Own Your Thoughts

Have you ever set out to watch something new but found yourself going back to your old TV shows? Have you ever set out to go somewhere and found yourself going to the wrong place? Maybe you were headed to eat and found yourself driving to your old job.

The human brain loves patterns. Patterns can be thought of as the path of least resistance. They are familiar, comfortable, and easy. When it comes to our thoughts, we tend to follow what’s familiar. In a sense, we follow our thoughts rather than leading our thoughts.

We all have those thoughts and behaviors we go back to. The more we go back to a particular way of thinking, the harder it can be to break the pattern. Our default thoughts are so easy that we do them without thinking about it. As a result of this ease, it will take deliberate and intentional action to reclaim ownership of our thoughts.

How do these default thought patterns begin?

The biggest contributor is our past experiences. These are the events and circumstances we have lived through. They are the behaviors we have seen modeled from a young age. Repetitive exposure to circumstances helps shape how we will respond to these in the future.

Much of our current view about ourselves comes from these default thoughts and beliefs. So what do we do when these are wrong? Many of us play these thoughts on repeat without realizing they’re not true. We inadvertently shape our lives with incorrect and incomplete information.

In her book Reset, Debra Fileta shares some examples she has collected from years of counseling. Let’s take a look at some of those examples.

  • You have to work hard to be valuable.
  • People won’t stick around unless you give them a reason to do so.
  • I need to care for others and not myself.
  • Showing feelings is a weakness.
  • I don’t fit in, and I never will.

Maybe you listen to this list, and you think they are silly. Or perhaps you find ones on that list that you identify with. Maybe you have some of your own you would like to add to that list.

“If you want to change your default thinking, you have to recognize it first.” Debra Fileta

Own Them Before They Own You

If we are going to be both mentally and emotionally healthy people, we need to be able to identify the negative patterns of thinking and then face them.
Even more, we need to be able to get to the root cause.

Remember that thoughts lead to feelings, which lead to behaviors. We need to address the underlying thoughts so we can change our behaviors.

Oh, and remember that your current default thoughts didn’t happen overnight. So, offer yourself a little grace as you go through this process.

Verse for Reflection

“We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).


[1] Fileta, D. (2023). Reset. Harvest House Publishers.

Show Notes

Episode Description

In this episode, we discuss the chapter What’s On Replay. This is part of a study inspired by Reset – Powerful Habits to Own Your Thoughts, Understand Your Feelings, and Change Your Life by Debra Fileta. We take concepts from the book each week and apply them to brain health.


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welcome to the Overflow podcast my name is Craig
Booker the title of this episode is what’s on

replay the material in this episode is inspired
by reset by Deborah feda I will talk a lot about

mental health but please note that this is not a
substitute for therapy or mental health care own

your thoughts have you ever set out to watch
something new but found yourself going back

to the same old TV shows have you ever set out
to go somewhere and found yourself going to the

wrong place maybe you were headed to eat and you
found yourself driving to your old job the human

brain loves patterns patterns can be thought
of as the path of least resistance they are

familiar comfortable and easy when it comes to
our thoughts we tend to follow what’s familiar

in a sense we follow our thoughts rather than
leading our thoughts we all have those thought

thoughts and behaviors we go back to the more we
go back to a particular way of thinking the harder

it can be to break the pattern our default
thoughts are so easy that we do them without

thinking about it as a result of this ease it will
take deliberate and intentional action to reclaim

ownership of our thoughts how do these difficult
thought patterns begin the biggest contributor

is our past experiences these are the events and
circumstances we have lived through they are the

behaviors we have seen modeled from a young age
repetitive exposure to circumstances helps shape

how we will respond to these in the future much
of our current view about ourselves comes from

these default thoughts and beliefs so what do we
do when these these thoughts and beliefs are wrong

many of us play these thoughts on repeat without
realizing they’re not true we inadvertently shape

our lives with incorrect or incomplete information
in her book reset Deborah F shares some examples

she has collected from years of counseling let’s
take a look at some of those examples again we’re

talking about these default thoughts or patterns
of thinking that people have that people gravitate

towards so uh one example could be you have to
work hard to be valuable a second one could be

people won’t stick around unless you give them
a reason to do so third might be I need to care

for others and not myself uh next could be showing
feelings as a weakness and last I don’t fit in and

I never will maybe you listen to this list and you
think they are silly or perhaps you find ones on

the list that you identify with maybe you found
some of your own and would like to add to that

list deor says if you want to change your default
thinking you have to recognize it first all right

let’s talk about own them before they own you if
we are going to be both mentally and emotionally

healthy people we need to be able to identify the
negative patterns of thinking and then face them

even more we need to be able to get to the root
cause remember that thoughts lead to feelings

which lead to behaviors we need to address the
underly thoughts so we can change our behaviors

oh and remember that your current default thoughts
didn’t happen overnight so offer yourself a little

Grace as you go through this process verse
for reflection second Corinthians 10:5 says we

take captive every thought to make it obedient to
Christ that’s all for this episode if you like the

video please give us a thumbs up and be sure to
subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 05/25/2024

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