Kept in Perfect Peace

Overflow Weekly

Issue # 035
| 10/31/2023

This week, we wrap up our study of Winning the War on Worry. Louie shows us how to take a step toward freedom in the battle against worry.

Louie says, “You now have the proper tools to step into the fight and to stand your ground. There will be days when you’ll get it right. When you’ll trust in your identity as a loved son or daughter of God and when you practice gratitude–taking captive the lies of worry and replacing those thoughts with ones that are pure and lovely. And there will be days you’ll feel like you’re outnumbered or like you’ve made no progress in your mission.”

Boy, that sure does resonate with me! There are days I feel on top of the world. Days when I feel like I am making great progress. Then, there are days when I feel defeated or at a standstill.

What do we do when we feel defeated?

Focus on the Micro and Macro Picture

“Given the length of this fight and the likelihood of the highs and lows, I want to encourage you to focus both on the micro and the macro picture.”


This is your today. Right now, in this moment, maybe this hour.

Questions to think about:

  1. How can you win the next fight in front of you?
  2. How can I take captive this thought? How can I replace this worry?

Don’t look ahead. Don’t look side to side. Look up!

Fix your eyes on Jesus.

Win this fight. Take this step. Claim this ground. Focus on the small picture.


“The war is already over. Jesus has already conquered sin, death, hell, and the grave.”

Remember Fear’s Operating System?
It begins with fear, but remember that Jesus has already defeated fear once and for all.

“For those who have put their faith in Jesus, we no longer need to fall back into fear. We are no longer bound by the ways of this world or the workings of the Enemy. We are freed. And more than that, we’re placed into a new family-one where we can, with intimacy, call upon our Father and He will answer.”

Louie reminds us

  1. “The macro picture of assurance fuels our micro picture of launching our assault on worry.”
  2. “…freedom, hope, joy, peace, and refuge are not only available, but they are also our inheritance.”

A Step Towards Freedom

“Jesus has given you all you need for life and godliness.” (2 Peter 1:3)

“…Worry is a lie from the Enemy. We can’t necessarily stop him from talking, but we can choose who we listen to: the Enemy or our heavenly Father.”


“Fear can lead to our desire to control, which fuels worry. But God’s perfect love drives out fear. When we embrace His love, we move toward surrender and a life characterized by trust.”

“As we finish, remember that the peace of God-the one that Paul said surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and your mind (Philippians 4:7). God is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you to Himself blameless and pure (Ephesians 5:27). You are a loved son or a loved daughter of the King of the universe.”


  1. What is one thing you will do to take a step towards freedom? Write it down and share it with someone you trust.

If you or someone you care about are experiencing depression or anxiety, please know you don’t have to face them alone.

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Last updated on: 01/27/2024
Overflow Weekly

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