You Reap What You Sow

Overflow Weekly

Issue # 019
| 07/15/2023

I hope you are doing well.

This past week, we discussed the law of reaping and sowing. In the book The Power To Change, Craig Groeschel says, “If you don’t like what you’re reaping, change what you’re sowing. If you don’t like the harvest, change the seed.”

When it comes to our mental health, we often feel alone and trapped. Making positive changes seems beyond our control.

What if I told you that your habits impact your mental health positively or negatively?

In the past, I had poor eating and sleeping habits. My sleeping and eating habits negatively impacted my weight and baseline anxiety level.

My Habit To Stop

I love coffee! I drank coffee for over ten years! When I finally got up the courage, I ran an experiment where I lowered the amount of coffee I consumed to see what might happen. It had such a big impact on my anxiety that I slowly weaned myself off coffee completely. I no longer drink coffee. This was a habit I decided I needed to stop to become my who.

How about you? Is there a habit you must stop to become the person you are called to be?

My Habit To Start

I love food! I mean, who doesn’t, right? For a while, I felt like I was much heavier than I had been in recent years. After stepping on the scale, I realized how big the problem was. To get better sleep, I decided I needed to lose weight.

My first step was to start tracking what I was consuming. I set my goal weight and used an app on my phone to tell me what my daily calorie intake should be. For the past two and a half months, I have diligently tracked my consumption.

What does that have to do with mental health?

I am in training, but I am not doing it alone. I am tracking what I consume and working on the quality of my sleep. I work on my habits and share the process with my Overflow Community Group. Both of these habits serve to lower my baseline anxiety level. I realize I am not doing these habits perfectly, but I am making progress!! When I struggle, I have a group of people I trust who can speak into my life. They encourage me to keep going and not give up hope.


  1. How about you? Are you in training?
  2. Do you have a group of people you share the process with?

If you or someone you care about are experiencing depression or anxiety, please know you don’t have to face them alone.

Check out the Overflow Community by tapping “Join the Overflow Community “. 👇

Last updated on: 01/27/2024
Overflow Weekly

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