Speak Life

Overflow Weekly

Issue # 041
| 12/15/2023

This week, we are learning how to Speak Life over the people around us.

Today, we face a barrage of information each day. Our brains are filtering and sorting notifications, ads, and requests on a level that seemed unimaginable before the rise of smartphones. With the blessing of technology comes a burden of information and new social pressures. We are constantly bombarded by critical and accusatory voices all around us.

I don’t know about you, but I enjoy receiving authentic, positive affirmations from others. That statement sounds so needy, but it is true. So why do we feel so weak when we make statements like that? Why can’t we admit we need others to speak into our lives without feeling desperate or pathetic?

A lot of it comes down to the fact that we don’t like to need and depend on others. We have somehow bought into this self-sufficiency myth. The glorification of being self-made. Our desire is not to be vulnerable with others when positive affirmation is precisely what we need. In fact, it is how we were designed as children of God.

Today, I encourage you to review the application below and look for ways to speak life over those around you! Remember, those around you need it!


  1. Practice speaking words of life to those around you.
    This can mean a variety of things. Everything from telling people you love them, admire them, or that you are proud of them.

    Here are some practical ideas:
    – Take time to leave sticky notes reassuring people how you feel about them.
    – Write them a birthday card telling them what they mean to you or how they’ve impacted your life.
    – Find little ways to recognize important events or milestones in their lives.
    – Leave them a voicemail to encourage them.
  2. Practice speaking Biblical truths over those around you.
    The Bible teaches us that “life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).”
    We can positively impact those around us by emphasizing spiritual truths that will instill hope in those around us.

    Some examples could be:
    “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalms 139:14 NIV)
    “God has big plans for you!” (Jeremiah 29:11)
    “You are not alone. God is with you!” (Joshual 1:9 NLT)
  3. Practice speaking truth over them.
    By faithfully speaking truth over them, you are helping them to establish their identity in Christ. Here are some other ways you can speak over them.

    – Share ways you have observed their efforts rather than speaking solely about their appearance or abilities.

    Some examples:
    “I noticed you shared your lunch with your friend when they forgot theirs the other day.”
    “I’ve noticed you have been putting in more practice in preparation for thei big game.”
    “I saw how you were really patient with me and listened to my viewpoint even when you disagreed.”

    – Remember to be direct and honest. People can tell when you are not telling them the truth. Especially kids and teens! By doing so, you will build credibility, and they will come to expect it from you.

    – Avoid being overly critical, especially in public. Providing helpful feedback is one thing, but criticism can damage your relationship. Doing so in public is a form of shaming.

If you or someone you care about are experiencing depression or anxiety, please know you don’t have to face them alone.

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Last updated on: 01/27/2024
Overflow Weekly

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