The human brain is one of the most fascinating creations on planet Earth. One could spend their entire life devoted to studying the brain and not scratch the surface of all it has to offer. What we choose to believe in our lives has the power to raise us up or derail our lives for all eternity. It is no wonder that our Enemy, The Devil, spends a vast amount of time and energy right in the middle of shaping or reshaping our belief system. It is in our belief system where most of the battle is won or lost. If this area is so important to the human condition, why do we, as believers, not spend more time here? Shaping our children’s beliefs should be at the top of our lists as parents. Still, we spend time on things like not raising one of “those” types of kids. Largely as parents, I believe we make parenting about ourselves and not about the kids. Yep, I said it, we are selfish.

We Are Selfish

I do not have to spend much time to show you that humans are selfish, do I? As parents, we do not teach our kids to say “mine.” This response is innate, something we come out of the womb with. So why so much hostility when I suggest that parents are selfish? Usually, when we fight some type of feedback, it is because, deep down, we know there is truth in it

It is not that shaping our children into being a well-mannered, productive member of society is such a bad thing. The problem lies in that we are not giving our kids essential truth (Bible-based) to take with them into adulthood. We fail in teaching our kids about identity in Christ, what it means to live for Christ, and finding our Chazown or dream. Why? I believe it is because we, as adults, do not have a good grip on what these things mean for us. We cannot teach what we do not understand.

I am not suggesting, nor do I believe, that we are doomed as a species. I am saying we need to wake up to what is really important as humans, as parents, and as Believers. This topic is extremely broad, so I will begin by covering the lies that we believe have such a strong pull on our lives. Being able to discern truth from lies is one of the essentials of living as a believer. If we cannot tell the difference, we will fall for lies every time.

Discerning Truth from Lies

How can I say that we, as humans, cannot tell the difference between the truth and lies? I am guilty of believing lies and applying those lies to my life. These lies or agreements are beliefs about life or anything which set themselves up against the knowledge of God(the Bible). As long as these agreements present themselves as truth in our lives, they have the power to prevent us as Believers from living the lives God has planned for us as His children.

Picture of Craig Booker

Craig Booker

I'm the founder of Overflow. Through its newsletter, podcast, community group, and YouTube channel, Overflow helps you improve your well-being.


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