Renew Remain Acknowledge Ask

Overflow Weekly

Issue # 025
| 08/24/2023

I hope you are doing well. This week, we learned how to walk in the Spirit.

As we work towards making positive changes to our brain health, we will face moments where we want to quit our new habit. Or maybe you are trying to quit a bad habit, and you find yourself tempted to do what you don’t want to do.

What do we do?

In this week’s discussion, we learned about four strategies to help us walk in the Spirit.

  • Renew your mind
  • Remain in Jesus as your home.
  • Acknowledge your need.
  • Ask God directly for his help.

Walking in the Spirit

There are two R’s for before the moment. Then there are the two A’s for in the moment.

Before the Moment

It’s important we practice the two R’s, renew and remain, before the moment so we will be ready in the moment. We renew our minds by reading the Bible and memorizing scripture. We spend time in prayer or being still before God. We remain in him by making Jesus our home and staying in him. This is all about a closeness or intimacy with Jesus.

In the Moment

The time will come when our flesh will deceive us. In its arrogance, our flesh will say things like, “You got this! It’s all you!” It’s at this point where we must ignore that voice and acknowledge we can’t, but God can. We ask God to give us strength in the moment. And after the moment has passed, we continue asking God for his help.

Maybe this moment-by-moment dependence on God is new to you. I assure you that you are not alone. I am learning each day to live out Galatians 5:16-17.

“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.”

Galatians 5:16-17


  1. What are you doing before the moment to prepare you when you are in the moment?
  2. What part of the two R’s, renew or remain, do you struggle with the most and why?
  3. What part of the two A’s, acknowledge or ask, trips you up the most and why?
  4. How have you seen God show up for you in the moment?

If you or someone you care about are experiencing depression or anxiety, please know you don’t have to face them alone.

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Last updated on: 01/27/2024
Overflow Weekly

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