Show Notes

Welcome to a New Way of Life

“Worry is so prevalent in our society and throughout our daily lives that it often feels inescapable. Instead of worry being an occasional event, many of us have learned to embrace worry as a part of the fabric of our lives. Worry has become woven into our regular rhythms, and for many of us, it’s become an identity. We say, ‘I’m a worrier. It’s just the way I am.’ As a result, we live in a perpetual state of being worried about something. In fact, you might already be worried about the promise and prospect of this book.”1

Louie Giglio

“As believers, we are meant to live a life characterized by the light and easy yoke of Jesus (Matthew 11:30), and the more room we give what ifs, the more heavily burdened we become.”1

Louie Giglio

“”Worry is like a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.””2

Arthur Somers Roche

Worry is an equal opportunity offender.

“Worry can weasel into the hearts of business leaders, professional athletes, high-school seniors, first-time moms, creatives and artists and producers and designers and software engineers. It can creep into the minds of chefs and astronauts, truck drivers and teachers. It can even get into the minds of pastors and people who are called to work for the church.”1

“…worry is a choice.”1 Louie Giglio

“God can conquer worry because He has already been victorious over the ultimate root of worry: fear. We’ll dig into this in a later chapter, but 1 John 4:18 says it so well: ‘There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.’”1

“God is greater than fear and all its cousins- depression, anxiety, panic, and worry. And if God is greater, you and I can experience freedom from the grip of worry that robs us of sleep and peace.”1

“I believe that as we go through these next chapters together, the truths you encounter will have the potential to set you on a new path and give you the tools you need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty.”1

“Throughout our journey together, we’ll look at both the theological and the practical. We’ll fix our eyes on the only One who has perfectly conquered worry and anxiety, while also setting our feet into motion as we go to war on worry. If you stick with this, I believe you will find help for the headache and hardship lingering in your life. However, please understand, this is no self-help guide.”1

“The essence of winning the war on worry is knowing you can’t do it on your own. Like most attacks of the Enemy, when we battle worry, we can’t make or muster a strong enough defense by ourselves. It is only by the might of God and the love of Jesus that we can stand firm, take ground, and win this fight.”1

“My goal is to point you to the One who is greater-to the God who encourages His people:”1

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:6-7 NLT)

“Remember when I said that the Enemy loves to utilize the weapon of what if? Instead of fixating on the what ifs, let’s commit right now to acknowledging that God has already provided us with the truth of what is.”1

“God doesn’t deal in confusion. He doesn’t leave things to chance, and He is never unsure of the final outcome. He doesn’t do if. He is–and that is a truth on which we can build our foundation.”1

“So wherever you are reading this, no matter what you are walking through, I encourage you to speak out this reality:
God, I believe You are greater. Specifically, You are greater than whatever I am worrying about right now.”1


[1] Giglio, L. (2022). Winning the War On Worry – Cultivate a Peaceful Heart and a Confident Mind. Thomas Nelson.

[2] Trask, T. E., & Goodall, W. I. (2018). The Fruit of the Spirit. Thomas Nelson.


Hello and welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My name
is Craig Booker. The title of this episode

is Welcome to A New Way of Life. The material
in this episode is inspired by Winning the War

on Worry by Louis Giglio. Note: I will talk a lot
about mental health but please note this is not

a substitute for therapy or mental health care
I am not a counselor or a physician if you need

help with mental health challenges, please find a
qualified mental health professional. Welcome to a

New Way of Life. We’re going to begin this episode
talking through the introduction to book, which is

winning the war on worry by Louis Giglio Louis
Giglio says worry is so prevalent in our society

and throughout our daily lives that it often
feels inescapable instead of worrying being

an occasional event many of us have learned to
embrace worry as part of the fabric of Our Lives

worry has become woven into our regular rhythms
and for many of us it’s become an identity we

say I’m a worrier it’s just the way I am as a
result we live in a Perpetual state of being

worried about something in fact you might might
already be worried about the promise and Prospect

of this book he goes on to say as Believers
we are meant to live a life characterized by

the light and easy yoke of Jesus that’s Matthew
11 30 and the more room we give what he refers

to what ifs the more heavily burdened we become
so he goes in the first that first introduction

he talks about these what ifs what if I lose
my job or what if you know someone gets hurt

and that’s what I mean by what ifs there’s another
quote uh to open this it’s by Arthur Summers Roche

and it says worry is a is like a thin stream of
fear trickling through the mind if encouraged if

encouraged it cuts a channel into which all other
thoughts are drained in my own words I said worry

is an equal opportunity offender like it doesn’t
care who you are how much money you have what

family you come from uh it affects us all and
Louis goes on to say worry can weasel into the

hearts of Business Leaders professional athletes
High School seniors first-time moms creatives and

artists and producers and designers and software
Engineers it can creep into the minds of chefs

and astronauts truck drivers and teachers it
can even get into the minds of pastors and

people who are called to work for the church
and Louis goes on to say worry is a choice

voice and he also alludes I didn’t put this in
there but he also alludes that he knows that

it’s not always that simple he talks about how in
other books that he’s written how he’s been rather

transparent with his struggle with anxiety fear
and worry and so that’s why you know he says that

he knows it’s not that simple he goes on to say
God can conquer worry because he has already been

Victorious over the ultimate route of worry which
is fear uh we’ll dig into this in a later chapter

but first John 4 18 says it so well there is no
fear in love but perfect love drives out fear

it goes on to say God is greater than fear and all
its cousins depression anxiety panic and worry and

if God is greater you and I can experience freedom
from the grip of worry that robs us of sleep and

peace Louis says I believe that as we go through
this next chapter together the truce you encounter

will have the potential to set you on A New Path
and give you the tools you need to replace worry

with a greater sense of trust in the almighty
throughout our journey together we’ll look at

both the theological and the Practical we’ll
fix our eyes on the only one who has perfectly

conquered worry and anxiety while also setting
our feet into motion as we go to war on worry if

you stick with this I believe you’ll find help for
the headache and hardship lingering in your life

however please understand this is no self-help
guide this the essence of winning the war on

worry is knowing you can’t do it on your own like
most attacks of the enemy when we battle worry we

can’t make or muster a strong enough defense
by ourselves it is only by the might of God

and the love of Jesus that we can stand firm take
ground and win this fight you know so hopefully

you’re kind of seeing some kind of theme kind
of transfer from our last study about you know

making this positive progress in our lives and
the theme is is that we can’t do it alone and

now we shouldn’t do it alone many times I think
we we want to do it on our own because we don’t

want to depend on other people we we don’t want to
burden them uh maybe we’re embarrassed by how we

feel or the emotions that we’re experiencing and
we’d rather not bring people in for one reason or

another and so I think the theme that we’re seeing
between these two studies is that it’s essential

that we bring not only other people in but got
into the story he goes on to say my goal is to

point you to the one who is greater to The God Who
encourages his people Philippians 4 6-7 of the NLT

says don’t worry about anything instead pray about
everything tell God what you need and thank him

for all he has done then you’ll experience God’s
peace which exceeds anything we can understand

his peace will guard your hearts and Minds as you
live in Christ Jesus and Louis continues on and

says remember when I said that the enemy loves to
utilize the weapon of what if instead of fixing

on what ifs let’s commit right now to acknowledge
that God has already provided us with the truth

of what is like is God doesn’t deal in confusion
he doesn’t leave things to chance and he is never

unsure of the final outcome he doesn’t do if he
is and that is a truth on which we can build our

foundation wherever you are in reading this no
matter what you’re walking through I encourage

you to speak out this reality God I believe
you are greater specifically you’re greater

than whatever I am worrying about right now that’s
all for this episode thank you for watching if you

like the video give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 01/24/2024

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