Flossing Saved My Life

Note: A lot of the material is inspired by Craig Groeschel’s book. Each week, I take concepts from Pastor Craig Groeschel’s book, The Power To Change, and apply them to brain health.

Life-Changing Principles:

  • Never underestimate how God can start something big through one small habit.
  • The small things no one sees can lead to the big results everyone wants.
  • Success happens not by accident but by habits.

“Hope doesn’t change your life. Habits do. Specifically, mastering the habits that matter most.” -Craig Groeschel

Why is this good news?

  • Because you are not a victim of circumstances.
  • Because you don’t need something big to magically happen. If you want something big to happen, start small.
  • Because you don’t have to keep helplessly hoping for change. You can start and maintain habits that will lead to change.

You ARE Disciplined!

For now, realize you are disciplined and have been establishing new habits your whole life.

We’re now going to:

  1. Get intentional with what habits we want to start.
  2. Get intentional with what habits we need to stop.

Choosing the right habits will change your life. Habits, not hope. Change your habits. Change your life.


Because we’re talking about mastering the habits that matter most, what is the first habit you can establish that could lead to your biggest win?


Never underestimate how God can start something big through one small habit.

The small things no one sees can lead to the big results everyone wants.

Success happens not by accident but by habits.

If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. ‭‭Luke‬ ‭16‬:‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬


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[1] Groeschel, C. (2023). The Power to Change: Mastering the Habits That Matter Most. Zondervan.

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Show Notes

Episode Description

In this episode, we discuss the chapter Flossing Saved My Life. In this chapter, we learn how small habits can make a big difference. This is part of a study inspired by The Power To Change by Craig Groeschel. Each week, I take concepts from Pastor Craig Groeschel’s book, The Power To Change, and apply them to brain health.


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Hello and welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My name
is Craig Booker. The title of this episode

is Flossing Saved My Life. A lot of the material
for this week’s episode was inspired by Craig

Groeschel’s book The Power to Change – Mastering
the Habits That Matter Most. Note, I will talk a

lot about mental health but please note this is
not a substitute for therapy or mental health

care I am not a counselor or a physician if you
need help with mental health challenges please

find a qualified mental health professional see
last week we talked about change your life change

your habits in today’s episode we’re going to
be talking about flossing saved my life so last

week we were talking about our habits and we
didn’t exercise to examine our daily routine

uh looking at the habits that we do every day that
we probably don’t think about to see you at if we

need to make any adjustments or before we try to
add a new strategic habits to our routines this

week we’re talking about flossing saved my life
Craig Rochelle in his book in this chapter goes

on to talk about how early on I I think he says
for like 20 years he started a new habit every

year like one new habit and at the very beginning
the first habit that he started was flossing he

absolutely hated flossing so he figured that if he
can floss on a regular basis and do something that

he hates than anything else that came along had to
be easier than flossing that is where that title

comes from and he he goes through and tells a
story kind of like a progression of how he started

flossing and then from flossing he started other
habits and just how the progression of starting a

small thing like flossing every day it resulted in
Saving his life that’s where the title comes from

life-changing principles that he mentions at the
beginning of this chapter are never underestimate

how God can start something big through one small
habit the small things that no one sees can lead

to Big results everyone wants and success happens
not by accident but by habits on the first one the

never underestimate how God can start something
big through one small habit this main story that

he talks about is the story of Daniel praying
and he goes on on and kind of tells that story

of how he prayed three times a day and how that
ultimately set the course for Daniel’s life and

so that was the the one small habit that Daniel
did that changed his life all right and the quote

from Craig Rochelle hope doesn’t change your life
habits do specifically mastering the habits that

matter most why is this good news because you’re
not a victim of your circumstances because you

don’t need something big to magically happen
if you want something big to happen start small

because you don’t have to keep helplessly hoping
for change you can start and maintain habits that

will lead to change if you’ll notice a lot of
this overlaps previous chapters so it’s all

kind of coming starting to come together in this
next part we you know we talked about discipline

and we talked about you are disciplined a lot
of us we talked about how a lot of us don’t

see ourselves as disciplined people because if of
how we look at discipline for now realize you are

disciplined and have been establishing new habits
your whole life we’re now going to get intentional

with what habits we want to start we’re going to
get intentional with what habits we need to stop

so hopefully you can see how this is starting to
come together if we look at last episode where we

were examining our routine to identify habits
that we already do each day that should allow

you to see things that maybe you want to stop or
maybe things that you want to start by doing that

exercise from last episode so if you haven’t
done that I would encourage you to go back

to that episode go through that exercise by doing
that you’ll be able to look at things either that

you need to start or you need to stop in order
to achieve your goal ideally we only want to

start one new habit at a time because we’re making
taking such large changes to our routine that we

want to do everything we can to set ourselves
up for Success you know what Craig Rochelle

recommends in his book is not to start more than
one new habit at a time all right so we’re kind of

layering all these different exercises that we’ve
done in in past episodes and we’re kind of putting

them all together now you know we can look at our
daily routine we can look at like the person that

the who or the person we want to become and we can
look at things we need to stop or we need to start

in order to become that person you know don’t feel
like you had to have done all of this or you’re

all of a sudden lost the good thing is is that
now it’s all online on the Overflow website so if

there’s a piece of this that you missed if there’s
something that you really need to go back and

revisit you can absolutely do so now that we’ve
done some of this hard work and gone through a lot

of these extra sizes we can start piecing together
how we Implement change we’re now going like I

said we’re now going to get intentional with what
habits we want to start and what we need to stop

uh and it says choosing the right
habits will change your life

habits not hope changing your habits change your
life so one reason why this is really encouraging

for mental health this this is how it really comes
in to practical application for mental health is a

lot of times and it just doesn’t apply to every
part of mental health but a lot of times when

you have a diagnosis you feel kind of Trapped you
feel like you’re a victim of your circumstances

because you know an event has happened or
something happened to trigger your condition

and you feel somewhat like helpless because all
of a sudden you have this new condition and maybe

you can’t function right the things that you used
to do you can’t do anymore or it seems like you

can’t do them anymore so there’s this this feeling
at least in my experience there’s this feeling of

helplessness that you’re just stuck with what your
circumstances gave you and in in my experience

going to professionals doctors counselors I didn’t
get the sense that there was a lot of Hope to

change any of this it you know number Point number
two there you know you don’t need something big to

magically happen I felt like a miracle needed to
happen for my situation to change I didn’t feel

like I could do anything to impact what had
happened my circumstances how I was feeling

other than taking medication and I’m not saying
there’s anything wrong with medication I’m just

saying that’s the only thing I felt like I could
do or I would get the the recommendation by a

doctor well why don’t you exercise you know that
is something I could do but for me that was at

the time when I’m the way that I was feeling the
anxiety that I was feeling at points going outside

was a big challenge for me just to go outside
and yes I could exercise indoors that’s true

about all the stuff that I would picture doing to
exercise involved going outside and at the time

I just didn’t feel like that was something I could
do to impact my situation and so I felt a bit of

hopelessness and I felt a little bit like I was
a victim of my circumstances and how did I end up

here and where was God in all of this why this
is important to people with anxiety depression

you know different forms of mental illness
or mental challenges is that we can impact

our situation I’m not saying that you can heal
yourself that you’ll magically have everything

disappear and you’ll be better and back to
where you were before all this happened what

I’m saying is you can impact it and sometimes
that comes through our perspective and if if

that’s if that is what you can do to change
where you’re at perspective is a big deal it

can change you from being a miserable person to a
joyful person and that will change your life okay

so it at the very least if you the only thing
that you’re able to change is your perspective

realize that’s a big deal there’s other things
that we can change like the small little changes

that improve little parts of our life and
when you you know when you make all these

small little changes over time when you look
back at your life you really did make a big

Improvement like whether it’s you know improving
your sleep whether it’s through like the things

that you’re eating or not eating anymore whether
it’s you’re adding a routine like exercising to

help you kind of process some of the stress
that you feel you know the importance here is

you know I think I’ve mentioned this at some time
is I always thought that Improvement meant either

my condition had to completely disappear and
I was suddenly healed of everything in order

to make a change and that’s just not true I
mean that definitely would do it but what I’m

saying is it could be your perspective
it could be you make little changes to

your routine like your sleep exercise level
maybe what you eat these little things that

when when they you start doing them they make
small improvements when you put them together

they really make a difference it doesn’t mean
that all of a sudden like once you make these

improvements your mental health challenges are
gone it’s just you’re learning to better cope with

your circumstances and what you’re experiencing
and that really sets you up for success in the

future because say you know after you do all
these changes your your anxiety or depression

really gets a lot better and you’re feeling so
much better and that prepares you for the future

when an event um happens something traumatic
comes into your life you can better cope with

whatever comes your way because you’ve done all
that work to set yourself up for the future we

have an exercise and it says because we’re talking
about mastering the habits that matter most what

is the first habit you can establish that could
lead to your biggest win what is the first habit

you can establish that could lead to your biggest
win in his book Craig Rochelle is talking about

how flossing the small habit of flossing led to so
much positive change in his life and so likewise

I believe that we all have something like that
that could lead to positive change in our life

it’s identifying that first habit that we can
establish the lead to our biggest win he goes

on to talk about how the actual habit of flossing
helped them to realize he is a disciplined person

you know that’s a common struggle for many people
is not believing that we’re disciplined and

that you know adding that one habit of flossing
helped him believe that he’s a disciplined person

and so he kind of stacks that on top of
okay because he flosses he’s disciplined

he goes to bed early so he can get
up early he’s a disciplined person

and so these small things start
to stack and help you to believe

the things that the truths that you need to
believe to accomplish your goal and so you

know whether that is going to bed at a certain
time whether that is getting up at a certain time

it could be a very small habit that could lead to
your overall goal all right so principle here is

never underestimate how God can start something
big through one small habit the small things

that no one sees can lead to the big results
everyone wants success happens not by accident

but by habits uh Luke 16 10 of the New Living
Translation says if you are faithful in little

things you would be faithful and large ones that’s
all for this episode thank you for watching if you

liked the video give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 02/03/2024

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