I'm In Training

I’m In Training

Episode: 011

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I’m In Training

Note: A lot of the material is inspired by Craig Groeschel’s book. Each week, I take concepts from Pastor Craig Groeschel’s book, The Power To Change, and apply them to brain health.

I’m winning because I’m in training.

Each time I do my habit, I win.

So what are we going to do?

  1. Focus on who before do. We know behavior modification doesn’t work, so we’re all about identity transformation.
  2. Define our wins. We need the direction of a goal to help us begin.
  3. Train, not try. We will embrace a strategic habit and quit a habit we need to stop. Every day, we’ll live disciplined lives by choosing what we want most over what we want now.[1]

In business, people often talk about inputs and outcomes.

Your habit is your input, and your goal is your outcome. Outcomes take time to realize. If we focus only on outcomes, winning is far off in the distance.

Completing your habit is your win. When you make completing your habit your win, you can win every day.

You don’t have to wait weeks, months, or years to win.

“I’m successful when I train today.” -Craig Groeschel


The timing or pace may not match up with your expectations. You might get knocked down a few times along the way. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep doing your habit.

If you fail today, offer yourself some grace. It’s not about doing your habit perfectly; it’s about doing it consistently. It’s all about progress!


Using the goals and the habits to start and stop from Strategic Habits -Start, Stop, or Pivot, complete these sentences:

I am going to stop trying to [blank] by:

I am starting my training by:

For each sentence, create a statement to remind you about your training.

Example: I am not merely trying to get healthy. I exercise regularly, say no to sweets, and go to bed early because I am in training.


I am not trying.

I’m in training!

Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8 NLT


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[1] Groeschel, C. (2023). The Power to Change: Mastering the Habits That Matter Most. Zondervan.

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Show Notes

Episode Description

In this episode, we discuss I’m in Training. This is part of a study inspired by The Power To Change by Craig Groeschel. Each week, I take concepts from Pastor Craig Groeschel’s book, The Power To Change, and apply them to brain health.


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Hello and welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My name
is Craig Booker. The title today is I’m in Training.

A lot of the material for this week’s episode
was inspired by Craig Groeschel’s book The Power

to Change the Habits That Matter Most.
Note: I will talk a lot about mental health but

please note this is not a substitute for therapy
or mental health care I am not a counselor or

a physician if you need help with mental health
challenges please find a qualified mental health

professional last we were talking about strategic
habits start stop and pivot so we’re talking about

making positive changes in our lives and that can
apply to a broad scope of things we are looking

at this through the lens of mental health so
it’s a little bit more in depth and there’s

a little bit more nuances where we have to stop
and and discuss because it’s a little bit I want

to say more complex but there’s there’s different
things to consider when we’re looking at mental

health and making positive changes there but that
the title today again is I’m in training to start

off it says I’m winning because I’m in training
each time I do my habit I win so in Pastor Craig’s

book he has a little bitty section that says what
are we going to do and we’re going to focus on who

before do we know behavior modification doesn’t
work so we’re all about identity transformation

Define our wins is number two we need
the direction of a goal to help us begin

and number three is we’re going to train not
try we’ll Embrace a strategic habit and quit

a habit we need to stop every day will live
disciplined lives by choosing what we want

most over what we want now all right so it’s
a good summary of a lot of stuff we’ve talked

about there’s a lot of detail behind that
but hopefully that gives you good overview

um you know when when entrepreneurs or business
people are are talking about being successful

in business often they’ll talk about inputs and
outcomes so these are business terms it’s probably

used somewhere else that’s where I’ve heard it
used you know what are the inputs and to achieve

the outcomes you’re wanting and if you look at
this the way that we’re looking at this your

habit is your input and your goal is your outcome
and what we know is outcomes take time to realize

those outcomes take time and so if we only focus
on those outcomes the work that we’re doing each

day to try to get there it just seems really
grueling and hard and so this is more of like a

perspective shift than anything when we’re looking
at inputs and outcomes each time we complete our

habit we’re doing our inputs and we’re trying
to get to our outcomes we’ve taken the time to

reflect and Define what our win looks like like
when we’re being successful what does that look

like we’re looking at inputs and outcomes our our
habit is our input our goal is our outcome our

outcomes take time to realize and if we you know
if we only focus on those outcomes winning is real

far in the distance it can be really discouraging
it’s really easy to burn out and just lose sight

of why you started completing your habit is your
win like when you make completing your habit

your win you can win every every day this is what
Pastor Craig says right so each time we complete

our habit we’re winning so it’s not just the goal
eventually we’ll get there our brains need this

short-term win right we’re completing our habit
we’re winning that way you don’t have to wait

weeks months or even years to win uh Pastor Craig
says I’m successful when I train today training

may look different to each of you depending on
what your habit is but you can say I’m not trying

I’m in training this is something he says all the
time and it’s not just on when he’s talking about

this specific subject he’ll say I’m in training
you don’t say I’m trying to be a better husband

I’m a husband in training and that’s okay I’m
a husband in training I’ve been married over 20

years so I’m still in training so remember the
timing or Pace of all of this may not match up

with your expectations they usually don’t I’ve
never had like a goal or something I’ve trying

to achieve that just perfectly matched up with
what I had in mind and how long it would take

to achieve it you know you might get knocked down
a few times along the way in fact I would expect

that if you don’t get knocked down a few times
maybe your goal’s a little too easy uh so all

you gotta do is pick yourself up dust yourself off
and keep doing your habit you fail today you don’t

do your habit today what you need to do next is do
your habit the next day offer yourself some Grace

yes you messed up you fell down right it’s okay
we’re not perfect it’s not about doing your habit

perfectly this is about doing it consistently and
if we do our habit consistently we’ll eventually

get to our goal with a big asterisk there of
saying that you’ve picked out the right habit

right if you’ve done the work to pick out the
right strategic habit that’s gonna lead to your

goal if you keep consistently doing that habit
you’re gonna get to your goal commonly happens

is we get discouraged we get distracted and we
stop doing that habit it’s all about progress

you’re not going to get to your goal overnight so
you have to see the short-term progress of doing

your habit and celebrating that because that’s
a big deal like I said last week this is really

hard and we’re asking you to change something that
you’re used to doing and you’re comfortable with

really offer yourself ability and the freedom to
mess up and it’s just a matter of getting back up

you know dusting yourself off and keep on going
and not losing sight of what you’re trying to do

one thing that’s probably really important that
we do before we start down this path of trying to

hit this goal is figuring out why we’re doing that
when times get tough and you’re really frustrated

you’re tired you’re exhausted the easiest thing
for you to do is quit because that means that

you no longer have to do whatever routine that
you’re doing short term it takes the pressure off

but long term you’re going to have that pain of
regret when we get deep in the thick of doing our

habit we need to be able to look back and clearly
understand why we started this if you can’t easily

have like either a note on your phone or wherever
you want to keep it that remind reminds you of why

you’re doing your strategic habit gonna be really
difficult to keep going so you need to have that

somewhere really convenient when you forget why
you’re doing all this hard work you can quickly

look at that and go oh yeah this this is the why
behind all the hard stuff I’m doing there’s an

exercise that I put in here and I I said use the
goals and the habits that we identified the last

episode of start stop and pivot to complete
these sentences I’m going to stop trying to

blank by blank I’m starting my training by and
for each sentence create a statement to remind

you about your training the example here is I
am not merely trying to get healthy I exercise

regularly say no to sweets and go to bed early
because I am in training that’s an example of

a statement this is just another layer of having
that that reason why so you know we do the work to

come up with the details of our why and then we
also come up with this statement something that

we can repeat over and over again because as we’re
doing this our brains need a reminder of this and

this is positive affirmation to remind you of
this when you’re doubting yourself when you’re

doubting what you’re doing so this is just an
exercise that you can go through again you’ll

probably need to go back and if you haven’t done
the Strategic habits start stop and pivot exercise

just go to the website also and you can find it
and the principle here is I’m not trying I’m in

training right we’re reversing that mindset
we’re kind of flipping that on its head and

saying I’m in training because the perspective
here is that I’m working towards a goal I’m

being very intentional the Bible verse here is
first Timothy 4 8 in the New Living Translation

it says physical training is good but training
for godliness is much better promising benefits

in this life and in the life to come that’s all
for this episode thank you for watching if you

like the video give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 02/03/2024

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