of the world and be pulled back into fear, God says that He rejoices over you with singing.”

How do we win the war on worry?

“We take back the battleground of our minds. We tear down the house that worry built, and we set out to build a new and peace-filled home on the most stable rock and foundation—the person and work of Jesus.”

It’s Time for a Home Renovation

“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

“…you have the power through Christ to identify and bind the power of every lie that comes into your mind. You can take captive every thought! When you commit to this and put it into practice, you begin tearing down the house that worry built, brick by brick and thought by thought.”

Stand Ready

Don’t expect the demolition process to be easy. Understand that the Enemy isn’t going to just sit there and take it as you pick apart the house he’s built in your heart.

“Whenever you set out to make a change, to start tearing down bricks and demolishing strongholds, the Enemy seems to rise up and attack with even more vengeance.”

“…no weapon forged against you will prevail…”

Isaiah 54:17 NIV

“You have all you need, offensively and defensively, to start this process of demolishing the house that worry built.”

The goal here is to change the way we think.

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” ‭‭

Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

How do we drive a dagger through the heart of worry?

“We think about different things than the things that are causing us to worry.”

“Controlling and then changing what you think about isn’t easy. But that doesn’t mean that the solution can’t be this simple. For most of our dealings with worry, it really does boil down to us changing the way we think.”

“You see, worry is born from fear and the attempt for control; but as worry grows up, it lives and takes up residence in the mind. Over time, it slowly but surely begins building a house, one brick at a time.”

“It takes that one conversation, one critique, one circumstance that is out of your control, and it slowly adds it to the structure. A bit of anxiety here, a dash of fear there, and before we know it, worry is taking up a lot of real estate in our minds.”

Where did that thought come from?

“Worry thrives in our heads because it feasts on the future and things that have not yet come to pass. I’d guess that if you took ten minutes and wrote down everything you can think of that is currently worrying you, most of your list would be things that haven’t happened yet.”

“…worry works best when it can convince you to spend your time fighting imaginary battles, therefore paralyzing you to the real work at hand.”

“If our goal is to be transformed and to fully take up our identity as a new creation, a loved son or a loved daughter of the King of the universe, we’ll need to start by renewing our minds.”

Romans 12:2

“As we take our thoughts captive, we slowly begin deconstructing the house that worry built.”

“if we’re going to place a dagger through the heart of worry, it’s not enough to tear down the strongholds worry has built in our minds. We need to remove and replace those thoughts with something else. That’s where Philippians 4 comes in.”

Start by looking at Philippians 4:8:

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

If that’s not enough, look at Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭22‬-‭23:

“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭22‬-‭23‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Ask Yourself:

“Does the thought line up with that which is loving, joyous, peaceful, or patient? If the answer is yes, keep that thought. If the answer is no, it doesn’t line up, then you know it’s time for a replacement.”

“Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we become competent (2 Corinthians 3:4-5) to carry out all the good works that God has created for us to walk in (Ephesians 2:10).”

“In the Old Testament, God gave His people the Mosaic law, and He commanded them to obey every statute and decree. He did this for two reasons: first, to show how holy and perfect He was. And second, to show how impossible it was for us to reach that standard of perfection. In effect, God laid on the Israelites an impossibly heavy burden and said, “See, you can’t carry this on your own. You need a Savior.”

“God fulfilled the righteous requirement of the law in us, who no longer are bound to live according to the flesh and the anxieties that so commonly drag us down. We no longer live as slaves to those fears. No longer are we destined to spiral into a tunnel of control only to come out the other side with a mile-long list of worries.”

“You won’t drive the dagger of God’s perfect love through the heart of worry unless you realize that through Christ, you have the power to do all things.”


    1. Take a few minutes to write down any thoughts that are worrying you right now. Below each thought, write out a truth about God you can use to refute and replace that thought of worry.

    1. What inputs are constantly pushing thoughts of worry into your heart? Are there any streams you need to cut off if you are going to get serious about tearing down the house that worry built?

    1. Read Philippians 4:8. Pick one of the words Paul encouraged you to think about and write out a list of thoughts that relate to that word.

    1. What does it mean that you are a “new creation” in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17)? What in your life has been made new?


[1] Giglio, L. (2022). Winning the War On Worry – Cultivate a Peaceful Heart and a Confident Mind. Thomas Nelson.


Hello, and welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My
name is Craig Booker. The title of this episode

is Putting a Dagger in the Heart of Worry. The
material in this episode is inspired by Winning

the War on Worry by Louie Giglio. Note: I will talk
a lot about mental health, but please note this

is not a substitute for therapy or mental health
care. I am not a counselor or a physician. If you need

help with mental health challenges, please find a
qualified mental health professional. The title of

this episode is Putting a Dagger in the Heart of
Worry. Last week, when we met, we were talking

about the power of perfect love. We are I think
probably 3/4 of the way through the book, and so

we have one more chapter we’ll discuss next week.
And then I believe that is the conclusion of the

book. So this week again we’re talking about
Putting a Dagger in the Heart of Worry. He starts

by why we’re here, like why worry is an issue with
a lot of people. And it says that you know far too

often what happens and the reason that worry
sticks around is we become complacent . We just

start accepting worry as just another part of our
lives. Louie says, “In the previous chapter, we looked

at how the perfect love of God drives out fear
and leads us to surrender our idea of control

which then leads us to worship rather than worry.
The more we discover about the love of God, the

more we’re wanting and willing to surrender, and
the more worship we give to Him.” Louie goes on to

talk about how God Delights in you and he says
the more we delight in God the more we discover

that he Delights in US Zephaniah 3:17 says the
Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior

who saves he will take great Delight in you in
his love he will no longer rebuke you but will

rejoice over you with singing Louie goes on to
say God takes great Delight in you he qu quiets

all forms of worry and anxiety with this perfect
love and just in case you ever are ever tempted

to listen to the sound of the world and be pulled
back into fear God says that he rejoices you over

you with singing that section caught my attention
that God Delights in me and in you I just don’t

really think of it that way I guess and to be
reminded of that I think it’s really important

just how special each of us is to God Louie
goes on to kind of pose the question how do we

win the war on worry and he says we take back the
battleground of our minds we tear down the house

that worry built and we set out to build a new
and peace-filled home on the most stable rocken

Foundation the person and work of Jesus says it’s
time for a home renovation 2 Corinthians 10 4-5

says the weapons we fight with we fight with are
not the weapons of the world on the contrary they

have divine power to demolish strongholds we
demolish arguments and every pretention that

sets itself sets itself up against the knowledge
of God and we take captive every thought to make

it obedient to Christ Louie says you have the
power through Christ to identify and bind the

power of every lie that comes into your mind
you can take captive every thought when you

commit to this and put in to practice you begin
tearing down the house that wor he built Brick

by Brick and thought by thought so he mentions in
this part just how he really covered this in more

in depth in his other book um but so I wanted
to give that as a resource for anybody that’s

interested so he says we need to basically we
need to stand ready uh when we start to do this

process of taking our thoughts captive when we’re
trying to make positive progress in our lives as

we’ve seen in past studies you know our enemy The
Devil is not just going to stand by and watch you

make progress you know he comes to kill steal and
destroy he wants to tear you down as a child of

God and so don’t just expect that the demolition
process to be easy understand that the enemy isn’t

just going to sit there and take it as you pick
apart the house he’s built in your heart so as

you start making this progress you know maybe you
need to maybe you need to reach out to a friend

maybe you need to reach out to our community and
ask for prayer, we have a space just for that

you know just say I feel like I’m under attack I
I’m really trying to address worry and I really

would appreciate prayer and that’s exactly
what that’s for if you’re not comfortable doing

a public setting, just direct message somebody. Ask
them for prayer um that you’re getting ready to go

into this so they can check in on you and ask
you how you’re doing, they can pray for you.

Louie goes on to say whenever you set out to
make change to start tearing down bricks and

demolishing strongholds the enemy seems to rise up
and attack with even more Vengeance Isaiah 54:17

in the NIV says that no weapon forged against you
will prevail Louie goes on to say you have all you

need need offensively and defensively to start
this process of demolishing The House That wereb

Built and remember the goal here is to change the
way we think he describes you know we’re not just

trying to go for like a heap of Rebel where
we tear down this house that wor rebuilt like

we want to completely wipe the Slate clean and we
want to change the way we think Philippians 4:8 of

the NLT it says and now dear brothers and sisters
one final thing fix your thoughts on what is true

and honorable and right and pure and lovely and
admirable think about things that are excellent

and worthy of Praise so again how do we drive a
dagger through the heart of worry we think about

different things than the things that are causing
us to worry Louie goes on he says controlling and

then changing what you think about isn’t easy but
that doesn’t mean that the solution can’t be be

this simple for most of our our dealings with
worry it really does boil down to US changing

the way we think you see worry is born from fear
and the attempt for control but as worry grows

up it lives and takes up resonance in the mind
over time it slowly but surely begins to building

a house one brick at a time it takes that one
conversation one critique one circumstance that

is out of your control and it slowly adds to the
structure a bit of anxiety here a dash of fear

there and before we know it worry is taking up
a lot of real estate in our minds I don’t know

if anybody else has had this experience but it
you know it it seems like it’s slowly built and

it’s kind of in the background and then all of
a sudden worry has just grown so big at least

in my brain at times that I I wonder where it came
from like where did all this happen like I didn’t

always think this way I didn’t always behave
this way I wasn’t always such a worried like

person and then all of a sudden it’s like that’s
all I do and so he asked the question where did

that thought come from and he says worry thrives
in our heads because it feasts on the future and

things that have that have not yet come to pass
I’d guess that if you took 10 minutes and wrote

down everything you can think of that is currently
worrying you most of your list would be things

that haven’t happened yet he goes on worry works
best when it can convince you to spend your time

fighting imaginary battles therefore paralyzing
you paralyzing you to the real work at hand if

our goal is to be transformed and to fully take up
our identity as a new creation a l son or daughter

of the king of the universe we’ll need to start by
renewing our minds I think he’s referencing Romans

122 uh he says as we take our thoughts captive we
slowly begin to deconstructing the house that were

rebuilt if we’re going to place a dagger through
the heart of worry it’s not enough to tear down

the strongholds worry has built in our minds we
need to remove and replace those thoughts with

something else that’s where Philippians 4 comes
in he says you know basically start by looking at

Philippians 48 and that says and now dear brothers
and sisters one final thing fix your thoughts on

what is true honorable and right and pure and
lovely and admirable think about things that are

excellent and worthy of praise and then if that’s
not enough to kind of filter your thoughts let’s

look at Galatians 5:22 and 23 it says but the Holy
Spirit produces the kind this kind of fruit in our

lives love joy peace patience kindness goodness
faithfulness gentleness and self-control there is

no law against these things things so we’re using
Philippians 4:8 and Galatians 5:22-23 as a filter

for our thoughts that’s how we’re practically
applying this so he says you can ask yourself

does the thought line up with that which is
loving joyous peace peaceful or patient if the

answer is yes keep that thought if the answer is
no if it doesn’t line up then you know it’s time

for a replacement through the power of the Holy
Spirit we become competent to carry out all the

good works that God has created for us to walk in
it says in the Old Testament God gave his people

the Mosaic law and he commanded them to obey
every statute and decree he did this for two

reasons first to show how holy and perfect he was
and second to show how impossible it was for us

to reach the standard of perfection in effect God
laid on the Israelites an impossibly heavy burden

and said see you can’t carry this on your own you
need a savior Louie goes on he says God fulfilled

the righteous requirement of law in us who no
longer are bound to live according to the Flesh

and the anxieties and so commonly that so commonly
drag us down we no longer live as slaves to those

fears no longer are we destined to spiral into a
tunnel of control only to come out the other side

with a mile long list of worries he says you don’t
drive the dagger of God’s perfect love through the

heart of worry unless you realize that through
Christ you have the power to do all things so as

we’re going through our thoughts and we’re trying
to ask this question where did that thought come

from right because practically you know as we’re
going about our day you know we realize we have a

thought and so we need to take it through our
filter here and look through Philippians 4 48

in Galatians 522 and 23 and see how it lines
up if this is not from God we need to replace

it with something else and not just something
else something that’s that is know that fits

the criteria here all right so we have discussion
questions and there’s four here first one it says

take a few minutes to write down any thoughts that
are worrying you right now this could be on your

phone this could be on a piece of paper uh you
know just spend a few minutes to write down down

what’s going through your head and that’s worrying
you below each thought write out a truth about God

that you can use to refute and replace the thought
of worry two uh what inputs are constantly pushing

thoughts of worry into your heart are there any
streams you need to cut off if you’re going to

get serious about tearing down the house that
worry built three would be read Philippians 48

pick one of the words Paul encouraged you to think
about and write out a list of thoughts that relate

to that word four what does it mean that you
are a new creation in Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17

what in your life has been made new that’s all
for this episode thank you for watching if you

like the video give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 01/24/2024

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