The Power of Perfect Love

Overflow Weekly

Issue # 031
| 10/06/2023

In this week’s episode of Overflow, we learn about The Power of Perfect Love. In this chapter, Louie teaches us that “The counteragent for worry isn’t control. It’s faith rooted in love.”

Speaking of God, Louie says, “He has never loved you more because of your good deeds, nor has He ever loved you less because of the sinful acts you have committed. He is love. His love is unchanging. It is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.”

“And when we get that perfect love in our vision, locked into the center of the eyes of our heart as Paul said in Ephesians 1:18, we see that love and embrace that truth. In His love we have the only weapon we’ll ever need to extinguish and eradicate worry from our lives.”

Let’s shift our focus and talk about something more on the practical side of things.

What’s your operating system?

Louie says, “We have a hardware (our bodies) and a software (our minds and spirits). When it comes to winning the war on worry by recognizing the power of perfect love, we need to take a step back and ask ourselves, what operating system are we using?”


Fear → Control → Worry

Louie teaches us that “Fear spawns the need for control, which gives birth to worry. And from worry comes a whole host of unhealthy practices and compromises.”

“Our fear leads us to try to control. To try to stand up and straighten up. To take the necessary actions to avoid negative outcomes. But our shoulders were never meant to carry the weight of being in full control.”


Love → Surrender → Trust

“When we invite God into our worry and dwell in an abiding relationship with Jesus, our operating system shifts. Instead of fear being the motivator for our lives, we start with love.”

What I Am Learning

In my life, I have spent far too long with fear as my operating system. Life events and circumstances caused me to fear, and fear caused me to reach for control. The more my world was shaken, the greater my need for control. All of this led me to be filled with fear, dread, and worry.

The side effects of a life dominated by fear include stress, stomach problems, overwhelming anxiety, and depression. My heart was full of fear, and in return, it overflowed impacting my physical and brain health.

Over the last few months, a dramatic shift has occurred in my life. I certainly do not live this perfectly, but I start each day with love as my operating system. I regularly remind myself of God’s perfect love. I remind myself of God’s goodness and plan for my life.

Does it always work? NO. Many times, my brain needs help.

So what do I do?

I get honest with God through prayer. It goes a little something like this.

God, I am struggling today with XYZ. I need to be reminded of your perfect love. I need to see you show up big today. Please help me to find peace. -Amen

Now, this is not a one-and-done type of prayer. There are many days when I pray something similar throughout my day. But what I am learning is how to abide or dwell in God. He is my safe place, my refuge.


  1. Fear or Love: What operating system do you find yourself falling back on more often than others? What circumstances trigger you toward one operating system or the other?
  2. What would change in your life if you more richly understood how much God loves you?

If you or someone you care about are experiencing depression or anxiety, please know you don’t have to face them alone.

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Last updated on: 01/27/2024
Overflow Weekly

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