The Art Of The Start

First, Make Your Habit Obvious

A small change in what you see can lead to a big shift in what you do. 1

“You don’t have to be the victim of your environment. You
can also be the architect of it.”
-James Clear

Example: 1

Craig Groeschel prioritizes taking his daily supplements. He takes them first thing in the morning. He believes his supplements provide him with a mental edge. To ensure he takes them first thing, he puts them on the counter where he cannot miss them.

Behavioral scientists in Great Britain did a study involving a couple hundred people who wanted to start exercising.

The people were divided into three groups.

1 – Committed to exercising.
2 – Committed to exercising and reading lots of material on the benefits of exercising.
3 – Committed to exercising and chose the day, time, and place to exercise.

Who kept their commitment?

1 + 2 – Only 36 percent of the first two groups kept their commitment.
3 – 91 percent kept their commitment.

Barely a third of the people in the first two groups succeeded, but more than nine of ten who committed to a time and place met their goals!1


They made their goals obvious by preloading their decisions.

You can make it even more obvious by tying your new habit into something you already do.

I will _ after I __.

Habitologists call connecting a new habit to a current habit
“habit stacking.”1

This is how our brain works.

Your brain builds up connections between neurons that are used frequently. Your brain removes connections between neurons that are not used. (That process is sometimes called “synaptic pruning.”)1

Those removed or “pruned” connections are why it’s so difficult to remember something you rarely do and so challenging to start doing it. 1

Morning Routines

Example: 1

Craig Groeschel’s Morning Routine

    1. My alarm goes off, waking me up.

    1. 18o to the bathroom. (Not a chosen habit, but you gotta do
      what you gotta do.)

    1. After going to the bathroom, I do my Bible plan.

    1. After doing my Bible plan, I pray.

    1. After praying, I read my daily declarations.

    1. After reading my daily declarations, I make my oatmeal and put twelve berries in it. (Some days I go crazy and do up to fifteen!)

    1. After eating my oatmeal (and berries), I take my supplements.

    1. After the supplements, I take a shower.

    1. After my shower, I shave.

    1. After I shave, I get dressed.

    1. After I get dressed, I pray with Amy.

    1. After I pray with Amy, I leave for work

Second, Make Your Habit Attractive

The reason you do most of what you do is because it feels good. The behavior makes your brain release dopamine- the “feel good” hormone. 1

You are more likely to do your habit if you don’t hate doing your habit. 1


If you want to establish a daily habit of praying and reading your Bible. 1

You will:

    • Make it obvious

    • Set a visual action trigger

    • Decide when

    • Stack the new habit with an established habit.

    • Decide where you are going to pray and read.

    • Make your habit attractive

Third, Make Your Habit Easy

As we have discussed in previous episodes, our brains are wired to conserve energy. This is the reason for habits. If the brain perceives something will be overly difficult, it might choose to avoid it.1

This is often referred to as the “path to least resistance,” or when discussing behavior, it is frequently called the “law of least effort.”1

Habits expert James Clear says that when starting a habit, make your habit take less than two minutes.2

Why does this matter?
One minute of daily reading is better than no daily reading.
A single push-up a day outweighs never exercising.

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Zechariah 4:10 NLT

Fourth, Make Your habit Communal

Don’t go at your new habit alone. Find a group of people who already do what you want to do.

Addiction recovery – 12-step programs

Essentially these steps are habits.
By joining a twelve-step program, a person is surrounding themselves with people who have the same goal. 1

“Living the right life is almost impossible if you have the wrong friends.” -Craig Groeschel

Fifth, Make Your Habit Repetitious

I have learned that one of the best ways I learn just about anything is through repetition.

**Learning New Material For The Power To Change
**1 – I first listen to a chapter or section of the audiobook.
2 – I pick out the highlights, outlining the section by looking in the physical book.
3 – I will reread the section using the physical book.
4 – I will listen to the same section of the audiobook to reinforce what I have learned.

When I start a new habit, I try to get the basics down. I am not looking to be fancy—just the basics. I am content with doing the habit poorly as long as I am doing it.

The longer I do a new habit, the easier it tends to get.

Eventually, I will start improving my habit by making small changes.

Why do I take this approach?

I know that the more I do something, the easier it is for me to do it. Eventually, I will get bored with the habit and want to do more. I don’t go overboard, I make small improvements that are sustainable.

When I feel comfortable doing the improved habit, I look for ways to make more improvements.

Hebb’s rule – neurons that fire together wire together.

Make your habit.

    1. Obvious

    1. Attractive

    1. Easy

    1. Communal

    1. Repetitious

“With repetition, that new habit will go from being hard to start to hard to stop.” -Craig Groeschel


What is one habit you need to start?1

For any change you desire to make, any habit you want to form, any win you want to achieve, personalize the five guides. \

To help make my habit more obvious, I will _ after l _.

To make my habit attractive, I can:
To make my habit easy, I can begin by doing _ for two minutes:

To make my habit communal, I can invite, involve, or join:
To make my habit repetitious, I can:


Make your habit: 1

    1. Obvious

    1. Attractive

    1. Easy

    1. Communal

    1. Repetitious

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin. Zechariah 4:10 NLT


[1] Groeschel, C. (2023). The Power to Change: Mastering the Habits That Matter Most. Zondervan.

Show Notes

Episode Description

In this episode, we discuss The Art of the Start, which is about starting habits. We are currently in a study inspired by The Power To Change by Craig Groeschel. Each week, I take concepts from Pastor Craig Groeschel’s book, The Power To Change, and apply them to brain health.


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Hello and welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My name
is Craig Booker. The title of this episode is The

Art of the Start. A lot of the material for this
week’s episode was inspired by Craig Groechel’s

book The Power to Change – Mastering the Habits
That Matter Most. Note: I will talk a lot about

mental health, but please note this is not a
substitute for therapy or mental health care

I am not a counselor or a physician. If you need
help with mental health challenges, please find a

qualified mental health professional this week we
are talking about the title is of this episode is

the art of the start we are talk again talking
about habits and starting habits the first quote

is a small change in what you see can lead to a
big shift in what you do in this section of the

book we are talking about habits and how to start
habits make your habits obvious James Clear says

you don’t have to be you don’t have to be the
victim of your environment you can also be the

architect of it so exam the first example is Craig
Rochelle prioritizes taking his daily supplements

or his vitamins he takes them first thing in the
morning he believes that supplements provide him

with a mental Edge and to ensure he takes them
first thing he puts them on the counter where he

cannot miss them this is a part of him making it
obvious behavioral scientists and Great Britain

did a study involving a couple hundred people
who wanted to start exercising and the people

were divided into three groups and the first
group they just committed to exercising the

second group Committed to exercising and reading
lots of material on the benefits of exercising and

the third group Committed to exercising and they
chose the day time and place they were to exercise

so looking at the results of this study who
kept their commitment it says that groups one

and two only 36 percent of the first two group
the first two groups kept their commitment

so that’s 36 percent of group one and two
in group 3 91 percent kept their commitment

and it says barely a third of the people in
the first two groups succeeded but more than

nine out of ten who committed to a time and
place met their goals so this makes us ask

why and it says they made their goals
obvious by preloading their decisions

and similarly you know Craig Rochelle makes
his goal of taking his supplements obvious by

it’s all laid out ready to go he doesn’t have
to pull it out of the you know the package or

the the bottles it’s probably already in the
plan or ready to go and so it’s obvious all

right it says you can make it even more obvious by
tying your new habit into something you already do

uh the example is I will blank after I blank
right so if there’s something that you already

do say it’s brushing your teeth right you already
brush your teeth and you have a routine for that

and so if you wanted to stack a similar habit with
that you could say I will uh rinse my mouth with

mouthwash after I brush my teeth those two habits
logically go together because it’s hygiene you

know for your teeth but if you were trying to add
a new habit of rinsing with mouthwash you know to

get healthier gums or teeth then stacking it with
something you already do like brush your teeth

makes it a whole lot easier for your brain to
process so it says habitologists call connecting

a new habit to a current habit habit stacking and
this is how our brains work it says your brain

built up connections between neurons that are
used frequently your brain removes connections

between neurons that are not used that process
that process is sometimes called synaptic pruning

those removed or pruned connections are why
it’s so difficult to remember something your

rare something you rarely do and so challenging to
start doing it so something that we rarely do this

is why it’s really difficult to kind of get into
the pattern of doing that new habit by stacking

our habits with something we already do it’s kind
of like we’re um I don’t want to say cheating

but we’re like using the power of the Habit we
already have to gain momentum with your new habit

so maybe it’s you know you’re not uh rinsing with
mouse wash maybe you want to start exercising and

so after you brush your teeth you do you know two
push-ups two push-ups or two sit-ups or something

that’s real simple to stack with that habit you
already have maybe in the morning when you get

up you know you you do two minutes of something
whether it’s an exercise or stretches or something

like that uh with your morning routine you could
stack it when you get out of bed and you go to

brush your teeth in the morning you could stack
the maybe you do you know two push-ups after you

brush your teeth whatever it is that works
for you but that the idea here is to kind

of borrow the momentum of the other habit that
you already have existing that you remember to

do and add that new habit and over time it will
get harder and harder to not do that new habit

uh so the example here that was in the
book was talking about morning routines

and Pastor Craig goes into detail
about his particular morning routine

we may come back to that a little bit I want
to make sure and be able to get through all the

material because there’s so much this week it is
there in the notes um on the website if you don’t

have it in the email uh the details of his morning
routine the first one was make your habit obvious

the second is make your habit attractive the
reason you do most of what you do is because it

feels good the behavior makes your brain release
dopamine which they call the feel good hormone

you’re more likely to do at your habit if you
don’t hate doing your habit and I believe in

this section he says if you hate running and
you’re trying to exercise don’t make running the

thing that you try to start choose another form
of exercise you know whether it’s going to play

you know some kind of game or um working out in
some other way find something that you don’t hate

uh so the example it says if you want to establish
a daily habit of praying and reading the Bible

you will make it obvious set a visual action
trigger so maybe you set if you have a physical

Bible you use maybe you set that out wherever you
have breakfast right maybe you set it out on your

nightstand next to your bed um we’re gonna decide
when we’re gonna do that new habit if we’re trying

to to start the habit of praying reading the
Bible maybe that’s in the morning or maybe that if

you’re an evening person and like to do it before
you go to bed you’re going to decide on the time

of day that you’re going to do that habit so we
said make it obvious set a visual action trigger

we’re gonna decide when we’re going to stack the
new habit with an established habit for praying

and reading the Bible if in your morning routine
you typically either make yourself breakfast or

coffee or something like that you may stack this
new habit with that habit you have of making your

breakfast or coffee or whatever applies to you all
right so we’re going to decide where you’re going

to pray and read so we’ve established when we have
a visual cue we’re going to decide where we’re

going to go if you have kids around your house
or distraction you may not want to do it at the

kitchen table because they may be coming in and
out distracting you and you’re just going to get

frustrated so maybe you go to your porch maybe you
find a place outside that’s quiet whatever works

for you we’re going to decide where we’re going
to do the praying and reading the Bible uh we’re

gonna make your habit attractive third we want to
make your habit easy so you’re starting something

new and that’s already difficult and so it says
as we have discussed in previous episodes our

brains are wired to conserve energy and this is a
reason for habits if the brain perceives something

will be overly difficult it might choose to avoid
it it says this is often referred to as the path

of least resistance or when discussing Behavior
it is frequently called The Law of least effort

habits expert James Clear says that when starting
a habit make your habit take less than two minutes

you hear that less than two minutes that’s not
very long right this also comes from another

productivity expert on David Allen who is famous
for getting things done it’s it’s a a system of

prioritizing tasks to help you get more done in
your day and that’s over simplifying it but that’s

what David Allen is famous for why does this
matter one minute of daily reading is better than

no daily reading if you’re not a person that reads
and you’re trying to become a person that reads

it’s a lot better to do one or two minutes than to
do nothing at all a single push-up a day outweighs

never exercising uh passage of scripture here
is Zechariah 4 10 in the New Living Translation

says do not despise these Small Beginnings for
the Lord rejoices to see the work begin fourth

we’re going to make your habit communal so don’t
go at your Hab your new habit alone find a group

of people who already do what you want to do the
example they give here is a addiction recovery or

12-step programs essentially these steps are
habits that they’re the 12 steps are habits

and by joining a 12-step program a person is
surrounding themselves with people who have the

same goal quote from Craig Rochelle living the
right life is almost impossible if you have the

wrong friends so we’re going to surround ourselves
with people that are trying to accomplish the same

goal it’s very similar to what we’re doing in
this group we all want to make improvements to

our mental health or we’re trying to support other
people to do the same and so even though our goals

for our individual things we want to improve with
our mental health are different we’re all kind of

moving in the same direction and by doing that uh
we we can all kind of speak the same language we

all have similar motivation so we can check on one
another we care about you know what each feather

what each other’s goals are where we’re headed
there’s just so much momentum that we can make

together because we’re all trying to make some
positive changes kind of in the similar area

fifth we’re making uh make your habit repetitious
sounds like a big word but here in this section

this is a lot of stuff I applied to my life to
make it more applicable than just reading from

the book because this is something I can speak
to so I’ve learned one of the best ways I learn

just about anything is through repetition
doing it over and over and over again right

that’s one of the best it’s not the only way I
learned but it’s one of the best ways I learn so

I took the example of every week right when
I’m trying to get stuff ready I go through

a process that’s very similar every
week at first it was really difficult

it took me a long time to prepare in those initial
first meetings the content was a struggle because

I didn’t have a process that I could repeat each
week I was it was kind of like I was starting new

each week as time went on I started learning a
process for preparing each week for our group

meetings and so first what I would do is I would
listen to a chapter or section of the audiobook

that we are covering during the upcoming week
so I’ve listened to that first that would be my

first step to get through that second I would pick
out the highlights or outline the sections of the

book and what worked out really well is a lot of
people wanted that outline for what I was going to

talk about each week so I you know my second step
would be to outline that section of the book post

it online for people to follow along so that was
a second step third I will re-read the section

of the book using the actual physical book A lot
of times I don’t actually buy both the physical

book and the audiobook but because I’m you know
teaching this and leading a discussion on this

I really had to dig in and so I went a little
bit further and I typically would and I bought

both the physical book and the audiobook and so in
this third step I’m re-reading the material using

a physical book and doing that repetition to learn
the material and then fourth I will listen to the

same section of the audiobook to reinforce what
I’ve already learned so these are four steps that

I generally go through every week to prepare the
material for our group meeting and by doing this

this repetition I’m able to learn the material
I don’t have to follow a script as much because

a lot of it’s just sunk in like it’s in my brain
so when I start a new habit what I’ve learned is

I’m simply trying to get the basics down so we
we talked about how I go through my routine of

preparing for group each week but when I start a
new habit what I’ve learned is I’m just trying to

really do the very basics of that habit so I’m not
looking to be fancy I I suggest the basics so I’m

content with doing that habit poorly as long as
I’m doing it like for me just doing the Habit is

hard enough whatever it is that’s new so I’m not
going to be overly picky or obsessive about how

well I’m doing it I’m just trying to get into that
routine of doing that habit no matter how poorly

I do it as long as I keep doing it I’m good right
the longer I do this new habit the easier it tends

to to get whatever that is right so preparing
each week the longer I you know every week the

more weeks that I prepare the easier the process
gets for me it takes up less of my time at first

it took up a lot of my time and that’s because
I wasn’t used to the new routine but as I do it

more and more I’m able to do that same process in
less time so likewise with the new habit the more

that I do it the easier that it tends to get for
Me So eventually what I’ll start doing after I get

real comfortable with the new habit is I’ll start
trying to improve upon that habit by making very

small changes because the key here for me and what
I’ve learned is uh momentum will build over time

and you don’t have to change the world in your
habit like all at once the more that I do it the

harder it is for me to stop doing it right so it’s
easier for me to keep doing it than stop doing it

and so I get momentum on my side by doing it time
and time again and then eventually I want to do it

a little bit better so if I’m doing something for
two minutes and I’ve been doing that habit over

several weeks for two minutes maybe I do three
and that’s a really simple example but I just

looked for small ways that I can improve upon it
just a little bit but whatever I do it has to be

sustainable if I can’t do this a year from now I
don’t add it why do I take this approach instead

I know that the more I do something the easier it
is for me to do eventually I’ll get bored with the

Habit like it just becomes a part of my routine
and so I said I don’t go overboard I just make

the small improvements that are sustainable and
will I when I feel comfortable doing the improved

habit I look for ways to make more improvements
hebbs rule that’s h e b b apostrophe s hebbs Rule

and it it’s the concepts that neurons in our brain
that fire together wire together make your habit

obvious attractive easy communal and repetitious
Greg grossel says with repetition that new habit

will go from being hard from being hard to start
to hard to stop and this is what I said earlier it

you know after you do that habit for so long it is
really hard to stop like it feels just completely

wrong or off to not do it so the key in this last
section is the get momentum on your side what

you’re trying to do that new thing you’re trying
to do is hard enough all right so we have exercise

for this week and the question is what is one
habit you need to start and then it says for any

change you desire to make any habit you want to
form any win you want to achieve personalize the

five guides it says to help me make my habit more
obvious I will blank after I blank this is habit

stacking so whether you know you’re trying to fit
in a little bit of a workout and you stack it with

another habit remember we’re supposed to when
we start a new habit it’s supposed to be for two

minutes when you’re you’re first getting started
says to make my habit attractive I can blank to

make my habit easy I Can Begin by doing blank for
two minutes to make my habit communal I can invite

involve or join blank so you can invite someone
else along if you know someone else is trying to

establish maybe a similar Habit to make my habit
repetition I can repetitious I can blank principle

here is make your habit obvious attractive easy
communal and repetitious scripture for this

section is Zechariah 4 10 New Living Translation
it says do not despise these Small Beginnings

for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin that’s
all for this episode thank you for watching if you

like the video give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 02/03/2024

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