Overflow Weekly

Issue # 030
| 09/28/2023

In this week’s episode of Overflow, we learn about inviting God into our worry. In this chapter, Louie teaches us how to go on the offensive.

What does it mean to invite God into our worry, and why is it important?

“When we invite God into our worry, we surrender or offboard our need for control and we onboard His call to dwell and abide in Him. ” -Louie Giglio

What does it mean to abide?

To abide is to remain or to dwell.

Louie explains it like this, “To stay in a constant posture of surrender and dependency, not on your own strength and your own power but on the character and nature of God.” [1]

So, where do we start?

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done”

Philippians 4:6 NLT

If you are anything like me, you might be thinking, “Craig, I have heard this verse a thousand times! I thought you were going to show me something practical.” I understand that just telling you not to worry is not helpful. What we need to understand here is, “…Paul wasn’t just saying ‘don’t worry.’ He was giving you an additional offensive step to take. He was encouraging you to invite God into your worry by telling Him everything that’s concerning you.” [1]

Tell God What You Need

Telling God everything that concerns you is a huge part of abiding. It is the most practical advice I could share with you. Invite God into your anxiety and worry through prayer. Start by calling out to Him. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He’s done. When you do this, God is in the middle of your worry with you.

Louie says, “…the act of inviting God into our worry is one of the most crucial strategies of winning this war.”

Practical Exercise

A big hurdle when it comes to abiding in Jesus is slowing down. Getting quiet before God can be hard when our mind is racing or when we struggle to focus because of the demands of life. Louie shares a fantastic practical exercise just for this.

“We start by breathing out the lies that cause us to feel anxious or stressed. Next, we need to fill that space with something good, something true. As we breathe in, we claim a promise of God.” [1]


  • “Breathe out, ‘I’m abandoned.’ Breathe in, ‘God is in me.'”
  • “Breathe out, ‘My enemies are against me?’ Breathe in, ‘God is for me.”
  • “Breathe out, ‘I am weak.’ Breathe in, ‘God is bigger than me.'”
  • “Breathe out, ‘I am lacking?’ Breathe in, ‘God is enough for me.'”
  • “Breathe out, ‘I am forgotten.’ Breathe in, ‘God is faithful to me.'”


  1. “God wants to hear about what concerns you. What holds you back from going to God with the big and small things that weigh you down?”
  2. “The Scriptures often describe God as a place of refuge. What does refuge mean, and why would it be beneficial for you to have a strong and sturdy refuge to run to?”

[1] Giglio, L. (2022). Winning the War On Worry – Cultivate a Peaceful Heart and a Confident Mind. Thomas Nelson.

If you or someone you care about are experiencing depression or anxiety, please know you don’t have to face them alone.

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Last updated on: 01/27/2024
Overflow Weekly

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