The Anatomy of Worry

Overflow Weekly

Issue # 028
| 09/13/2023

I hope you are doing well. In this week’s episode of Overflow, we continue our study on the book Winning the War on Worry by Louie Giglio. In chapter two, Louie teaches us that worry typically centers around five major themes.

5 Major Themes of Worry

We worry about:

  1. A dangerous outcome
  2. A threatening confrontation
  3. A shortage of resources
  4. Our ability
  5. Global Disaster

In the Garden, the Enemy caused Adam and Even to doubt God’s goodness and character, utilizing questions like Is God good? Can He be trusted? After eating the fruit, what they discovered was that God wasn’t trying to keep anything from them. In fact, He was trying to protect them.

Far too often, when we are bombarded by stress and anxiety, we begin to ask questions. We cry out to God, “Why is this happening to me?” We may start to wonder, “Where are you, God?” After being hit by one challenge after another, we may begin to question God’s goodness and character.

Have you been there? Boy, I sure have!

Louie teaches us that if you are feeling weighed down by feelings of worry, you are most likely trying to control something or someone you were not designed to control.

A Practical Exercise

Write out what is currently worrying you. Then, write out a corresponding truth about the character of God for each concern. How can you frequently remind yourself of these truths of God’s character?


  1. What are you trying to control right now?
  2. What do you need to surrender to God?

After answering these questions, I encourage you to find someone to share them with.

If you or someone you care about are experiencing depression or anxiety, please know you don’t have to face them alone.

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Last updated on: 01/27/2024
Overflow Weekly

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