The Loop

Craig Groeschel tells a great story about his dog Sadie.

Sadie follows predictable routines based on visual cues.
We tend to do the same thing. Like Sadie, we are creatures of habit. We respond to simple cues.

And if we’re going to start healthy habits and stop hurtful ones,
We need to first make sure we understand how habits work.

What Is a Habit?

A habit is like autopilot or cruise control for the brain. The human brain seeks out ways to save energy. One of the ways it accomplishes this is through habits. Habits allow us to do things without engaging the brain to think about them or the need to make decisions.

A  habit allows good or bad behavior to happen without your brain having to take charge. -Craig Groeschel

How Are Habits Born?

    1. Cue

    1. Response

    1. Reward

James Clear adds a fourth option:

    1. Cue

    1. Craving

    1. Response

    1. Reward [2]

A trigger that alerts your brain to go into autopilot by engaging the habit. [1]

The craving is the physical, mental, or emotional need the cue leads you to want to satisfy.

The response is the behavior you routinely fall into.

The reward is how the behavior makes you feel.

If you engage in the same loop–cue, craving, response, reward–enough times, the process will become automatic. -Craig Groeschel

Get Intentional About Your Cues

    1. Place

    1. Time

    1. Mood

    1. Moments

    1. People

“A place can be the cue that initiates a habit loop.”
When you get in bed, your body knows it is time to sleep.


“Certain times can trigger behaviors.”

If you typically exercise early in the morning, you might feel inspired to go for a run or ride a bicycle.

At night, when everyone is asleep, you may tend to worry as you lie in bed.

“Time and place matter a lot. When we create a plan for establishing new habits and ending old ones, time and place will be essential.”

Here’s our strategy:

    1. We will create time and place triggers to start a good habit.

    1. We will remove time and place triggers to stop a bad habit.

“Moods can cue cravings and lead us into behaviors.”

HALT Acronym
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired.

“Certain types of moments launch specific habit loops.”

“Wrong people can be cues that lead us in the wrong direction. The good news is that right people can trigger right behavior. Studies prove that the closer you get to someone, the more likely it is you’ll have the same habits.”


Working through the five major triggers/cues, list positives and negatives for each in your life right now. Remember, these are to discover consistent tendencies, not one-off incidents.

Places that cue a positive response:
Places that trigger a negative response:

Times that cue a positive response:
Times that trigger a negative response:

Moods that cue a positive response:
Moods that trigger a negative response:

Moments that cue a positive response:
Moments that trigger a negative response:

People that cue a positive response:
People that trigger a negative response:


A habit is basically behavioral autopilot born of the process of cue, craving, response, and reward.

Walk with the wise and become wise;
associate with fools and get in trouble.
-Proverbs 13:20 NLT


[1] Groeschel, C. (2023). The Power to Change: Mastering the Habits That Matter Most. Zondervan.

[2] Clear, J. M. (2018). Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones.

Show Notes

Episode Description

In this episode, we discuss The Loop. We discover how habits are born. This is part of a study inspired by The Power To Change by Craig Groeschel. Each week, I take concepts from Pastor Craig Groeschel’s book, The Power To Change, and apply them to brain health.


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Hello and welcome to The Overflow Podcast. My name
is Craig Booker. The title of this episode is The

Loop a lot of the material for this week’s episode
was inspired by Craig Groeschel’s book The Power to

Change – Mastering the Habits That Matter Most. Note:
I will talk a lot about mental health but please

note this is not a substitute for therapy or
mental health care I am not a counselor or a

physician if you need help with mental health
challenges please find a qualified mental

health professional so last week we talked about
flossing saved my life we were talking about if

we want to make positive changes we don’t have to
do really big miraculous things to make changes in

our life we just have to start small with small
habits we’re picking up from there this week we

are talking about the title of this section is
the loop in this chapter or this section Craig

Rochelle goes on talking about telling this story
and it he kind of takes a funny approach to it and

he starts out talking about he’s talking about his
dog Sadie and he starts talking about Sadie as if

Sadie is a human being almost or he gives you the
impression but he throws some humor in there about

about Sadie uh you know messing in their yard and
so uh he talked he tells this great story about

Sadie to illustrate a point and he said Sadie
follows predictable routines based on visual

cues so he goes into a describing how you know
when he goes to the back door and he I believe

he grabs a leash that Sadie knows what’s going to
happen next or if you know he grabs I guess the

garbage cans and starts making his way down the
driveway Sadie knows that they’re taking out the

trash and Sadie’s running down the driveway he’s
using these illustrations of his dog Sadie to show

how Sadie follows these predictable routines based
on visual cues likewise as human beings we tend

to do the same thing like Sadie we are creatures
of habit we respond to simple cues and if we’re

going to start healthy habits and stop hurtful
ones we need to First make sure we we understand

how habits work what is a habit a habit is like
autopilot or cruise control for your brain the

human brain seeks out ways to save energy and one
of the ways it accomplishes this is through habits

habits allow us to do things without engaging
the brain to think about them or the need to make

decisions quote Craig Rochelle says a habit allows
a good or bad behavior to happen without your

brain having to take charge you know some of the
examples I think that he discusses in this chapter

are like if you’ve ever driven a vehicle maybe to
work or to a place that you go to frequently you

know sometimes you get there and you don’t even
remember how you got there or you don’t remember

driving there and that happens because your brain
has formed a habit for going to that destination

um and so it’s pretty crazy that our brains can do
that um but we get in a routine and that’s how our

brains can serve energy is through that habit
how are habits born and there’s Concepts that

a lot of experts agree upon and these that are
presented first and the notes are Q like c-u-e

response reward so another habits expert if you
haven’t heard of James Clear James Clear wrote a

book called Atomic habits if you’re if you like
to read or listen to audiobooks it’s a it’s an

awesome book to check out and learn more about the
process of forming habits but James Clear adds a

fourth option that Craig Rochelle references
in this so you still have the cue craving the

response but he adds a fourth reward just to
give a little bit of detail on each of these

a q is a trigger that alerts your brain to go
into autopilot by engaging The Habit craving is

the physical mental or emotional need the cue
leads you to want to satisfy and the response

is the behavior you routinely fall into and then
there’s reward and the reward is how the behavior

makes you feel another quote if you engage in the
same Loop Q craving response reward enough times

the process will become automatic and that’s
Craig Rochelle we’re going to get intentional

about our cues so these are things that if you
already have the Habit you probably don’t even

recognize that they’re there he goes into detail
about some potential cues the different kind of

categories and one of them is place so a specific
place a time a mood different moments and people

so Place time mood moments and people places and
a place can be the cue that initiates initiates

a habit Loop example when you get in bed your
body knows it’s time to sleep now that’s kind of

given that you don’t do a lot of other things
when you go to bed like you don’t stay up and

watch TV a lot you know a lot of other activities
like reading in bed experts recommend that you

only sleep in bed right so your body has that cue
to you know get you into the proper mood or state

of mind to sleep Place could be your bed if you
work at a desk and you only use that desk for work

your body or your brain would know that when you
go to that desk it’s time to work there’s times

certain times can trigger behaviors example if
you typically exercise early in the morning you

might feel inspired to go for a run or ride a
bicycle at night when everyone is asleep you

may tend to worry as you lie in bed the book says
time and place matter a lot when we create a plan

for establishing new habits and ending old ones
time and place will will be essential so these

are really important things to take note of when
we’re trying to establish new habits or possibly

when we’re trying to stop old ones here’s our
strategy we’ll create time and place triggers to

start a good habit we will remove time and place
triggers to stop a bad one next category is moods

moods can cue cravings and lead us into behaviors
there’s an acronym that was provided in the book

and it’s something I’ve heard elsewhere it’s
the the acronym Halt h-a-l-t and that stands for

Hungry angry lonely and tired it goes into detail
talking about how these specific moods can be cues

for different habits you know like if you’re alone
at night you may be prompted to do something that

you normally wouldn’t do if you’re you’re angry
and tired so you have a a couple of these things

of these moods going going on that could cue
your body to do something that you’ll regret

a lot of times when I’m angry and tired that’s
just not a good combination for anything or I’m

not going to have a lot of productive behaviors
when I’m in that mood we also have moments so

certain types of moments launch specific habit
Loops we also have people and it says the wrong

people can be cues that lead us in the wrong
direction the good news is that right people

can trigger right Behavior studies prove that the
closer you get to someone the more likely it is

that you’ll have the same habits I don’t know you
know what your personal experience with this is

but I know that in my past when I hung out with
certain people it led to not the best behaviors

and so you know at the time maybe I didn’t
realize it but after a little while I realized

that hanging out with those people usually was
not positive that’s why hanging out and finding

the right group of friends is really important if
we want to make positive changes to our life for

example uh you know this group we have a group
of individuals here that in some way understand

the challenges we’re all facing likewise this
group can encourage us because they know what

we’re struggling with and what we all kind of
want to accomplish we’re all looking to make

positive changes in our life or help other people
make positive changes so this group can come

together and encourage one another to establish
these habits and so that’s one great example of

people we have an exercise in this exercise we’re
working through five major Trigger or cues okay

so you can use like trigger as a replacement for Q
work through the five major trigger cues and lists

positive and negatives for each in your life right
now so we’re going to go through this don’t feel

like you have to do this right now but I would
encourage you this week if you have time to go

through this on your own you know if you run into
the speed bumps or get stuck on something feel

free to reach out to me or other people in the
group remember these are to discover consistent

Tendencies not one-off incidents so what we’re
trying to do is uncover patterns in our Behavior

we give different categories in this exercise of
each of those things we discuss so places times

moods moments and people and other places we have
places that cue a positive response we have places

that trigger a negative response there there are
just certain places that you go that can either

have a positive or negative response and that
trigger us to do something positive or negative I

think one of the examples he gives is if you’re in
church most likely you’re not going to be tempted

to want to like smoke marijuana or something
in church likewise if you’re in church you’re

probably going to be more attuned or more likely
to want to pray and connect with God because your

brain is formed a habit of knowing when you go
to church that is for worship and that is for

connecting with God in prayer and learning through
the word so likewise you could have places that

trigger a negative response you know depending
on your background I want to be sensitive to

that say you if you go to a bar or a place that
serves alcohol that may be a cue or a trigger

that you know invokes a negative response and
that you do things that you later regret and

then we have times and we’re going to do this
is very similar to one before we’re going to

have times that q a positive response and times
that trigger a negative response a lot of people

in the evening it’s dark and it’s late a lot of
times that time of day cues a negative response

for a negative behavior so that could be like a
time of day that you have to be you know pretty

careful about your behaviors likewise that time of
day could cue a positive response maybe you have

a routine that you get up in the morning and you
have a quiet time where you’re spending time with

God you’re in your Bible you’re praying maybe
you’re seeing some worship songs and that is a

time of day that cues a positive response
so we have moods and we’re likewise we’re

gonna we’re gonna look at moods that cue
a positive response or a negative response

yeah we talked about those four that halt acronym
hungry angry lonely and tired if we have if we

make observe that we’re experiencing one of
those moods we can probably see a pattern in

behavior when we’re feeling either lonely angry
tired or hungry that something comes after that

likewise we may have certain moods that that cue
a positive response we have moments there are

certain moments that cue a positive and negative
response then we have people we talked about that

already but this is a exercise that you can go
through and just do some reflection to try to

identify some patterns in your life the passage
of scripture here is Proverbs 13 20 and this is

the New Living Translation it says walk with the
wise and become wise associate with fools and get

in trouble that’s all for this episode thank
you for watching if you like the video give

us a thumbs up and be sure to subscribe
so you don’t miss out on future episodes

Last updated on: 02/03/2024

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